I also just got home from seeing it at the theater. You’re right, it was very good. I can’t believe critics are scrutinizing it so negatively. I think Quaid deserves an Oscar!
We were in Guthrie Oklahoma while it was being filmed and accidentally ran across the filming one day while on a family outing so of course we couldn’t wait to see it when it finally came out.
We took our 25 year old daughter. It’s so important that young people see it and know the true history. I lived it and can vouch for the authenticity.
“A few years later (or even sooner), the Gospel of Bug Eating will likely also be widespread in the religious world, especially among academic pundits and megachurch/parachurch leaders. They will go through the Bible and church history with a magnifying glass looking for texts and traditions to support insect consumption. Since he subsisted on a diet of locusts and honey (Mark 1:6), even John the Baptist will find himself on the bandwagon (more on this phenomenon later).”
Citing Bruce Davidson, professor of humanities at Hokusei Gakuen University in Sapporo, Japan article.
A.K.A Thou Shalt not eat meat!
1 Tim 4:3b
commanding to abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.
Well rest assured that at worst he is likely to be dealing with a lot of rain, limited wind problems. The last official fatality count I heard was 9 and that number is spread out over the entire country from Kyushu to Kansai. So chance are good he is safe. Here is my question, you nephew is he in the military. I ask because there will be limited places he would be and rest assured the military is always way ahead of storm problems.
I called my old base PMO office late last week. After assuring them I was not some weirdo I was able to find out what they have done to deal with the storm and what the current conditions were before the storm moved through. They were shut down, no leaving the base which I thought was strange especially for those that might live off base. In my day they shut down the working except for medical, emergency and limited cafeteria so people could get something to eat. In my day as soon as the shut down time came I was in my car and on the road to Hiroshima even as the storm was hitting. Yeah dumb thing to do and it almost cost me getting slammed sideways in to walls where the waves were breaking over the seawall where the highway was close to the water. But I would always make it to Hiroshima and find a safe place to lay low, some parking lot inside or later at my now in-laws home to make sure the house was secured from wind damage.
Anyway if he is in the military he is guaranteed to be very safe. If he is in the general population, unless he was where it first made land fall and dump the greatest amounts of rain he is still safe. My wife rode the storm out at the house in Hiroshima and was in constant phone contact with my DIL and grandson who are on Kyushu but on the NE coast area. They have limited wind problems a fair amount of rain but not enough to cause immediate flooding. By Saturday, any rivers in their area had passed peak and what ever flooding they had was gone.
Over all as storms go this one was very mild. It just sounded worse because of the government rules to over react with large scale forced evacuations. After the 2011 quake and tsunami they now always err on the side of extreme caution and that means massive evacuations which sounds like it is really bad. So all my family and friends from Kyushu to Tokyo are safe and sound and dealt with very little problems. Even power outages were limited after he storm made land fall as it dissipated quickly over the many mountains in its way.
Ha! Good question! I don’t know where, guess we’ll have to wait n see! God can certainly use that stubbornness for His Glory! Oh yay! Thank the Lord his foot’s getting better!
My family also in Hiroshima are well and no reports of any concerns from other family members throughout Japan Thank you for the prayers! The islands are still experiencing the remnants of two passing storms, but other than the humidity and heat, all is well
Yep, been there and done that. I remember a few of my summers were really hot and humid. What made it bad was it was so humid the nights never cooled off. It was much like living in New Orleans years later where the over night lows might make it into the upper 70s if you were lucky but rarely. If they are in Hiroshima they are fine as for tropical storm problems.
Oops I was referring to the Hawaiian islands - although yes, Japan summers are surely hot and humid! It has been unusual for Hawaii to experience 3 storms back to back which didn’t allow the return of the tradewinds.
No, my nephew is not in the military. He teaches English as a second language in Japan. He married a Japanese woman years ago and has lived in Japan ever since. Thanks for the information about the storm.
Oh sorry Susan. Yeah this El Nino year has been hard on Hawaii with storms. I have been praying that they spare Pastor JD as well as the other islands too. I have a friend, and older woman who lives on the big island and she has had to deal with some struggles because of the winds the storms kick up where she lives on the north side of the island.
Looks like there is one trying to develop south of Houston which will likely impact you with lots of rains over the next few days. My sister in our hometown of Lake Charles is already dealing with the affects of it as going out in the rain is always a pain and it is causing a bit of back yard flooding. So keep your eye on that Gulf born storm.
Hello my brother Teren,
After a third nudge from the Holy Spirit, I’m writing to you to tell you how much I appreciate your input in the area of political science. God truly blessed you with a great deal of education, and now he is gifting you with not only that knowledge but the wisdom to go along with it in these end of days. God does not make mistakes.
Although I disagree with some of your talking points like I don’t think Trump or Harris are the first seal, I think the first seal can happen at any moment, and then this will all be past us, but in the meantime, I do thank you for your input, and wisdom.
Many of the people here on the forum don’t have the in depth comprehension that you have, and that is simply because God chose to school you for years in the area of politics, and it’s now paying off for all of us.
Your brother in Christ Ken
i dont know if this news source is reliable or not, but this is a great article- i dont care about the ‘democratic party’ mention- just the way it describes the decline in public attitude, how the sinfulness of abortion leads to “futile thinking,” etc, really resonates with me.
Stacey, I so enjoyed reading this article. Two of my favorite statements:
“Why would God put that story up there in the stars and not reveal it to us? Why would He be content to leave this GITS idea as something most believers would basically know nothing about until roughly 18 centuries after the most important part was a done deal, and since that time busy themselves speculating over the interpretation of some of its details?”
“I think He did it so we
could sit here
today, look up at the stars, and bask
in complete awe of the God we serve.”
I haven’t heard the devil referred to as Old Scratch before. I don’t know if what the referral means is what came to my mind. Sin isn’t assured at its presentation, like an itch, but becomes sin when we scratch it. Often times, like with poison ivy where if you scratch the eruptions it feels wonderful as you do, but afterward you realize that you have aided the poison’s spread. Sin is like the itch.
If you understand that by scratching the itch, it will spread, but learn that you can alternatively apply strong direct pressure on the itch, suppressing it, and it will subside. It might take periodic reapplications, but the poison loses its ability to spread.
And if you apply Calamine lotion regularly from the onset, God’s healing word, your faith in the lotion will overcome and eradicate the poison.