April 20, 2023: Ezekiel 4-5 -- When God Has You Remain Silent

:bible2: Ezekiel 4:1 โ€“ When God Has You Remain Silent

Pastor JD :hawaiianshirt_1: explains how that often times, God, like with Ezekiel, will have us to remain silent, by instead, speaking loudly, only through our actions.

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:mag_right: More Ezekiel Bible Study Videos


Very powerful teaching.
Please give us ears to hear what you wd say to us, Father, through your word , through the preaching of your Holy word may your spirit move in our hearts. How it broke your heart to punish your ancient people Israel. How it terrifies us to see churches going apostate and bronging that judgement down upon us. Grant us repentant hearts that we will be the few hairs caught up โ€ฆ
Thank you for pastor Farag. Please protect him and his sheep


Thank you Pastor for this teaching about Godโ€™s judgment and punishment coming from sinfulness and rebellion of His people. I can see a Loving and merciful God that is also Just. We can see Godโ€™s judgment coming on the horizon and shutter in horror of that time that is nearly upon us, โ€˜The Worstโ€™ of times in human history.
Thank You Lord that Jesus paid my debt and I am pardoned and Maranatha!

***I want to add that I am Sooooooo thankful our God has forgiven me