June 30, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Pagan Medicine Gods Are Alive And Well Today

The second service sermon also good, talk about women “prophets” and “pastors” usurp church authority.

He mentioned Calvary Chapel is moving to this trend…


I just have to share this…Paris Olympics part of a logo…things that make you go mmmmmmmm? Rapture, tower of Babel underground in flames?


And the mascot…little horn with eyes…mmmmmm

Masonic triangle?

Alef and Tav?..


Well let’s wait for “conspiracy theories” to unearth the meanings. I know the ceremonies are predictive programming like the C19…


Hi Fred,
We are in Bizarroworld-have been for years, but astonishingly it continues to escalate.
Was out bike riding in my neighborhood and saw a flag in a yard: not a Canada flag, but a “pride” one (perverted and proud)-six colors. Brainwashing on display. Like when I also saw a few years back some house in the neighborhood with a cardboard sign in their window, “Black Lives Matter.” They are in darkness, but they lovingly choose the darkness (John 3:18-19).
Anyway, we are not alone, all being grieved by these things, yet enflamed with courage and our Blessed Hope-Jesus is coming; and this also means Immortality and Glory for you and me.
Grace and peace.


This is a gold rush of symbolism. I’m looking on my phone and I can see the “the same above as below”, but the images are not equal, I think that’s Horus flying top center in the first picture, pagan gods all over the place in all of them. Art style set aside, they drew “people” with wings, no arms or legs, and disjointed. I am sure that those who enlarge these to read the words and such could do a 2-hour video.

Little horn vs the all seeing eye? Now joined?

In the last poster, bottom left, there is a man dressed in a suit jacket, shirt and tie with knee length dark pants on. He and a woman next to him seem to be overseers. Things that make you go hmmm.



I watched the opening of London Olympics 2012. Covid and freemasonry galore. Thats why I started to delve into this next one.
We will wait and see. We are so blessed to have eyes to see and ears to hear.

I just came across this one…
Looks like everyone is running away. From something?..


Hello Peggy, it is under the topic DALLAS T NEEDS PRAYER. So thankful that she is doing better each day. Prayer changes things, amen? :flamingo:


1st picture - Upside down like the TV series stranger things - that theme is in a lot of video games like zelda a link between worlds, there is a triforce triangle well known in the zelda games also. Light and dark world…

Its in the movie constantine too with keanu reeves.


9 July 2024

Haa…. see all set in motion yes?

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, France’s most prominent far-left politician, pledged in his victory speech to push for the recognition of a Palestinian state. This marked a sharp contrast with the far-right Marine Le Pen, whose party rejected.

“We will have a prime minister from the New Popular Front,” Mélenchon, the French far-left leader, posted on X on Sunday night. “We will be able to decide many things by decree. On the international level, we must agree to recognize the State of Palestine.”

The vote and result put many French Jews in an uncomfortable position. Many French Jews say that rhetoric from the far left has opened the door to antisemitism.

In UK:

Reminder, it is selection not election LOL

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Toxic narrative.exe

These war crimes must face consequences etc -

Guys im 3 weeks in to my 3 months prediction of the narrative change - how much is real? So much to question.


Cancer Care.
Health Care.
Obama Care.
Cremation of Care [Bohemian Grove ritual].
See a pattern?
Up is down, down is up.
War on Drugs=More drugs
War on Cancer=More Cancer
There is a war on those who have God’s Word, His oracles.
Today that person is not the Jew, the Israelite. He has rejected and thus been blinded to the gospel for a season (dispensation). So to think Satan is persecuting the Israelite today is premature and not totally accurate; a waste of ammo for the enemy whose resources are strong but still limited. The enemy wants to block the Way to eternal life, just like he did with Eve from the beginning.
It is the born-again, Spirit indwelt believer in Jesus Christ who he has his cross hairs on.
ps the Biden Administration, to me, is a test run for making the way for antichrist.
They will make the current state of things so bad, that they will long for a savior; but not the True Savior-they will adore and worship a serpent, dragon savior.
(from “Childhood’s End” by Arthur Clarke)
They have to. It is prophecied that God will bring them strong delusion to believe the lie, “that they would all be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thes.2:11-12
God does not force them to be deluded; they choose delusion and darkness, so He removes the Light.
The Restrainer will be removed soon.
We think things are dark now. We really have only seen a glimpse of darkness compared to what awaits the unregenerate.
If you are relying on any law or moral code or keeping the Sermon on the Mount to either get saved or maintain your salvation, please know that there is none who does good, there is none righteous(Rom.3:10). All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
The only way to know you are saved is if at one time in your life, you realized you are a sinner, and need a Savior; and you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, then you my brother, my sister, are saved and sealed for the Day of Redemption (Rom.8:1-No more condemnation for those in Christ; Eph.1:13; and 2:5,8-9; Titus 3:4-7).
Grace and peace.


