June 5, 2022 - James 4:4 - Pre-Rapture Prepping

:bible2: Pre-Rapture Prepping – James 4:4

:hawaiianshirt_4: Pastor JD talks about “Pre-Rapture Prepping” related to the exhortations in the book of James that speak to spiritual preparations especially in these last days before the 7-year tribulation.

Watch on JDFarag.org


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:mag_right: James Bible Study Video List: Here


What a timely teaching and very much needed! Lately, I have found myself more anxious and lacking spiritual strength; but as Pastor J.D. said, we are ALL going through some difficult times now with the world changing, as we get nearer to the rapture. I will be calling on ‘Jesus’ when I feel weak and doing more to keep my focus on God’s love & grace.


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