Jan 17 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Your’e actually serious eh… :rofl:

Thank you for this wonderful video. I love how you always read the parts that I’ve either read recently myself or even on the same day!! :slight_smile: Love the song at the end :). God bless you and I’m praying for you daily :heart:


Hey everybody!! I was checking scriptures, reading on Hebrew: the Bible did not say neither “Champions” nor “Gigant” to Goliath (we know phisically he was).
Before God, he was just an Ish (Man), only a man, nothing more than an man (chek by yourself).
Once behaded, the Bible called him “Gibbor”, just before to be defeated.
There is no “gigants” to God, of course for us they are, if we face them with our own strengh, BUT to God, it is just one more batlle won, just one more defeated foe.
I was really encouraged before listen the Pastor JD message, in this very moment of my life I am facing a huge problem, a great wall, a gigant (to me), I have not a job, BUT to GOD, it is only another opportunity to show me his wonderful grace, I really need only faith in Jesus Christ, he defeated to this “Ish”, the Gibbor was beheaded!!!.


But he wasn’t a serpent. :slight_smile:

I loved the prophecy update.

I get that it is ALL IMPORTANT for the channels to be kept open to keep the salvation message going out.

What I would like to see is the prophecy updates done on JD’s own website where hopefully they couldn’t be censored. I am really curious in hearing what he alluded was coming next week, in his last prophecy update that was pulled

I don’t know if in todays day that can be done but I’m curious.

Absolutely agreed Brother; and apologies for any unintentional inference to the contrary.

Just found it an intriguing anomaly that within that typology King Herod used the same method against John The Baptist under influence from Herodias.

Actually is it an anomaly? From a Herod/Herodias perspective John The Baptist was extremely dangerous, ‘poisoning’ the populace against the supremacy of an earthly king’s reign. The woman, Herodias, thus made sure to crush the ‘serpents’ head in a mocking inversion of the Protevangelium prophecy.

God’s Word is so incredibly rich it blows my diet…er, I mean mind.

Yours In Christ

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Thank you JD and our family of brelievers at Calvary Chapel!!! Please know you are all in my prayers and so thankful for the weekly updates as well as Bible Study!!! Still praying about the antennas, if you could please keep us updated!!! Look forward to fellowship with everyone soon and very soon!!! :heart::latin_cross::fire::arrow_double_up:


God has not appointed us to wrath, he promised that he would remove us from the hour of trial that would come. Be encouraged.


Dear Pastor JD & team.
Thank you for this very true and timely update.
Today is a day of reflection, for me, as I have learned about how the Capitol Hill riots, were probably a “setup”.
Our LORD warned us about not falling for deception: Are they planning another STAGED event, by so called - “Trump supporters” (this term will probably soon change to “Christians”), on or around the 20th of January? If so, I would venture to speculate that the scenes that could possibly soon be seen - and believed - by every eye and by every ear, will lead to the entire world hating and reprimanding us. They want to, not only silence Christians, but they want to destroy us. And since we live in a world in which the media and Hollywood and politicians, etc. are the best actors on the current stage of life, they may very well get away with convincing everyone to hate and destroy us. For many decades - or perhaps even centuries - these accomplished & worshipped “actors” (politicians; media; elites; etc.) have played their tunes and we have danced to it, with blinders on. We believed their lies and deception to be truth. They hate the fact that we are now understanding that they and their “architect” (Satan), are liars and deceivers. I am ashamed to admit that I hated whom they told us to hate; I loved whom they told us to love; I believed everything they told us about medicine and disease, I believed them when they told us that this war and that war were necessary;…I simply believed everything they wanted me to believe.
But GOD opened my eyes and now I see. No longer am I able to believe a word that comes out of their mouths/medias… So, they are, perhaps again, setting the stage, for one of their greatest performances, ever. Their acting will “prove” that Christians are to be blamed for everything and that we are the wicked ones and the liars, and again - as always - they will be believed and and perhaps, in the not so far ahead future, the shouts will go out: “Of with those Christians heads!!” Our heads will fly, but our souls will sour, for we will see our LORD GOD and true peace will be our eternity…
I pray for them, because they are so deceived by their “architect”. I pray that GOD opens their eyes and ears, just as He opened mine.

This is a video featuring a pastor’s experience with the FBI: Pastor gets FBI visit after speaking at Trump event - YouTube (Hillary hates us, and she wants “a war” with us. Of course Christians know that she hates us, that is why they did not vote for her. Here she is clearly suggesting to legalize unlawful persecution: https://theirishsentinel.com/…/hillary-clinton-calls…/) #JesusChristIsReturning

PS: I want to just add that I believe in the pre-tribulation rapture, but I believe that some Christians could continue to “loose their heads”, before our LORD returns. Many have already been killed because they refused to let go of the truth. So I am sorry for sounding negative, but, if our LORD tarries, I have to be willing to die for believing in Him, and for following Him.


that was a beautiful post and it was so moving that I read it aloud to my husband too.

I think you’re right about Christian persecution in those manners. thank you for the reminder to pray for our enemies, and look forward to where we’re headed ultimately!

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Cited from a Christian blogger:

Random thoughts:

  1. What really matters and has along are movements towards the final steps leading into the Tribulation.

  2. We have always known that the U.S. had to fall in order to pave the road into the Tribulation - the question has always been, how does that happen? We may be getting those answers today and the next few days.

