June 13, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Exactly what I have been taught. We touched on this in a ladies bible study regarding angels, via Dr. David Jeremiah. I am pretty sure that he pointed us in the direction that a person who has the Holy Spirit cannot have a demon inside.


If I could chime in about spiritual Babylon and a physical Babylon. It is my opinion from what I have read in Revelation that the antichrist will come from a spiritual Babylon connected to a revived Roman empire clay and iron.

The false prophet could come from Rome but not necessarily. He could come from any part of the revived Roman empire, which I believe to be the current E.U. and then set up shop in Rome the city.

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Thanks Jaimie for your reply. A revived Roman Empire does makes sense. i am somewhat divided on that though. There are studies that are plentiful and not as well discussed that “the people of the prince to come” could also imply those who destroyed that temple in 70 AD. Yes it was under Roman control and military, but the Romans would farm out a lot of their military action (i would imagine the Israeli incident to be a reasonable candidate for this–why lose their own Roman citizens over that…kind of thinking perhaps). If this is accurate (and history seems to reflect that it is accurate) then “the people of the prince to come” could be those of Arabic descent used as Roman military proxies. That being the case, I don’t think all that many have an ear to the ground in that part of the world as to AC rise. In addition there are the two legs of iron. Apparently one leg is Rome branching out into Europe. The other leg historically is Rome branching out into Constantinople (or modern day Istanbul).

I would imagine as time goes on, we will discover and uncover more. I was in AA for a number of years previously, and there is a saying there, “More will be revealed.” Andy Woods has written a book back in 2018 called “Ever Reforming.” This book came out of a 14 part series he did on video that was released in 2019 (apparently the series was recorded in the summer of 2017 approaching the 500th anniversary celebration of the reformation). In that series Andy affirmed that he does not believe in progressive revelation, but he does believe in progressive illumination. Based on Daniel’s “knowledge will increase too and fro,” often understood to mean world speed of travel and general knowledge increase in the last days. Andy’s understanding of that Daniel passage is an increase of insight into the scripture as newly discovered historical context (archeologically as well as what current events during our era like Israel becoming a nation would begin to further shed light on). Ironically, John Macarthur (a reformed pastor) also holds to this view of Daniel. So it seems to be a somewhat shared concept in Christianity.

I bring that up because i find it interesting to come across these details and realize that I am not the only person seeing this sort of approach to the end times. There does seem to be a reasonable and sober minded school of thought out there on this view. It just so happens that as this is genuinely occurring, it seems to have competition, the great awakening (if even a thing or to become a thing in our age). As God’s spirit deepens illumination and insight in His last days in the age of grace…it appears that the New Agers have their competing version of this. And of the two, unfortunately, the one that seems to get the attention is the latter (perhaps a distraction of the enemy to peal away illumination occurring simultaneously within the church). If both of these things are accurate and occurring, it makes sense there would be controversy on exactly what is happening and why as the pendulum of attention and awareness swings between the ways we look upon our age. But after it is all said and done, it does look like a reasonable view that we will be treated to God opening the churches eyes too. Blessings.


@TCC dude, you could have given me a paragraph as a response and that would have been enough, thanks for the very detailed response all the same.

Also no criticism to your writing but dumb it down for me man KISS principle.

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You can go back to the X-Files for this as well…

In this series, the vague reference to Aliens/Human Elite group was cataloging human DNA and also playing with “implants” from abductions.

A mass vaccine would solve a lot of the problems of quantity of humans to track.


lol. I hear ya. Its just your question caught the tide of something I wanted to bring out before i forget…it was fresh and really really important as to a greater conversation occurring on our boards and during our days :slight_smile: Blessings/

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Well I must admit, everyone can read it so it’s not just for me, I get it.

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@TCC food for thought

E.U. post Brexit Iron and Clay ?

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In the language of the Matrix, “A Copper Top”.

What I find interesting and fitting is the use of the language of Binary (Digital)

1 or 0 (zero)
On or Off
Yes or No
True or False
Right or Wrong

So legalistic in nature.

No middle ground or grace (like the Analog of creation). Just absolutes.

In Star Wars parlance it is “Only the Sith speak in absolutes”.

Seems the signs have been there all along but only now do we start to realize it, hidden in plain sight.


Thank you for the links.

