Jerry Root CSL Institute— Spiritual Warfare

Thank you Emma :sob:
I’m going Sunday to my church after having attended the revival meetings at this other church.

I need to make amends especially as no one involved has said anything or if no one brings it up on Sunday. This is important to me so that whether I stay or go , there’s a good rapport and relationship still intact and that I appropriately
“ brush the sand off my sandals “ should I definitely leave.


I knew immediately the underlying reason was him :japanese_goblin: and not them!
The evil one wants discord, contention , and certainly loves the times we’re downtrodden and disheartened……… BUT GOD!

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I have to laugh at the ending of your post … that day when it was apparent no one was coming , I said to myself that , “the no shows are just broken , flawed people ( like myself ) and of the irony of it all! “
It was healing to take the theme of the gathering truly to heart in that moment……God is good and in a weird way I felt a humor to it all in how he allows things for his bigger purposes.


@anon74937514 @Flamingogirl49563 @trustandfaith @staceylovesJesus @debbieross285

Just watched a phenomenal teaching on the sword of the spirit. Had to share! Hope it blesses you.
Pastor Dan Plourde, Calvary Church in Jupiter, FL (CalvaryChurchFL)


Thanks for sharing Georgia Ruth. That was a great teaching. We have been blessed! My memory for quoting scripture is pretty terrible and have to still run searches in Bible Hub to find what I’m looking for. His suggestions were very helpful. Dan’s teaching highlights the importance of knowing and being able to quote God’s word when under spiritual attack like Jesus being tempted in the wilderness. The sword of the spirit (the word of God) is our only weapon, the rest of our armour is defensive……all held together by the belt of truth!

God bless all,



Oh thank you GR and Emma. What an encouragement that is. The Holy Spirit has filled me with His word that was hidden from my memory many times. So thankful that God is not limited by our “limits”.

I pray you both have a beautiful day with your mom if you are blessed to still have her. I am thankful that God blessed me with children and what an experience and blessing that was to train up a child in the way they should go. The part where it says that they will not depart from it is still a miracle in the waiting…lol.