December 15, 2022: Jeremiah 45-47 Hurting For People

:bible2: Jeremiah 45-47

Pastor JD :hawaiianshirt_4: talks about a very important matter concerning our hurting for people, knowing about God’s judgment that’s coming upon people.

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Book Study Here Jeremiah


Fantastic study, Pastor JD!

I love Jeremiah. I look forward to meeting him in heaven

Not sure how to say this but the Lord is showed me a much smaller but nevertheless a similar life lesson Wednesday. I am very poor in expressing myself with words.
I am still grieving for what’s to come upon my people of Louisiana.

Louisiana had 21 tornadoes Wednesday late afternoon. Our news media meteorologist implored us to get in ‘our safe place’ Now, however I was observing on my porch things I’d never seen in my life. It was a sheet of fractals made by lightning that resembled shattered safety glass. The lightning was extra vivid and bright. then wind wooshed and it was above me. Mike came out to join me when the tornado was directly on top of us. It all happened so quick and then it was gone. The tornado touched down 5 or 6 blocks down my street. We were left just standing in shock & awe of it all. We did not realize a tornado had just come over us and then touched down down the street.
We were left speechless when we realized what had just occurred and that these events had taken on a a much broader scope, becoming more and more frequent and with greater intensity… and it will become worse and worse and more often until we depart from this earth… Our people still have blue tarps on their homes from a tornado a year ago.
The more frequent and more violent storms, the more our people are coming together, reaching out to one another to help them. Since Katrina, my people have increasingly become hardened and resilient with their self-determination, self reliance, of being totally in charge, in control etc. Those interviewed with their homes destroyed were defiant and tough talking… basically all saying the same thing, this won’t deter us, we will rebuild.
I’m old but I can remember a time this would have a been a very humbling experience, tears flowing just grateful for their spared lives.
This is a new day a new era where sadly the people need each other and do not need God. But surely there are some opening their eyes. Hoping we can talk to our family memebers during the holidays.


Wow Susan,

What a terrifying experience you and your family have endured.

One would think that these events would show many how fragile life is and that when unexpected severe events happen, that one cannot look to themselves, but only to Almighty God.

Susan, you have things in the proper focus, no matter what happens in this temporal and increasingly unpredictable life, it only gets better for us from here in the Eternal Realm…we have the Eternal faith, hope, and trust in Him.

Blessings to You and Your Family : )


Pastor JD taught me a lot in this Jeremiah 45-47 teaching.

Yes, I catch myself wanting justice for the destroyers that are temporarily having their way upon the earth at this time.

Then, I think of how it ends for them, and I should have compassion on them.