Pastor JD addresses an often-asked question of what we can do to prepare for what’s coming, and in some ways is already here, prior to the pre-tribulation rapture.
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Dear Abba, Father, we pray that you would open the eyes of the hearts of all of those we know and love. Help them to reach out in this present darkness and find your outstretched hand. May all of us, and all of the ones you’ve given us to love, get to Heaven! Oh, Father, you know our hearts and give us the longings of them. See the ones we hold there in our hearts, I pray. For you, nothing is impossible. . . May the impossibly blind ones and lost ones; deceived and distracted ones; confused and denying ones find you in the darkness and come unto Jesus, the Light!
@SongSparrow , the phrase " Democrats And Globalists" tells me that Alex Newman still stuck in Left/Right political fights as designed by TPTB. I can say some prophecy teachers I listened to are still stuck in this mentality. No mention about the Rightist side yes? Bush rolled out Patriot Act after 9/11, then Trump the Ops Warp Speed, I exposed JD Vance, Thiel and Elon in this forum as well.
The Wake Up Call fella expose Rightist Digital ID here:
Thank you, Dennis. I understand your point . . . The “two wings of the same bird” understanding. Still, from whichever side this comes doesn’t matter. Our children are targets of great evil and I just long for all to join me in prayer for their protection going forward. For as long as we are still here, as Pastor JD encouraged us; the Holy Spirit, prayer, and the Word are our offense against this present darkness. Amen?
“…unless those days were shortened…” “…I will make man more scarce than gold…”
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Phil.4:6-7 If you are a believer you need not be afraid.
A believer is not necessarily a ‘good person’; not someone who belongs to and attends a church; not someone who keeps the ten commandments or the sermon on the mount.
A believer is anyone, who at one time in their life, realized they were a sinner guilty before a holy righteous God. And that person decided to trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Grace and peace.
Boy did I need to reread this scripture, and read it again, and read it again, after watching the video, Robbie. And started singing that old song, I believe it was a song that soldiers sang??? “Hey Ma I wanna go home.” Praise God that He sees everyone of us in their evil k boxes as precious. Oh, Father, protect and keep us safe until Jesus comes.
Beautiful and spirit filled prayer dear sis. In full agreement with you that the blind, deceived, distracted, confused, denying ones will find Him. He came for them, ALL of them. I am one of them; praise God I have been set free from sin and death. Heaven seems like a dream. Oh, I know it is real. I couldn’t live in this world if I didn’t have that hope, but my feeble, human mind cannot comprehend nor even in part imagine what it will be like. I just know that I want to; no, I NEED to see Him face to face and touch the nails scars on His hands, feel the deep scars on His back, side, and feet. I will then be in need of nothing else except to praise His name for eternity. Hallelujah!
All I can say today is that I am so thankful for my Pastor JD, his family and congregation. He has been so faithful to preach, teach the Word with no compromise. He has walked away from an organized network because he does not agree with (by his knowledge of the Word of God) in some of the things believed or being done in the name of Christ and for many other reasons. That certainly took boldness and a close walk with the Lord for him to make such a decision. I say this because of other churches I follow online have become (IMO) too flexible in shepherding their flock. So many are off doing other things and not keeping a close watch on their own church family (flock). That is probably why I am seeing less and less being saved in these churches and more coming for the ear tickling. I pray for these pastors as it is quite possible they are being deceived or led astray. It is very tempting to get offers to come and speak here and there and I am sure it is nice to get away and let your other pastors teach, preach while you are gone. But what is happening is that now their church is full of those who come and go for certain topics but not really learning and applying the Word to their life.
Boy, that is a mouth full or page full in this case. It has been heavy on my heart as I see this happening. I wrote all this to say that we must not get distracted from what God has called us to do. Maybe I am seeing it wrong, and I hope so, but when the alter call is just an afterthought, the individual attention to those who seek prayer, guidance, healing are quickly dismissed so that the next service may start, is this what God wants to see in the gathering together. Worship music; oh, don’t get me started on that, has become so inconsequential that we don’t care what songs are being sung, just fill in the time slot.
O.k., I am done. Again, I am thankful for Calvary Kaneohe, the simple but scripturally sound worship, and the preaching, teaching of the Word. Love you Pastor & family, church.
I wish you’d stop beating around the bush and just tell us how you really feel, .
Joking aside, I agree with ya. Lots of division in churches and between churches and churches from our LORD. Difficult to guide people to Jesus when you can’t guide the flock in the same direction.
Also, remember He was with the three when Nebuchadnezzar threw them in the fiery furnace?
It is so much better for us, who have Jesus Christ living in us.
So He is also in these ‘kill boxes’ with us.
He will never, ever forsake us who have at one time decided to put our trust in Him.
Grace and peace.
Well said … I like JD’s authenticity. He is transparent with us about when and how he seeks the Spirit and clearly follows. I’ve learned from him in asking “permission.”
He is a great leader - a shepherd within God’s flock.
I’m reminded of something Jimmy Root said in a recent Sunday morning sermon. If you aren’t familiar with Jimmy… Last Days Awakening on YT Wed nights live @6PM Texas time.
Anyways, he was talking about how exhilarating mountain top experiences are… but you can’t live on a mountain top. You live in the valleys where things grow. Add to that the fact that our Lord’s family grows best under pressure. The ‘kill box,’ this box canyon (cuz Texas, ya know) might be similar to the hollow victory the enemy suffered at the cross. This strategy could very well bring many lost and rebellious to trust Jesus to save them.
I’m not happy about all the evil spreading its greedy tentacles into every sliver of people’s lives. Hubbydude and I pray (@SongSparrow Brenda, I’m gonna borrow your beautiful prayer, if you don’t mind. Cobble it with Carol Anne’s and incorporate both into mine.)
We are the last generation, and there is no more time to focus on this world, but this is a time to focus only on Jesus! We are so incredibly close, remember we will be home in an instant, our mansion is waiting for us.
I was listening to Katherine Watt, and it was a flashback through my decades. She covered a lot of ground with her synopsis.
As I was learning these changes of the government, I became anxious over their implementation; however, as time went on, I realized that God was allowing the laws or agreements to be written for a later time. He was holding them back, slowing their progress, and frustrating their advancements. I learned to take a deep breath - or four - and calm down.
We have arrived at the later time, but I am not anxious.
The verse, Philippians 4: 6-7, was one of the places in God’s Word that I kept repeating to myself until it stuck.