March 27, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update

I watch PU on the app and open resources.
The links to things he refers to are listed/linked.

Here is pdf copied from there.


Thank you. I see that Jesus was getting Simon Peter to see who he was, but was Jesus only speaking to him? Peter was the only one voicing his doubt, but I am thinking Jesus was speaking to everyone by referring to nets, plural. Not sure if I am explaining my self adequately.

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I just have to leave a broken heart :broken_heart:


Great job pastor JD! - also, Dr Andy Woods sermon today was also great and very time appropriate - you can get it at Sugarland bible church web site and I really recommend it - MARANATHA


Great update as usual. Missed Pastor Farag the last couple of weeks.


Yes, Jesus spoke to Simon directly. In verse 3 context he “borrowed”/“used” Simon’s boat:

[Luk 5:3] And getting into one of the ships, which was Simon’s, he asked him to draw out a little from the land; and he sat down and taught the crowds out of the ship.

In verse 4 after His preaching, he asked Simon go into deep sea fishing and casts the nets into it:

[Luk 5:4] But when he ceased speaking, he said to Simon, Draw out into the deep water and let down your nets for a haul.

The word net/nets are same Greek word: It cannot refer to human


Soon Refusing a Vaccine May Not Be Enough: Scientists Developing Contagious ‘Cure’

By Elizabeth Stauffer March 27, 2022 at 12:06pm

Wasn’t this the plot to 2007’s movie “I Am Legend”?

If you are among the many Americans who have reservations about the COVID-19 vaccines, you may find the idea of a self-spreading vaccine to be somewhat disconcerting.

Scientists are working to develop a “contagious” vaccine “that could replicate in a host’s body and spread to others nearby, quickly and easily protecting a whole population from microbial attacks,” according to a new report in The National Geographic.

They are trying to create “genetically engineered viruses,” anticipating they will “spread from one animal to another, imparting immunity to disease rather than infection.”

Call me crazy, but considering that the world is still reeling from the last experiment with gain of function research, this sounds like a horrible idea.
The article explains the justification for this dangerous research. They cite U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, which estimates that “60 percent of all known infectious diseases and 75 percent of new or emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic.” And scientists “cannot predict why, when or how new zoonotic diseases will emerge.”

Could one then argue that scientists cannot predict why, when or how messing with these deadly diseases could bring calamity to the world?

Scientists maintain that if they’re able to develop this technology now, they may be able to prevent the next pandemic. They claim this research could “revolutionize public health.”

We’re told that “many experts” believe SARS-CoV-2 jumped from an animal to a human. In reality, the only experts who agree with that theory are those who stand to benefit from National Institutes of Health grants. Most rational scientists suspect that a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology triggered the pandemic.

Anyway, the goal is to “reduce infectious disease transmission among wild animals, thereby lowering the risk that harmful viruses and bacteria can jump from wildlife to humans.”

The research will be conducted on animals. Because “wild animals are difficult to vaccinate because each one must be located, captured, vaccinated and released,” they conclude that “self-spreading vaccines offer a solution.”

Scientists began this research in the 1980s, but advances in technology have facilitated it.

They are currently working on vaccines for Ebola, bovine tuberculosis and Lassa fever, and they hope to address rabies, West Nile virus, Lyme disease and the plague next.

The National Geographic spoke to Filippa Lentzos, a science and international security expert at King’s College in London. They learned that because “viruses are genetically unstable and prone to frequent mutations … a self-spreading vaccine virus could evolve to jump species or cause other unknown consequences in wild and domestic animal populations and, perhaps, even in humans.”

“Once you set something engineered and self-transmissible out into nature, you don’t know what happens to it and where it will go,” said Jonas Sandbrink, a biosecurity researcher at the University of Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute. “Even if you just start by setting it out into animal populations, part of the genetic elements might find their way back into humans.”

The article discussed the first and only real world experiment with a self-spreading virus. In 1999, veterinarian José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno tested a vaccine against two viral diseases that affect rabbits: rabbit hemorrhagic disease and myxomatosis.