Thank you! I have been going through some things…
But God!


I am surprised by your words. I think in the whole of your post you are wanting to encourage the Babs.

We all could do with two-scoops of encouragement right about now.

Umm… I think the way you phrased these sentences leaves me thinking that you think that the Jewish people, in totality, would not have God’s word. That Satan & co. has left the Jewish Nation alone. Satan has never left the Jewish people alone. Once again, the Jewish nation is facing considerable hostility in most areas around the world.

Some clarity please. :slightly_smiling_face:



Sure, I will let God’s Word do most of the talking.
First off, we need to have a basic understanding that we are in a totally different dispensation today, where God is not dealing with Israel specifically and exclusively. Romans 10:12 “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him.” Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Romans 2:28-29 " For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God."
Think of Israel, the Church (body of believers in Christ) and dispensations and God having a stopwatch. God’s plan for Israel, his dispensation of Old Covenant, is on pause right now, until 'the fullness of the Gentiles" has come in -Romans 11:25. This will occur at the pre-tribulation, pre-Day of the Lord/Jacob’s Trouble Rapture of the Body of Jesus Christ. All those who at one time put their trust in Jesus as their Savior will be transformed from mortal to immortal, dishonor to glory.
Right now, Israel is ‘on stop’ regarding the stopwatch and Old Covenant. When it starts again after we are Raptured, they are going to be punished, with the rest of the unbelieving world-but there will be a remnant (Rev.7:3-8; Mat.25:1-13).
The world was given the way to salvation from God’s prophets, who were all Hebrews, from Moses to Jesus. And they were all martyred by…Hebrews-Jews!
But now, starting with Paul (a Jew, a Benjamite), for a time, we have the New Covenant given not by Jew, not by Gentile, but by the Body of Christ, who have the Gospel.
The Hebraic Gospel: repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
The Church/New Covenant Gospel: you have sinned; you are a sinner. You must be born again. Trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior for the free gift of eternal life.
We are God’s people.
“I will call them My people, who were not My people,
And her beloved, who was not beloved.” Hosea 2:23
more than that, we are sons (and daughters) of the Living God (Hosea 1:10; 1 John 3:1-2).
Romans 9:27: " Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel:

“Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea,
The remnant will be saved."
verses 30-33 Israel does not seek God’s righteousness by faith, but their own by their works.
They have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge (Rom.10:2-4).
They stumble on the Rock of offense, the chief cornerstone.
They have not submitted to the righteousness of God.
Again, today there is no distinction between Jew and Gentile. Rom.10 verse 12.
“I will provoke you to jealousy by those who are not a nation,
I will move you to anger by a foolish nation." Deut.32:21
" All day long I have stretched out My hands
To a disobedient and contrary people" Isa.65:2
There is a remnant even today in Israel (Romans 11:5).
"What then? Israel has not obtained what it seeks; but the elect have obtained it, and the rest were blinded.
“God has given them a spirit of stupor,
Eyes that they should not see
And ears that they should not hear,
To this very day” Rom.11:7-8
You say that the Hebrew is the most persecuted on earth today. That is your opinion. I see the news sources; those who trust in Netenyahu like many trust in the pope. Those who believe anything he says, like the official narrative of October 7. These reports come from those who hold conferences to raise money for the IDF. Not for the poor. Not for orphans and widows in the Body of Christ. But for the Military Industrial Complex.
In my opinion, the most persecuted group is not the homosexual. It is not the non-white male; and it is not the Jew.
It is the believer in Jesus Christ, who has the whole counsel of God (Old and New Testament) and specifically the Good News of how to get out of this place alive.
p.s. for encouragement, I have been going to the Psalms and even the Proverbs(The light of the eyes rejoices the heart…a merry heart has a continual feast). I have also stopped watching ‘the news’, including Mike Adams (informative, but depressing), Tom Hughes (see comment on Adams), Maria Zeee, etc. Fear! Be anxious! Bad is coming! Aaahhh!
What you consistently think about will manifest itself in your life.
Col. 3:1-4
Grace and peace to all the trusters in Jesus Christ.


Hi Robbie. Thanks for your clarification. I understand where you are coming from and it provides a bit fresh perspective in the target on believers lives. But theologically though I believe, as for Jews, there is an interest of the enemy in having them as a target too.

