August 18, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Preparing For What’s Coming

lol. Love the robed pick. Trump our Commander and Priest…lol. You might have caught his prayer to Michael recently. I’m not shocked. Still I think the quote you have me in is awsome and I am going to make it a T-Shirt. lol. For real that would be such a stunt I tell ya. Thanks brother for the love and joustin. Much :heart:

Just in passing I wanted to say, not sure how it looks but for sure on one level I would have a problem with it, but in light of the Trump prayer to the Angel Michael…does that change my view about him? The answer if any interested would be no. It actually affirms it more. But even so, look i’m not asking for more. I think we have had just about enough…MR…Trump. :crazy_face:



I have not heard the content of the prayer yet.
Trump could have gotten this as a suggestion from his VP, as his VP became a confirmed Catholic not all that long ago.

If Trump is born again, he is still a baby in Christ being tossed all around by all sorts of false doctrine. Satan will for sure surround Trump with all the wrong religious leaders just as he did last time.

We by the way were getting worried about you because you disappeared from the forum for a while.

We are all still growing Teren. And I trust in the Holy Spirit to finish a work that He has started in all of us. He will correct us as necessary to that end.

When we die to self bias goes out the widow, back into the world where it belongs.
That then reveals the truth from the Holy Spirit.
So dear Teten walk in the Spirit. Use your extensive knowledge that God gave you. So that you can enlighten us about politics so that we can see the warnings that you see.
Forget about your seal views for now (LOL) we forgive you. Your just still growing in that area. We can be patient.
But you are Loved in this place.

Trump prayer to the Angel Michael
Nice prayer when prayed to the Lord only.
But unless you have your boots on the ground in Israel, God’s answer is in all probability no. Because we know from the Word that Michael stands guard over Israel day and night, so he is quite busy these days. But it could possibly extend to those who defend Israel, that we don’t know. God WILL bless those who bless Israel, that we are sure of.

As a side note, I just saw someone on UTube who has several doctorates including one from seminary…He is just now figuring out that Angels and Demons are real.
I busted my gut laughing.

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Thanks Ken for that. It’s nice to be missed :slight_smile: I was just taking some time off the forum in light of likely how bizarre things may shift into this month.



Just for clarity’s sake this was the Twitter post (also for the sake of critique–please excuse its obvious theological improperness):

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

I post the above because you mentioned:

At this point I would like to preface that the way I look at things is in relation to a rather very dumbed down theme. In that, it would be counterintuitive to the conventional and quite possibly seem to be offensive or extremely and controversially outlandish on its face. In some ways we might be able to chalk this differential up to how God might use the things that are not. But if God has granted some sense in me of helpful perspective, well, I am not often aware of where that (if true) might begin and my mere guestimating inclinations end. So really I guess the best I can do is offer a perspective potentially providential heavy at best. And to the degree it be some laymen form of helpful hermeneutic, amen. But I am aware these view points are pretty much radioactively different than what we have come to understand as more conventional ways to assess. Where this may tend to cross some lines, I ask for forgiveness ahead of time. For my aim is not to incite, but just provide what heuristics might look like from the standpoint of Providence having perhaps an unusually wider influence on end time related discoveries as we go. The bottom line often is this could just be a lot of merely my own opinion…lol.

Having said all that, I would just like to point out what utility such a seemingly blasphemous prayer could imply providentially. In considering providence I believe it would likely challenge in places related to our denomination or personal convictions we have on certain passage, especially eschatology. Allowing too much providential perspective leaves us open to too much consideration, and therefore fruitless. Having too little providential perspective could lock us into perhaps more wooden interpretations too rigid somewhat to be open to trajectories that might matter in places more where we see this or that apply, like.

Having said that: My generic understanding of a Trump emblematic theme providentially is perhaps as a belweather symbol. Affirming Jerusalem and Golan Heights for Israel (an impossible task prior to his 2017 presidency) might suggest a “headsup” moment. It was thought after Trump loss the election in 2020 that that portion of prophesy is over. And now lets look at what a Biden admin means prophetically. Not so fast. Because not only is Trump back, but back with the most massive overtones of Israeli activity in recent history. And when considering their victories in Lebanon, and their speeches from the UN to both Lebanan and Iran, Israel has risen to a superplayer level globally. 1 month prior to, again, a Trump likely win at the ballot box.

When we look at themes in this way (overarching greater biblical themes related to Israel), I believe this is the hottest intersection of where providence meets prophecy. It is hard to see how well or poorly someone does that we are used to and see any relevant biblical connection. We are also turned off by the fanfare surrounding Trump. And Trump worship. But it is my observation that if we let that (looking at people and character first as an hermenuetic) be our guide in how we understand what is going on, i believe we possibly are placing the cart before the horse (lol…that was for you Ken :slight_smile: ). Horse? Poke…poke. What i mean is just like algebra. We first collect like terms. Then we solve the problem. I don’t believe any biblical relevance can richly be arrived at in looking at how people act and perform and then slap ontop of that what prophecy looks like. To me, this is the reverse order and ironically, in my view, tends to make our social moment and how we feel about people a hermenutic. And thereafter we can shoe horn in how we understand scripture on top of that. Which can be a tendecy in the watcher community at times. Yes we are all imperfect. Self most sloppily included. :slight_smile:

Ok, so lol, with all that out of the way – It would seem Ken as you noted Michael over Israel this tweet of Trumps could imply an age of God running down globalism. Not that God would answer a man’s prayer to an angel. For He would not. But as God consdescends to our somewhat Laodicean age, it would make some sense at some levels that God would use the street graffiti that is indemic in our world to help the commoner know what time it is. Not that Trump would be some kind of prophet. Just that God uses whatever He wants regardless how we feel about it. So if i take first principles first, the providence of Israel and ironically a man running for office, Trump, is back, as collecting like terms, it would seem to imply a season appraoching of great peace power and safety to Israel, with an American side dish. That is how that sort of fantom social artifact of a tweet seems to potentially resonate at.

