February 13, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update

I did not agree with how JD arrived at the number of 2 billion dieing from the pale horse unless Pastor was saying the rapture would have not occurred before that. I don’t think he meant that though.
We don’t know how many believers will be going in the rapture. I have heard various numbers. Some as low as in the tens of millions, while others have said possibly close to 1 billion believers exist on the earth today.
If the Ezekiel war occurs before the tribulation period starts, there will be millions of soldiers killed in that conflict. If it occurs in the early part of the tribulation period then those numbers would then be included in the number of persons killed from the pale horse.
I do appreciate JD’s message today since he drove home the point that we do not look to a government leader whether national or global, to fix the problems we are facing. God bless you Pastor.


Right, the number will be 1/4 of those LEFT on the earth.

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Mr. Biden is also known to be a globalist as has been since the day he married his current wife.


thats correct.


First yes and second no - we shouldnt watch out for him. There are wayyyy to many christians who seems to worship Trump as their saviour (exaggerating on purpose!) and I was glad when JD clearly said that this man is not doing what he is saying. He (Trump) is the snake - like the poem he loved to read in front of an audience.

Its not Trump or Biden - they are working for the SAME team. So it is none of them.

Thats why I didnt vote in my country anymore. Because it doesnt matter. They are all satanists.


i’m always looking up looking for Jesus Yeshua :heart:


i do remember when Trump won the election, watching people flocking to the White House crying and screaming because he won over Hilary.
I also remember seeing a news piece showing the Temple Of Satan followers out on the streets forming a chanting circle , calling for mayhem and chaos and such. The attacks were unrelenting.
What the world got to witness for four years was pretty much that. The alphabet media networks falling over one another to be the first to attack.
All things which it seems we are now starting to see on a fuller scale here in Canada as well. The circus of politics. All with their role to play in steering the masses in the direction they want us to go in.


Great observation Grandma5,
It was the right thing for Christians to support President Trump, as he stood for principles that Christians should want and promote.
Although he wasn’t a born again believer, he was truly trying to bring America back closer to it’s Christians roots.


I agree that part of COVID is about money. I really believe it is actually four fold though.

  1. To kill as many people as possible (I knew when I saw the Olympics shows in London in 2012, there would be a deadly virus).

  2. To create suspicion and mistrust between citizens. Around 15 years ago, Walmart was already showing commercials at registers that said if you see something suspicious, say something.

  3. To cause a financial burden on citizens.

  4. To make citizens DEPENDENT on the government for whatever they need.


Welcome SandraL. Glad you have joined us. You are so right with your comments here.
In Canada I can remember our PM Justin Trudeau talking about sunny ways all the time.
The sun seems to have gone down in his world these days.


Great update as usual. I also consider JDFarag my Pastor and look forward to every Sunday. Wish he had his church nearby. I live in Houston and have not found the right fit yet. There was one church with a good Pastor but the worship was very un-inspiring and the Congregation not very welcoming. I used to live in Dallas and had an awesome church there with a soul patrol ministry where we went door to door. At any rate there was one thing I disagreed with Pastor Farag which was the letter he read by the man who questioned the supporters of President Trump. There may be those who have no discernment, but it is unfair to characterize all of us that way.
I could debate the statements made, but it is not that important and no a point to divide over. I have been on Social Media for a long time sharing the Gospel and news pertaining to Bible Prophecy and was banned on Facebook, Twitter, Minds and Pintrest a couple of years back. Prior to the advent of social media I read countless books about the path of America towards tyranny and the falling away from Christianity. i also read my Bible at least once per year from genesis to Revelations, most years twice. I also participated in many in depth Bible Studies. I am sharing this to emphasize my point that I am not without discernment, as a matter of fact that is one of my spiritual gifts, as well as the gift of prophecy, i.e. interpretating the signs of the times in light of Bible Prophecy.
I am not one to look at any human leader as a ‘savior’ or as someone who could change the course of history. We are definitely living in the end times, and I have known that since 1986. However, I do believe God appoint certain leaders for such a time as this, either for a blessing or as Judgement, which may be our current situation. I do agree with Pastor Farag’s conclusions at the end for sure. As the madness and the falling away increases, we must keep our eyes and ears open and guard against deception. Awaiting the next big assault from the enemy…another fake pandemic, a fake alien invasion via Project Blue Beam. Who knows? Maranatha


Another super-excellent Prophecy Update by Pastor JD !

I would like to bring up a counter-point, though, I do 100% agree with Pastor JD and hopefully, the majority of you here in Pastor JD’s Forum.

Pastor JD knows it, I know it, and all Biblically coherent Christians know that the land of Israel belongs to Almighty YHVH GOD first, and to the Jewish people second…and there is no third ownership, all that are in Israel now who are not of the Jewish family are the occupiers and invaders.