Matthew 23:39 depicts where Christ affirms a prophetic notion of His return at the end of the tribulation. In theory, what that would mean to the enemy is if he could rid the earth of the Jew, technically Christ could never come back. Because the nation would never be in a place to be open to call Jesus blessed.

During the time of pharaoh in Egypt, he did try to eradicate the Jews by slavery to keep existing numbers down and by killing the baby boys: Exodus 1:1-21.

In Esther we see a similar but more aggressive theme. Surely it could be considered that because the Jews at that time were the chosen of God, they would be a severe target for the enemy. But in general I believe it is likely because we are created in the image of God that he would hate and go after mankind in general. My notion of the garden, to me, is possibly a cause for Lucifer to fall. It is indicated in scripture Ezekiel 28:17 that infers he fell because of pride. So in that sense there is a honor I believe we should have in respecting what scripture articulates. But perhaps this is also by contrast. Seemingly more beautiful than all the angels. And if Lucifer fell after the creation of Adam and Eve, although we are not exactly privy to the kinds of domain angels have in rule, it would seem to be clear that Adam and Eve had an entire planet. And since they were created in the image of God, in that way…they would ontologically have more glory. Which might spark Lucifier in his vanity to exult himself (in part, seemingly in jealousy if he fell after the creation of Adam and Eve).

So I mention the above to note and highlight possibly that Lucifer fell because of Adam and Eve in part, he would just have an ongoing ever hatred in general for those created in His image. In any respect, likely certainly for Israel for two reasons. The first being obvious. That satan would set himself against a group of those created in God’s very image that God called His chosen people (during the old testament). But to the distorted sense satan would understand the Bible, he is likely not subject to his own replacement theology deception. And would at least suspect, fear, and maybe even be antagonistic towards Israel in some future plan.

I would see that increase even more when what seems to be noted from some old testament places as well as new testament places, that Israel will rule on earth for a thousand years with Christ. Whatever that means, it would mean the Jews have prominence in rule where Satan had succeeded to dethrone mankind from the original preservational grace of God in enthroning mankind with an earthly kingdom to rule over. Satan would feel smited if there were a plan where Jews ruled on earth. The chosen people of God ruling where he had already thwarted mankind from doing so.

Well this is the sense I would take it. Under Hitler it seemed of interest to rid the world once again of the Jews. Of course during the tribulation we know Satan goes after Israel. Perhaps we could say the first half of the tribulation seems to be more of a time of interest to deceive Israel and have them in his favor (for the maximum ability to deceive). And in that sense, persecution being “set up in good stead” for the purpose to decieve and own. So there would of course seemingly be this kind of inconsistencey type of flaw in my general overall logic (that Satan seems to be fully invested in persecution where ever and whenever he can get his hands on it to do so). Where we likely agree would be the hedge of protection God would place limiting where, when, how, and how much Satan could persecute. But do we have any cases in scripture where it affirms that Satan leaves people alone because he already owns them in a sense? Or might this be more so like clever insights we might hold in the archives of what seems to be a form a wisdom for us today? Which of course could equally be applied to my POV here as well. So yeah, just asking.

Or what would you make of my stated mess here? lol. Blessings.


I had originally included your post, but I talked too much and went over the limit. Oops.

Thank you for elaborating on your comment for me. It helps me see more clearly your thoughts.

You gave Roman’s 10:12. Let me add in verses 10-13.
11 for the Writing saith, `Every one who is believing on him shall not be ashamed,’
12 for there is no difference between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord of all [is] rich to all those calling upon Him,
13 for every one – whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, he shall be saved.’

I differ in thought with you about “a totally different dispensation” and “not dealing with Israel specifically and exclusively”. Exclusively? No, not during the church dispensation, I agree. Totally different? No. The Old Covenant’s commandments, practices of principles, methods of pleasing God with the appropriate blessing or punishment for correction are all moved forward into the New Covenant with some becoming more strict or precise. Since we live at a blessed time to have both Covenants to read in a single book, to have captured in Word what wasn’t possible before our Christ’s visitation, all generations since Jesus’s ascension have an equal opportunity to come to Him - Jew and Gentile. You quote Galatians 3:28. Again, I will add a couple more for completeness of thought. Galatians 3: 23-26,
23 And before the coming of the faith, under law we were being kept, shut up to the faith about to be revealed,
24 so that the law became our child-conductor – to Christ, that by faith we may be declared righteous,
25 and the faith having come, no more under a child-conductor are we,
26 for ye are all sons of God through the faith in Christ Jesus,

Because of the grace of God to all mankind, He “shut up to the faith about to be revealed” toward the Jews. But, there have been an unknown number of Jewish born that have come to the saving grace of God and Jesus and are now counted with all in the body of Christ. God’s elect is His as He chooses.