After creating a “vaccine” in a lab, Sánchez-Vizcaíno’s team traveled to an island off the coast of Spain. They captured 147 rabbits, “placed microchips in their necks, administered the vaccine to about half of them and released them all back into the wild.”

Thirty-two days later, “[w]hen researchers recaptured micro-chipped rabbits that had not been vaccinated originally, they found that 56 percent of them had antibodies to both viruses, indicating that the vaccine had successfully spread from vaccinated to unvaccinated animals.”

The team submitted their results to the European Medicines Agency (Europe’s version of the CDC) “for evaluation and approval for real-world use. The EMA noted technical issues with the vaccine’s safety evaluation and requested that the team decode the myxoma genome, which had not been done before.”

Sánchez-Vizcaíno never supplied the EMA with the requested material.

The National Geographic spoke to Juan Bárcena, then a Ph.D. student working under Sánchez-Vizcaíno. He no longer supports self-spreading vaccine technology because he has learned it can lead to “unforeseen consequences.”

It turned out that the reason why myxoma had become so rampant in the European rabbit population was because in 1952, a man in France who was trying to keep rabbits out of his garden had deliberately released the virus.

Nearly 50 years later, the virus was affecting huge numbers of rabbits in Europe. That wasn’t the only unforeseen consequence.

The article said, “In 2018 Spanish researchers started noticing that a myxoma virus was killing wild hares, a species similar to rabbits. Scientists sequenced its genome and concluded that the myxoma virus had mixed with a poxvirus, enabling it to jump species.”

Bárcena said: “I don’t know if a mathematical model would have said that 70 years later something like this can happen.”

Scientists are essentially creating contagions that didn’t exist previously and introducing them into animal populations. This could lead to disaster for the world, especially one that’s trying hard to move on from a devastating and lingering pandemic.

They tell us it could revolutionize public health. It could also bring calamity.

Once a disease is unleashed, researchers lose absolute control over it. Consider how many illnesses have jumped from animals to people.

Additionally, regardless of whether or not COVID-19 originated from a lab leak, the fact is that lab leaks are common. If a genetically engineered vaccine, which is a virus, were to accidentally leak, we could have another pandemic on our hands.

There are also biosecurity concerns over the development of these pathogens. What if a nefarious government decided to unleash one of them on the world? In fact, Putin may be toying with the idea right now.

There are so many ways that this could go wrong, ways that scientists haven’t even considered. It’s been said that if there are 100 ways to get caught for a crime, even the smartest criminal will only think of 99 of them. It’s that one small detail he overlooked that will nail him.

This isn’t like software that can easily be patched by rolling out an update. Once this is out there, it’s out there.

Our government should do everything it can to stop this — Oh, that’s right.


Page 16 through 24 or 25 are the long list of adverse effects (of special interest) that were created by regulatory groups that I was talking about in my previous comments. This long list is what is actually hindering the reporting of side effects since most doctors are not specialists and do not have the time to research all of the possible adverse side effects listed to find out what they are.

Thank you for that definition and explanation. I guess when I read it several times, my thought was when J.D. was referring to this scripture, Jesus was speaking also on a spiritual level that when we doubt, he will redirect us to push doubt aside and listen (with our whole being) to His command. Cast everything (doubt) out and we will be able to see clearly what He is directing us to do. J.D. made it a point to say “net” when clearly the scripture showing on his screen said “nets” both times. To me, that was saying Jesus was not only speaking to Simon about his net, but speaking to al that were in His presence. I thought he was trying to say more than he really was, I guess. I told my husband what my thought was, and he said it was an interesting take on it. Not sure if he was being nice or “there she goes again with trying too hard to figure it out” LOL


It says ‘he said unto Simon’ so to me it sounds pretty direct.