. . . . .

I can understand this might sound out there. I get that. But what I could share with you is that I was with a church for 20 years that would operate using very similar social order tools. When employing church discipline leadership would grant statements to test if an individual was hearing from God or the flesh. Often by stating the opposite (this being merely an archetype): “You know brother, people are talking about you and your in big trooble.” To actually mean; “We love you closely and care a great deal about you…and if you knew the God of the bible you would see that in contrast to how it sounds to you like what we are saying.” This sort of thing was not an anomaly. But a staple gaurd rail for leadership practice to keep one step ahead of those whom they loved but had concern with. This was confirmed on multiple levels. And exposed even regularly. Not imagination but ministry philosophy. If church leadership knows how to operate as such and God still on many levels blesses it, perhaps it is because it also fits into an age where that kind of ambience might be primed as a providential staple–in the last days of the age of grace proper. if that makes sense? Blessings.

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I am so …so…glad that you put that church in your rear view mirror. It took you 20 years, but now you are in a position to help those who are still trapped in it, and I know that you would drop everything to help someone on a moments notice.

The prayer to the Angel Michael is a Catholic prayer I believe, and very backward compared to the Word. They do the same thing when praying to their saints. All of those types of prayers take away from the glory that belongs to God alone. And we won’t even bring up the abomination of Mary worship, and all the prayers that are offered up to her.
Not that Catholics are ill intentioned, they are just kept in the dark and don’t know the True Word of God. That is why they have their own authorized versions of the Bible. They are instructed to use their authorized versions only. Versions that have been changed to match their Catholic teaching.

So the problem is not just with the reformed church, it is all over the place and getting worse every day.

All authority of all governments exist because it is ordained by God Himself. So even if a government appears evil, Satan did not ordain it. God did to His Glory and for His purpose.

All we are called to do, is to pray for our governments, and for those in a position of authority over us, so that our Christian lives will go well on this planet.

The exception being when that government turns us away from our faith, or they prohibit it, or they demand that we violate part our faith because they order it.

In the upcoming presidential election here in the USA, while it might seem to have no hope one way or the other, God is in control and His Will will be done no matter what.


God is in control and I think that is why DT is still alive :latin_cross:

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Well said Ken. Yes that is likely a Catholic prayer. And as much as I like Candace Owens (many of her stances are profound–unlinke any other voice today), I often see problem areas with her. I believe she is now somewhat on a campaign against protestants…lol. Making her (because of her media prominence) bloody Candace? lol. Tongue-in-cheek. In some ways though I believe she is a helpful example of kind of how it seems to me that media plays a role in Providence disclosure.

Now I am against the Congress passing a law that forbids disparaging language against the Jews. It does seem like a strike against the 1st amendment. I have less of an issue of of presidential executive order Trump did in 2019 I believe to infringe on remarks against Jews on college campuses. It would seem that was a belweather attempt to offset what was coming with the recent Universities support of the Paslestine position on campus.

But overall, like on those 1st amendment issues I don’t tend to view it so much in that light. As I would in its social artifact articulating providentially what time it is. The USA is the Bastian of free speech and democracy or fair treatment of its people. So for the US to have this issue is super loud echos to the world. It is also super loud because America (by virtue of its governance) flourishes because of its freedoms. And in so doing is “the world superpower.” At least for the moment. And placing overtures to Israel on such a high profile political stage implies “Israel vs Jesus is King” montras. That contrast echoed from the most powerful world force known in history seems to echo the exchange local we are at on the eschatological map. And that would suggest to the world at large that we are in the baton pass period. And its overtures known throughout the world as Israel increases to be fighting and in such high public profile.

So what some would see as a primary 1st ammentment concern, I would see as an echoing nomenclature of our age to help scream from the rooftops the transition from gentile church to Israeli age is near. With a side dish of equipping the USA with language on the books to weather a globalist strategy to divide America through thousands of terror units having entered the country through open borders and sponsoring a Hamas/Hesbelah like movement we previously mirrored through BLM and Antifa in 2020. But this mirrored version to be likely a rather advanced case of that this time around.

So yeah just mention the above because in thematics of providence, there does seem to be some sensible room perhaps with all that. But in general, yes brother I agree. We are to pray and leave in God’s hands. Of which, in the difference, I would see an act of God emerge. Which some well intended would see as perhaps trusting in government. Rather I would just chalk it up to only possible with an act of God. And if that be true, it would be viewed through His character. Which if He so chooses to go that route, would be unstoppable. But we will have to see, amen. Blessings dear brother. And thanks for your generious and discerning :heart: blessings.

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