  3. Right now would be a golden opportunity for the enemies of Israel to attack, given the ambiguity in the U.S. power structure and government.

  4. We may be seeing the early stages of the formation of the 10 kings, especially if that includes a “North American Union”, which would only form with a globalist leaning U.S. That could have been a post-rapture event, but now we may be witness to these developments. Also the WEF meeting is rapidly approaching along with the “Great Reset”.

  5. Bible study may be useful to include the book of Acts, where the apostles were living in a situation similar to the one we find ourselves in, with overt hostility directed towards Christians, and the prophets Elijah, Jeremiah and Daniel, as they too were in similar circumstances. It is inspirational to see how they handled these situations and drew closer to God.

  6. We should expect things to be bizarre and surreal as the last 7 years on Daniel’s clock (Daniel 9) approaches. Remember this is a continuation of a generation of birth pains, so the closer we draw to that 7 year period, we can expect things to be more and more “unreal” and disconcerting.

  7. We were given the signs as a means of comfort, knowing what to expect and in turn watch for His coming.

  8. To repeat from many times in the past, look at the rate of change that the world is seeing right now. Imagine where we will be in another 6 months. The crazy things we are seeing now will only increase

  9. As Hal Lindsey used to say, the worse things get, the better things get for the faithful.

  10. It’s time to start seeing the reality that this isn’t home. It never was and was never intended to be. We are strangers in a strange land. In this world but not of this world.

  11. Human government always fails. Every. Single. Time. Corruption and tyranny always comes at some point, regardless of how it begins. The 1,000 year reign will confirm who is fit to rule.

  12. Now is the time to be looking up more than ever. Promises of government and promises of humans rarely pan out. However biblical promises are 100%.

  13. It is hard to know how long sites like this will stay up. If it goes off line, it won’t be from my doing.

  14. Our “watching” now should focus on the coming 10 Kings and the invasions of Israel (Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38-39).

  15. Don’t forget what Jesus said as He faced the worst outcome from human government - “My kingdom is not of this world”. Indeed. Neither is ours.

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Through out COVID, I have heard frequent reports about “churches that refuse to obey” and “Christians ignoring science”. I heard a report about a church that attend when I am in that city, with big headlines on a national newsite “Church Fined thousands over defying public health orders”

I was curious, so I went to read the article. They were fined because they did not have a mandatory mask sign posted at one entrance, but the headline made it sound like they were in defiance and horrible. Very deceptive, and leading for the majority who skim headlines.

Make no mistake, we are going to be the main target very soon. They are already villifying the majority of our values, but so we know for the Bible told us long ago. What is evil is called good and what is good is called evil.


1984 cometh!


Pray this song will uplift you during these difficult times ahead:

Take My Hand, Precious Lord

Jim Reeves

When my way groweth drear
Precious Lord, linger near-ear
When my li-ight is almost gone
Hear my cry, hear my call
Hold my ha-and lest I fa-all
Take my hand, precious Lor-ord
Lead me on

Precious Lord, take my hand
Lead me on, let me sta-and
I am tired, I’m weak, I am worn
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the li-ight
Take my ha-and, precious Lor-ord
Lead me home

When my work is all done
And my race here is are you-un
Let me see-ee by the light
Thou hast shown
That fair city so bright
Where the lantern is the li-ight
Take my ha-and, precious Lor-ord
Lead me on

Precious Lord, take my hand
Lead me on, let me sta-and
I am tired, I’m weak, I am worn
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the li-ight
Take my ha-and, precious Lor-ord
Lead me home

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Thomas A. Dorsey

Take My Hand, Precious Lord lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc

Elvis Presley version:

I glad he has this web page and this forum to fall back on . I am afraid it is only going to get worse and time goes on.


Romans 14:4
Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.

This scripture reminds me of how we all are the Lord’s servants in life. It is truly the Lord who we serve first and foremost. It is the Lord who has the opinion that stands or falls in all of our lives…and as for JD the Lord has an opinion of him and I have no doubt it is a GOOD ONE. JD has been a breath of fresh air in all the crazy and I thank God for him. I couldn’t second guess his commitment to the Lord as to what the Lord puts on his heart to share, that is really between him and God.
We are in such troubling times right now. I have been so very thankful to the Lord for finding a teacher and pastor who has been so fearless in the Lord to share as he has about whatever the LORD puts on his heart. I praise the Lord for this fellowship and for
the tether it is for my faith in God . It is more helpful to me than I can say. When I read this post it brought Jobs comforters to my mind and how the Lord directed Job to pray for them. They all were so sure about the flaws being there in Job that were not even there at all. During this time we all have to look to the Lord not man. I have been glad to be directed to the Lord over and over by JD to seek God and His guidance for my life. But also, I have found more truth from the updates and sermons than any other resource out there. That being said, I wish that God would open the clouds and tell us all exactly what to do in this climate of lies and confusion…but we must all rely on our Lord to lead us personally in our daily lives and decisions. It is the Lord we all will answer to in how we live and just hope for the Lord to say to each of us,Well Done. :two_hearts:


Will Kushner and Ivanka move to Israel?

God is quickening the aliyah of Jews in USA!