March 6, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update




Bro Keegan, I realised that China is having Winter Paralympics from 4-13 March.

Let’s see if China :cn: move to invade Taiwan :taiwan: after this event.

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Wooooah bro! I did’nt know that! Yes bro i believe that China will invade Taiwan post the 13th next week!!


How the propaganda works

re: Ukraine yet people fall for it
closer to the end the supposed journalist chastising UK Boris Johnson for not helping Ukraine is really an activist,
a Ukrainian young global leader trained under the WEF program
like Freeland named Daria Kaleniuk, like Freeland
and she too is Ukrainian. The whole clip is a must watch to understand the media but a must watch part is the WEF activist from 18:30-35 min mark re: Daria baiting Johnson


Young global leaders WEF Daria Kaleniuk
scroll down

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In regard to Dr. Jane Ruby’s findings of parasite eggs in the Pfizer shots

My first thought was Isaiah 59:5, which someone else had posted on several weeks ago. Also explains why ivermectin (an anti-parasitic ) stops the alleged infection in its it’s tracks.

My second thought was
is there anything Jane Ruby HAS NOT found in these vials yet? At this point, I’m just waiting for her to find fragments of jelly beans, milk duds, etc. Why not, everything else is in there.

All kidding aside though, may want to have a read of Isaiah 59. See if it doesn’t line up perfectly with how the devil’s minions are operating right now to prepare the stage for AC.


It’s all biblical. It’s all scriptural. It’s just about how deep do you go in studying scripture. You’re right, it’s not for everyone, but for the few that the Lord has put it on their hearts to learn, it’s important. If Christians hadn’t put their lives on the line to expose the darkness, then we wouldn’t be able to understand what’s going on right now. The strongest and most faithful Christians I know study all of the bible, which includes this history. In order to understand Freemasonry and the Illuminati you have to have a much deeper knowledge of scripture. The two can’t be separated. If you don’t know Jesus, you can’t possibly understand the Illuminati or Freemasonry. It’s not the “cotton candy” Jesus knowledge. It’s way deeper. You have to be very, very strong in your faith to handle it.

I have a friend who is frustrated with some family members who absolutely don’t understand and won’t read anything she presents to them concerning how we are in “end times” / NWO and how they’re using vaccines to bring this about. No amount of evidence will persuade them. She can show them scripture and they are not moved.

I tell her to quit. They can not and will not understand because they are blinded.

When I hear a brother or sister say that what you say, I have that same frustration, how can you not want to know all the truth? It’s all biblical. And then I have to realize that it’s just not meant for you to know.

Weather you know it or not, the pastors that know and understand what’s going on, they know and understand that. They just don’t talk about it with everyone. It’s too deep for most people. It’s the difference between a Joel Osteen “Bible Study” and Chuck Missler Bible Study. We get the Chuck Smith Bible study, but it’s given by someone who has the Chuck Missler level knowledge. And all of our knowledge comes from God / Holy Spirit / Jesus Christ.






@cuddlesam, for those of us who do not feel the need to study every type of organization or religion, we depend on the Holy Spirit to guide us in our daily walk with the Lord our God. We are able to understand the Bible because God made it so simple, even illiterate people could learn Scripture. I for one, am so very, very thankful for the “Jesus Cotton-Candy” - especially since Jesus rebuked the “learned” - the Pharisees for their lofty self-made positions.

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Jesus gives comforting assurance and instruction to his children when facing that kind of resistance to the truth, may be helpful in those times.

Luke 8:7 Mark 6:10 Matthew 23:8-38 Revelation 2:14-17. 1 John 5. Ephesians 5:11. We can pray for them, and trust that only God Himself can alter such things.

“He that is of God hears God’s words.” He that is not of God will ignore God’s words.



You completely misunderstood what I was saying. “Jesus cotton-candy” are those who never read scripture and just believe it’s all about “love” and “feel good”.

Yes, the Bible is for the illiterate. But, as we grow in our faith and knowledge, we desire more. We all grow at a different speeds. The more we read and study the more we grow and that growth only comes from God / Jesus / Holy Spirit, as I mentioned in my previous comment. I very clearly stated that.

I used the example of Joel Osteen and Chuck Missler as the difference in where one can be in knowledge of SCRIPTURE.

I don’t even know how “Pharisees” came into this.