As for nets vs net, KJV and a few other translations also give Simon’s response as singular ‘net’. There is a lengthy explanation as to why the difference here.”-or-nets”-why-greek-texts-and-english-translations-differ

When JD referred to Jesus telling Peter to let down his nets and Peter responded as he did (We just did that. All night. But if you say so…:roll_eyes:), either singular or plural, it makes me think of the response of the little girl in the old Miracle on 34th Street movie. When there was no wrapped present for her, the Santa character tells her she must continue to believe, so she is later seen muttering, “I believe, I believe…its silly, but I believe…” and then of course in both cases, the results were far beyond expectations.

“Faith begins at the end of our own human understanding; our own common sense. Faith can make a way even when tangible things say different.” - Sunnie Cotton


Oh, yes. Thank you pbandj.


Exerpt from article:

***“The first adverse event on the list is a chromosome disorder called 1p36 deletion syndrome. The definition is as follows: A chromosome disorder is a change in chromosome number or structure which results in a set of features or symptoms. People with 1p36 deletion syndrome have lost a small but variable amount of genetic material from one of their 46 chromosomes. ***

Remember when all those conspiracy theorists were posting their concerns that the new mRNA technology could change one’s DNA? And then all the “fact-checkers” were working overtime to label those dangerous posts as misinformation? But all the while, the FDA knew that this syndrome was a possible side effect of the vaccine. “ ----End.


This article below may explain why Biden is ordering Selective Service to post non-stop about possible drafts for young adults age 18 to 26. In addition to the leaked reports as to over 130 bioweapons labs around the globe, the Satanist elites, -----after injuring and ending thousands of our military, now may demand thousands more sign up for a similar ending. Lord Jesus, please stop these violent satanic death-shot criminals from harming any more people who you love and gave your life to save.

“Attorney Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel, representing the Navy commander, followed up, asking Long why the data is relevant to the case.

“I have so many soldiers being destroyed by this vaccine. Not a single member of my senior command has discussed my concerns with me,” she said amid tears.

“I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by talking about it,” Long said.

She added that she is willing to lose her career “because I am watching people get absolutely destroyed.” End quote


With a new Iran deal that is far worse that the previous one just days away, and with anticipating tensions on the Temple Mount as Ramadan and Passover converge in April, i can see the war of Biblical propotions just around the corner!

This is exactly what happened last year on the Temple Mount that lit the spark and ignited the war against Hamas! It’s heading the same way this time again, only this time around its will not just be Hamas to wage war, but it will be a regional war with Hezbollah, Fatah and the Islamic Jihad (The Ring Of Fire) who all wage war at once against Israel! Amidst this war Isaiah 17 could very well fulfilled!

With the world focused on the Russia Ukarine war, Iran has already shipped 12 cargo planes full of ammunition into Damascus to supply Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah and the Islamic Jihad (The Ring Of Fire)!!!

Just this week Russia warned that Israeli strikes in Syria Seek to ‘Escalate Tensions’ and the Russia’s ambassador went as far as saying that Israeli airstrikes in Syria are “provoking” Russia to react!!!


I believe that from this war, the world will be in an uproar as the center of the Middle East lays in ashes. Step in the Antichrist. The Bible tells us he comes in as a man on a white horse — he is a miracle worker of diplomacy and the man everyone will look to for answers.

The treaty of Daniel 9:27 is signed, and the signing of the treaty starts the Tribulation Period. Watch Israel, watch the skies, our redemption draweth nigh!

From Amir Tsarfati…
I’m reading that local Arab Muslim preachers in mosques inside Israel predict, according to calculations based on some Koran verses, that Israel will be completely destroyed by July 8, 2022.
The Arab social media is creating a buzz.
Will this be a trigger to a soon conflict?
I know the end of the book, and guess what? It’s NOT Israel that will be destroyed!


Global Food Crisis By End Of Year May Be Inevitable (


If I have posted this in the wrong place, let me know and I will remove it. Just wanted to heighten awareness for parents and grandparents.

Pastor warns parents about ‘demonic’ content in Disney movie | Entertainment News (