What I am trying to emphasize is even though a majority of Israel has, through these last 2,000 years, been purposely blinded, not all have.

From those Israelis alive at the time of the rapture, yes, two-thirds will be killed per God’s judgement, keeping a third for Himself to fulfill His promises He swore.

Revelation 3: 3-8 is about the 144,000, 12,000 per tribe, specifically chosen and sealed, exact location of still on earth or in Heaven, I cannot be positive, though since John is seeing the appointment in Heaven, my thought is it is done in Heaven. They are returned to earth with Jesus to minister to Israel and the Gentiles.

The remnant of Israel, the third left alive, are told to run. I agree with many that Petra fits for their location during the tribulation.

Basic New Covenant is the gospels, Acts, and letters written by mostly Paul, but others, too. ALL are inspired by the Holy Ghost, not the “Body of Christ”. The “Hebraic Gospel” you mention was spoken by the Savior, a Jew by birth, as so He also taught how anyone must be saved.

To your comment of me saying that I say that the Hebrew is the most persecuted; that isn’t what I said. I said, “Satan has never left the Jewish people alone”. “Once again, the Jewish nation is facing considerable hostility in most areas around the world.” If you can look at the world today and not see the rise - again - in antisemitism, then, perhaps, a quick check on the UN alone would be helpful.

Has the Babs been persecuted? OH YES! Is the level of persecution toward believers risen exponentially these last decades? Certainly. There was a period of time that a powerful religion, started in the second or third century, took to the streets and towns in that time to eradicate the believers so that they, the religion, could confiscate the name “Christain”. They only asked each person to sign a declaration of obedience to their church. An answer of No? The rule by the religion was that as long as they did not break the skin directly, they could use whatever persuasion they thought necessary to procure a confession of denying Jesus Christ as their Savior. Thousands were martyred. God hid a remnant for Himself. The religion thinking they had been successful, took “Christain”. Does martyring go on today? ALL over the world. Satan is still trying to get rid of the believers. Ain’t gonna happen. :rofl:

I think of the people whose lives are affected by the powers that be … not the powers. What my governing body does is guided by God for His purpose.

Blessings, Robbie


Not a mess at all. You always take the time to fill out your thoughts for the reader. I, as you rightly pointed out to me in love, am a straight shooter. Something that I try, albeit unsuccessfully, to correct. Still have work to do.



10 July 2024


When Prophecy Prompts Prayer, Daniel 9 – July 11th, 2024

Pastor JD explains why, like with Daniel who was prompted to pray after studying Bible prophecy in Jeremiah in his day, we would do well to, even more so, do the same in our day, being the very last days.


Hey Brother!

Always tactful and humble. I am learning from you, Teren.

Interesting; in Hollywood & MSM, it is always “six million Jews” 6 million Jews"; they are adamant about that number. There were also gypsies, people with bodily deformities (for cleansing/eugenics purposes) and, wait for it…Christians (that sound from Hollywood is crickets)!
One of the (desired) results was the (re) creation of the state of Israel. Yes, the deep state globalists wanted this (and, yes, they work for Lucifer, who works for God-the Sovereign Lord of hosts). Was there any other time in this dispensation (about 70 BC or so, after the sacking/destruction of the Temple) til now where Jews were specifically hunted down besides WW2?

The Restrainer will do so til He is taken out of the way.
Then Israel will have “one week” (seven years, Daniel 9) to “finish the transgression, To make an end of sins” verse 24.

All who are not yet born again belong to the enemy; they are in his slave market, from which we were redeemed by the precious Blood of Jesus.
The only way they can be free is by believing the Gospel and becoming born again; so, his mission would be to prevent them from hearing the gospel by either censoring it or diluting it with law and works.
Yes, pre-Paul the Jews were heavily persecuted, since the enemy knew Messiah must come from Israel. Another plan that was foiled was the genetic modification just before the flood, trying to weed out the gene pool to make it impossible for Jesus to be God and human.
Good points with Esther, et al, but again, that was in previous dispensation (69 weeks) which is currently on pause or hold.

I believe that Lucifer destroyed the pre-Adamic world, making it “tohu va bohu” (empty and waste).
God did not create the world tohu va bohu.
So, it appears it is Scriptural that he fell long before Adam, long before “Let there be light”.
In summary, the enemy’s goal is chiefly to keep people away from the cross (for which Paul suffered persecution from, mostly, the Jews).
Grace and peace to you, Brother :slight_smile:

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God bless you!
"As iron sharpens iron…"