Jan 31 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

I enjoy JD’s sermons especially the bible prophecy updates! I directed a fellow worker to his latest video “something isn’t right” and was verbally attacked today by someone from another dept. who must have seen the video also and was loudly labeled a “Conspiracy Theorist” and to stop spreading lies. All I did was share a video. The Purge is here!!!


Don’t know it this has been identified yet, but here’s a good link to Dr. Simone referred to in the update.


Really? Which vaccine? At my medical clinic, we have had Doctors barfing in their offices, 104 degree fevers, and at least 90 percent of second dosers staying home completely unable to come to work. A couple of the younger kids have been okay-mild fatigue but for the most part, fairly consistently people very sick for a couple of days. Also, I’ve noticed a shift in energy-maybe it’s just me being insecure because I’m one of only 3 (out of a clinic of about 80) that hasn’t had it-but the whole vibe seems uneasy. It’s hard to describe. FYI-I feel like most have said they received the Moderna (spelling?) version as we were considered first round picks. Now, I’m not judging people either way-personally, I’m just going to wait for the fall and see how it all goes-and I’m grateful for those trying it and making an effort to get “back to normal” but those are just my observations. People super sick and a def shift in vibe.

Jesus, please come quickly and put a blanket of protection over your servants. Lord, please keep my little family safe and healthy and bless those bold enough to speak your truths in this very scary time.


You did an excellent job on this subject. This is very fascinating.


You will be delighted to know - that Jesus promised, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.” [John 10:28-29)

So - not even YOU - can remove yourself from His hand. If you’re saved - then you will be raptured whether you are forced to take these shots or not. But before taking it - don’t fear - or be anxious - but put your trust fully in God to lead and guide you - if it’s His will that you take these shots then His will will come to pass - but I would leave that decision in His hands. Will pray God leads and guides you - and makes a way for you to escape having to take them.


Dont be afraid or ashamed. My friend who is 76 phoned to tell me she is taking it. I sent her jds links and asked her to reconsider but it’s completely her choice. You wont be left behind if the rapture happens at present the vaccine is not the mark of the beast,you are still Gods dearly loved child


An otherwise healthy woman from our area, Paula Boaz, died a few days after she got the second dose.

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Bless your heart for caring. I will have to make decision soon and I will probably take it. I am always talking to Abba and I have peace in abundance now for which I am truly grateful. I am sure Jesus will not forget me and the enemy is very angry so much so that he set fire to a saucepan in my kitchen today. By the Grace of God I saw it in time to put out the flames so no real damage was done. I also had four scam telephone calls today which I had the sense not to pursue. Hallelujah to our God, our King, our Saviour and our comforter The Holy Spirit

Much love in Christ. Amen xxx


He will never ever forsake you. I pray you will be safe. I am so glad Father has given you peace and protection. I think enemy is attacking us all at the moment he knows his time is short. God bless, Margaret

Hallelujah to our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. I am overflowing with peace in my heart - The Living Word of God always reassures me and I am so grateful to you and all the many others who have talked to me since last Sunday. I am humbled by the love that has been shown to me and will be on my knees to our Lord in prayer to thank Him and also to ask if He will enable the peace I now have to fill your hearts also. May God bless you always - Thankyou again :pray::latin_cross::dove:

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Thankyou for talking to me - Margaret is my middle name - God bless you too and one day We will share our love for Jesus together in Heaven xxx :pray::latin_cross::dove:


Definitely and it wont be long till his appearance. His company forevermore and New bodies with no aches and pains, it will be wonderful. Take care dear viv xx


I saw a beautiful Sunset this evening - I wonder if that’s what the sky will look like when He makes His appearance to take us home :pray:t2: xxxx oh I really can’t wait to see Him and Thank Him and offer praise and worship in Real Life - Eternal Life - what a gift xxxx I do love the Godhead so very much xxxx and I know you do too xxxx xxx with love from Vivien xxx


If sunsets and sunrises so beautiful now can you imagine how glorious it will be when we see him face to face? The beauty of plants and anim6with no pollution or taint of the fall and to see those we love who have gone before? Like you I cant wsit


When He was talking about the update to this ‘vaccine’ that would be required at a later date…did anyone else immediately get the impression that that update would be the mark of the beast? What an incredibly evil trap that would be! They know any trib saint will march right to their death before ever accepting the mark, but what about non Christian’s who hold out for other reasons as well? What an evil way to quickly take them all out, trib saint too, without lifting a finger.

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I am desperately trying to get hold of pastor JD himself. Have sent him various emails, to no avail. Want to ask his permission if we could post all his prophecy updates on our lovinglifetv.com channel with over 100 000 subscribers. Please contact [email protected]

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That is really scary. I had no idea that was going on. I am sad to hear all that. Praying for the protection of our Lord for you

It’s not just the deaths, but the symptoms. Set up the VAERS query to show the symptoms.

There are treatment options.
The Experimental Vaccine is not needed.

God bless you!

Too many ARE getting this Experimental inoculation, but not everybody. Praise the Lord it is not mandatory! Maybe it is in Israel, but IDK. I just can’t see putting this in God’s temple!!

Here’s another one for you:

This vaccinesis not mark of beast but its leading to the Mark. After Rspture when Antichrist will make people swear an oath to him with that Mark. Not this one. The vaccine however is not good . For you