Reread what I wrote. I was trying to explain that knowing about the Illuminati and Freemasonry isn’t about not trusting in Jesus alone. It’s exactly the opposite, you need MORE faith in Christ. MORE knowledge in scripture. MORE trust in Christ. A closer walk with Christ. Not saying that I have MORE than others, not saying that at all. Saying that we need to rely MORE heavily in our faith, knowledge, trust, in Christ. To be sure we’re walking very close to HIM.

The poster indicated to me that she thought they were separate. That you’re either studying and trusting in Christ or that you’re studying Freemasonry. You can only understand the Illuminati if you are in Christ. It’s a deeper dive. She thinks they are 2 separate issues. That she just trusts in Jesus and doesn’t worry about the other. Well, that’s just because she doesn’t understand that it’s all biblical and it is just not something she understands right now.

When JD gives the call to salvation, he gives the simple ABC’s. You don’t try to unload the whole Bible on an unbeliever. Once they have the power of the Holy Spirit, the scriptures come alive and things that never made sense before, suddenly make sense and connect. Then as time goes on, more things connect. There are more and more layers. There’s no right or wrong. It’s a journey with the Lord. Some people are just more mature in the Lord. I listened to some young people yesterday that the Lord has blessed with not only what the Lord has shown me, but more. People can have more knowledge and understanding of different parts of the scriptures. I know someone who has really in depth knowledge of the Book of Job and I just don’t get what he says sometimes. He’s teaching me.

I think of Elizabeth Elliot and how she actually went back and taught the Bible to natives who killed her husband and friends. She had to have MORE of JESUS to be able to do that. She’s a rarity. I don’t know how she did all that she did. That’s because the Lord blessed her to do that. It doesn’t make us less than anyone else. Just different.

Does that help?


----at times for me it’s hard to rectify how devout occultists and stnists also claim they are saved and have eternal life in Christ, while denying the very one who bought them with His own blood. You can show them all the evidence in the world, God’s Word, absolute proof, etc. That all they need is to get saved for real, and leave all that garbage behind them. Not one bit of it will they even look at. So the Lord gives us leave to let them alone in their choice and move on to more “fruitful” fields and endeavors. Not easy if its family. sad.

You took part of a conversation I was using for an example of something. What you said doesn’t make any sense if regards to that.

Her family member isn’t an occultist of Satanist. They are unbelievers. They aren’t pretending to be saved.

This is true Beverly. All of Matthew 23 and most of John 8 is a good example of what you are referring to. Jesus rebuked the illumined ones and false religionists (gnostic pharisees) who were akin to the same groups today which cuddlesam notes. Jesus too. He told us he did nothing in secret, nor in the dark, and that his enemies do all in secret. Those also embraced Babylonian religion and Baal, mixing it with traditions, same as today.
They tried to usurp and play role of intermediary between the people and God, which thing God hates. Jesus tells us so in Rev 2, as the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, and expresses the same sentiments for it. He “hates” it, in His own words. “It,” the doctrine, not the people. The doctrine erects obstacles to the Truth and the simple gospel of 1 Cor 15 1-4. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

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Perhaps your friend might consider simply sharing the ABCs with them. Once saved, God will open their eyes to all the rest.




Amir Tsarfati: The Illuminati and the One World Government


Yes an obsession is never a good thing. But you can only see for your personal life if you have an obsession over something or not. I am sure that cuddlesam is well aware what is working for her too and so am I.

I think we all agree that Jesus is the most important topic, especial in these end times.


#deleteputin @jdfaragforum


So I already knew there was deception around this war, but this article makes everything seem like the beginning/escalation of the great reset. (?)

Things that make you go

The question is: why do they want us to take sides??

Like Pastor JD said -there are no sides except one-King Jesus!


I took a look through the site Dennis posted the above article from. This was posted there too
the real architect
predicts the Ukraine war
worth reading through.

He talks pandemic, universal basic income, “Genetic Therapy,” “Gene Therapy with Nanotechnologies” and, “Panic,”

Predicts World War III Beginning With Ukraine

Attali, a regular on political talkshow in France, predicted in 2014 that World War III would start with Ukraine. The video ends with former French President Nicolas Sarkozy warns, “we will proceed together toward a new world order, and nobody, and I do mean nobody, will be able to oppose it.”

Attali wrote: “History teaches us that humanity only evolves significantly when it is truly afraid.”

After his lengthy answer, he suggested that euthanasia may be a tool for future societies.

He chose Emmanuel Macron