January 29, 2023: 2 Peter 2:10-13 – The Dangers of Hypocrisy and Duplicity

Hi Naomi, @Bluebonnet

If you go to YT click where i circled and then scroll down. I screenshot them to make it easier for you.


Thanks Stacey!


“You Start out Reading the Bible and Soon it is reading You and exposing Your heart.”

By Alan Brayshaw


I love that Pastor JD that you said at 30:21 minute mark the angels study us and scratch their heads and they marvel at us. i will keep that in mind when i think of them. :blush:


That was funny, and when he said the angels were asking the Lord not to assign them to him. His has a great sense of humor!


Yes JD tells the harsh truths with the help of the Holy Spirit and the humor always seems to me to be at just the right time, when you think to yourself, How much more before you come for us Lord. When I say this that’s when the humor comes and I then say oh yes Lord you have this all under control.


I :heart: this discussion!

That is all…:relaxed:


Very thought provoking. Scott Clarke is one of those who believed in the Revelation 12 sign.

We pray, watch and wait patient. Blessings and Maranatha.

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This message was so good! So thankful that pastor JD is fearless to have us look in the mirror of Gods word so that we can be convicted, forgiven, and Changed! Amen.

I want to be FAT, and get FAT(ter):grin:


A post was merged into an existing topic: January 29, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update – The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy

@ 25m - 27m


Wouldn’t mind borrowing that conviction meter but it would shatter :grimacing:

This message is certainly a catalyst for a healthy workout and self examination. Power up! :muscle:t3:


Yet we want to be F.A.T.
All kidding aside, I’m thankful for God’s chastisement, His timing, and most definitely His Mercy.

Brother Tony,
Chief of Sinners
1Timothy 1:15

btw that’s not false humility…simply true :wink:


Two thoughts here:

  1. Ain’t we all!

  2. Gives a whole new take to the first part of the phrase Too many chiefs and not enough Indians. I suppose you could think of Indians/followers as followers of Christ— then the whole phrase has new meaning.

just thinking out loud


That’s what God said (in context) :grin:
And why He sent our Savior :heart::wink:


Very good message, on many levels.


Jesus gave only one sign for his return, to this unbelieving generation.
The sign of Jonah.
Only for those who are able to properly count to three (which are very few indeed).

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I am encouraged by Pastor JD’s desire to encourage with pointing our difficulties today to Christ. Amen. :slight_smile: As we have moved along the trajectory of our prophetic timeline though I have noticed that pastor JD used to describe “but God” as something God might also do during the ending period of the age of grace. Perhaps he still does believe this but has of late tended to reserve that to the rapture or the full return of Christ and what all of this has meant.

Currently I am of the old school Pastor JD rendering of “but God,” for our age of grace. Not that it must be this way, for it may be isolated truly to the rapture. Neither would I see that a “but God” moment during the close of the age of grace necessarily be too lengthy or too involved so as to push off a coming tribulation period. However, I would reserve the potential for a potential of a but God moment during the close of the age of grace nonetheless.

I believe how Pastor JD described, that how we look at the evil plans of man still be for our good, be that the evil of our age still yet certainly point to Christ. Amen. But in the event there is a but God moment not so much considered, it could be considered that even perhaps God is also in the business of pointing out to our generation “but God,” too.

As we look at the context in which “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” comes out of and is delivered to us in, I am a bit surprised Pastor JD would not have brought this out as well. It is understandable why he chose his focus. But the context “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” is very much in line with some of Pastor JD’s favorite focuses.

In Revelation 19 we have this breakdown:

  • A multitude in heaven gathers
  • Worship to God explodes
  • Destruction of Babylon the Great
  • The marriage supper of the Lamb
  • The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy
  • Armageddon

In proximity to this being said, we have the marriage supper of the Lamb as a culmination of the fulfillment of prophecy and the tribulation age. In this context, the statement about the testimony of Jesus as being the spirit of prophecy has its focus form the massive worship going on in heaven, the marriage supper of the lamb, and the marriage of the Lamb and bride have come. To whatever extent these encouraging sentiments might also be imparted unto His church in her final hours upon the earth as His testimony concerning the tribulation might ensue, it would be quite fascinating too if in a way there might even be some reflection of this sentiment upon our age in preparation for leaving. Blessings.


This probably is not on topic, but I agreed to go to a concert in Vancouver with the friend who held out from being vaccinated for two years, then got vaxxed to keep a job. I am sitting in the beautiful Commodore ballroom. The opening act is a drag queen. I’m sitting here praying for this human being’s salvation and all the people that are being misled. I’m asking God if I should leave or stay and observe. I have told my friend exactly what I think about this disgusting act and how this movement is harming our children. Please pray for me in this situation.


I see that it’s 8 hrs later. Please update -if you can.

That must have been hard. I’m praying that this will open even more convo with your friend and I’m praying for that person who performed.
I’m also praying for you because the filth/evil of this world grieves us so; may the knowledge of Gods sovereignty and power fill you with peace.


IMO this makes it on topic Jesus to people and people to Jesus.

You were able to warn your friend of the Dangers of and how it’s harming our children.