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Thanks Jaimie, can appreciate your maps. But I must admit that I almost purposefully (not exactly like that but with such organic interest leaning one way or another), I kind of stay clear of the whole 10 nation confederate/new arising revived Roman Empire. So my view of this is rather different not because our convictions would not intersect, but they would come from completely different orientations (although likely meeting in very similar places at one level or another downstream). For example when I see Rev 13:2, I see Russia, America (harlot or beast???..divided on that), and ? on the leopard. But as for iron and clay…it may be as you see…we may agree more than disagree (a mixing concept of less powerful governance mixed with those powerfully and heavily governed). But I think also the iron and clay thing is actually aliens from another planet mixing with human beings (seed). :scream:

Actually, I don’t. Just playing around. But I would see clay/iron mix similar to how many are looking at pretribulation beast system forming (but I see it occurring post tribulation–not pretribulation). I would actually understand clay mixing with iron as conservative “we the people of the people” having gained power defeating globalists. And later having to interact with globalist ruling class (the rebound)…and they don’t mix but both have amassed power over a certain span of perhaps warring factions in early period tribulation. If you think about it…its kind of cute, no? If we think for example that there might be an Hegelian Dialectic where conservatives take over globalists (and globalists don’t come back with power), how do we end up with clay and iron? We would not. It seems it is not a one world government as we think that will become a thing. Just a desire…but rather waring factions. I realize I am sneaking in again some larger scope observations. Thanks for your patients and understanding. Quite a bit going on and only pockets of moments where understanding how ideas might settle upon our hearts and making a bit more sense here or there. Blessings. :wink:

Wow. Thanks Joshua. I don’t believe I have ever been replied to quite that way before. I appreciate your kind consideration in doing so brother. :slight_smile: I think looking at that end result kingdom divided clay/iron plays greatly into that and kind of hedges against the Luciferian Light theory…because there will be two in tension, factions that won’t blend. So in a way…that suggests the Luciferian Light approach is a little top heavy maybe? It has a lot of pazzaz and frontloaded bang for its buck…to then peter out into a sea (an iron ocean of globalism taking up arms again)? Or how might we describe this blend occurring during the tribulation yet prior to that what lead


Wow, I go away for a few days and 810 posts already :flushed:

As I skimmed through, I came to the conclusion that …

  1. I’m glad I’m not an Admin
  2. Cat herding would be easier
  3. Dead horses get dug up too much and beat again

Not just dead horses being beaten, I think some innocent well-meaning brothers and sisters have been beaten, too. :cry:

I’ve only had time to skim over them, I may not go back and actually read them if this is so. :pensive:

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Yes but whatever it ends up being, brother, the clay and iron demonstrate an end time period of power broker shared government. I don’t think the toes with iron and clay = 10 confederates pulling strings in the background…well at least that it makes sense–if that if both are equal…neither are puppets. Because clay and iron means = rivalry footing that tries to get along. So if it has anything to do with 10 nations pulling puppet strings…how is clay a rival? Would not clay in that picture though just be puppets? But then there would be no need for mention to “not adhere” to one another, right? For puppets adhere without realizing it. In this sense we are helped to understand that those 10 look like the iron elites who give their power to Satan for one hour at the very end of their having kingdoms. Those ten also conspire to destroy Babylon the Great. So we tend to think in terms as though there was no clay/iron mix. We tend to see either globalists or Luciferian Light (from among the common people). But we don’t see both ruling. If both ruled how would that make sense for it to be a Hegelian Dialectic? How would it be possible for the beast system to take over now only to be placed in check by globalists? It would not. Yet we see clay and and we see iron. So both will be a class of rule. They will try to share. But ultimately it looks like at the very end the 10 nations have had enough and give their power to AC and go to war with Christ at Armageddon. Just saying I don’t think i have ever heard 1 person talk as though the future had clay ruling with iron or what that looks like at all. Am I missing something? Have you? Blessings…

43 In that you saw the iron mixed with [a]common clay, they will combine with one another [b]in [c]their descendants; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not combine with pottery.

I am looking at it from a different perspective. A physical outlined defined area. Not political leanings etc. I am tackling it from this perspective as it is far easier without using external factors too much which might cause, for me personally at least, too much confusion and leading me down a rabbit hole which really doesn’t go anywhere.

Blessings to you too :wink:

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