Here is my point…

YES, to Pastor JD, to me, and to the Biblically sound, the Scriptures tell us blatantly who the land belongs to. However, to Society, Islam, and the Globalists, the Scriptural declarations mean nothing.

Actually, what we are seeing today are very confident non-Christians who think they know better than the Scriptures. YES, we know how it ends up, however, at this time, trying to prove anything Scripturally, whether it be to society (in most cases), Islam, and/or the globalists is futile.


And thats the lie they want you to believe. Trump is not a Christian and neither he stood for christian principles. He said some things but the truth is, planned parenthood received much more money when he shot down the support for them. Trump invented “warpspeed” and many voters seems to have forgotten this.

To think that a politican is good is believing the lie. None of the politicans today who are on the big stage is good. Dont fall for them. They are playing a role. They are all satanists.

There is no left or right. They are the SAME team!


I am not an American but Israel and any peace agreements made with her do get my attention due to my understanding of prophecy.
So Mr. Kuchner, sorry if I misspelled his name, put together a few peace agreements with a couple of the nations in the middle east and Israel. We cannot assume that these agreements will not be replaced by one agreement put forward by the global leader AC. So unless Mr. Trump becomes the AC or rather Mr. Kuchner does, these are just temporary stop gap measures until the real deal comes along, literally.
Just like now we all have read about body tatoos, health passes etc. ,related to the medical treatment they all want us to take yet these are not the MOB.
All of these things are but forerunners to the actual and are giving the globalists an understanding of who will resist and who will conform so they can develop countermeasures.


Dont vote. By voting you rely on this worldy satanic system which wont change. You dont get thrown in prison by not voting. I just want to say that both sides are evil. Many have forgotten how Trump was speaking over women “grab them by the pussy”. Well - I did not forget that.


I was wondering, does the U.S. not have a law that states if a church supports a political candidate from the pulput it then loses its charitable tax exemption from the tax services? Wasn’t sure how to pose the question or to whom I should ask it.
If so then JD did the right thing in not supporting any candidate but our heavenly one, Christ Jesus. Not saying he wouldn’t have otherwise. I fully support JD.


Yes, and we have all seen the videos on your current leader grabbing the breasts of little girls at every opportunity or sniffing their hair. We can all fling dirt at one another.
But for the grace of God I would be buried in my own.
No man who ever holds a public office will ever be perfect except for one, when He comes.


I just want to mention somethIng about Canada’s PM along the same lines as JD was pointing out about deception and delusion.

It is no surprise what we have got going on in Canada…from pre-election this PM said what he was going to do and he has…he was going to murder people, oh I mean bring in euthanasia or assisted death…however Canadians want to label it it is murder. And doctors have been put in terrible situations against their will in this regard. Now we have pot stores on every corner another pre-election promise…and the legalization of psychedelic drugs and now we have every gender label one can imagine.

And some Christians voted this in to my horror. I could go on and on but won’t…just saying JD I get it…the deception and delusion…preach the warning brother.

All those Christians who voted Trudeau in on this platform will answer to God one day. It isn’t like he didn’t say what he was going to do before he did it….before they voted,

From the very beginning there has been no sunny ways with this man, but rather a sinister dark cloud hanging over the land.

Keep warning JD! People need to wake up and not aid and abet leaders going against God’s Word….He is watching and there will be accountability.


Then you believe that your vote is counted which it doesnt. The votes from the people never counted. All is planned by the Deep State and it is a deception for the people to think they can choose their candidate by voting. Its like JD said: Im off. I am neither red or blue (our system in Germany has more parties but they are all satanic and play their evil game).

The last time I voted for one candidate was for Europe. Three candidates you could choose. And guess who was elected? Someone who wasnt on the list! That opened my eyes and I felt really stupid to believe that I could change something by making an “x” on paper.

We have to preach the gospel and pray for the people. But to vote for a political system, I dont find that in scripture I am sorry. But I dont want to sound rude and I dont mean it. Its just the truth: The system is manipulated and gives us the illusion of having a chance by changing it. But we - the people - are the peasants for them. The elites choose their president. And Trump is part of the elite and on the same evil level like Joe Biden.


Thanks CN for posting this. We have slowly been going down the wrong road since the 1990’s.
In Ontario we had the liberals lead this province right up to the time Mr, Ford got elected.
That’s when we find out the deplorable state of the seniors homes etc. No money for making them properly governed but plenty for getting sex ed updated for the little kids in school.
Our euthanasia law recently was updated so that no counselling is required any longer prior to a doctor granting the patient request to die.
Ask once and you will find nothing to prevent it from occurring.
The list goes on. I personally don’t know how anyone can support him and his platform either, yet they do, which is just another indication of how far down the road we have gone.
I have also heard that there are quarantine facilities in various provinces that slightly resemble those in Australia.
Not sure what the purpose of them are just yet.
We need to stay alert now more then ever. Thankful for JD and others like him.