July 3, 2022 - Billy Crone - The Reward of the Rapture

I believe based on past videos and having met him, he simply hates the taste, texture of chicken meat. He will not eat chicken at all.
So he constantly makes quips about chickens in general.

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@staceylovesJesus, thank you for sharing this video.
The chicken thing… if you will… may be connected to his “servitude” in the occult. They often use chickens in their incantations. I was never in that, but I have watched documentaries concerning it.

I can attest, and have made this statement in the past here, that satan can sit next to you on the pew. I married a devil-filled “church-going” man. God took him after 22 years of marriage. Only God knows where his waiting quarters are.

FB shadow bans me all the time, but I will share this video there.


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