October 29, 2023: 2 John 1:4-6 – Am I Going In The Right Direction?

Sounds good. I can be reminded of this. Thanks Leslie. I’ll check it out.


Wow, very well written story Stacey. Thanks. Sound like something that should be in a movie. Thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:


“I hope you don’t tire of me saying this”. The illustration that follows may be the first time for some just as they were for me years ago. Now, they are reminders, a re-mind, to bring back to remembrance a way the Holy Spirit reproves us.

A popular question asked by adults to children was, what do you want to be when you grow up? From my youth and years into my adulthood, the verses from John’s letter was taught as though there was just one thing you could “be” or “do” and that was that. I, like many I imagine, prayed to know the one thing. It wasn’t until I was in my early 40s that it dawned on me; I am His servant. That which God would have me do, my steps, were not one-way, but, rather, any-way God saw fit in His will. Relief at last.

My daughter said something one day. It was in response to a difficult task involving people. She said, It’s like herding cats. I laughed. I very often think of that of me when God is working to keep me on the pathway that He has set for me.

Thank you, Pastor JD, for injecting your heart into your teachings. A 3-point lessen without the cold, high-gloss finish of proper public speaking. I like you just the way you are. :blush:



Everyone pray for me and my husband. God is so good to bless us with another day. We are trying to get through a lot of Dr. appointments, and our car needs repairs during this time. Our funds are low, but God always sustains us. I give all glory to our very exsistance, and live in the holy spirit. God bless all of you.


Good day Brothers and Sisters!
Looking forward to Pastor JD’s Prophecy Update.
Was watching Billy Crone recent vid on Rumble.
It inspired me.
So if we question the narrative about 9-11 & Covid, etc, we are labelled a “conspiracy theorist”.
If we question the LBGTQ agenda, we are “bigots”, or “haters”.
If we disapproved of the Obama Administration, we are racist (even if we are black).
Now, if we question Netanyahu, or the IDF’s ineptitude, Israel’s inexplicable allowing of Hamas to massacre its own citizens, are we labelled “anti-semitic”? (btw, Semite is a descendant of Shem. So, Arabs are also Semitic).
I am a Canadian, so I have no dog in the fight.
Does being a Born-Again Christian mean I have to turn off my critical thinking?


Robbie - it means the Holy Spirit is helping with your critical thinking :grin: :pray: :pray:MARANATHA


Robbie, if you were labeled a giraffe, would that make you a giraffe?

Because another tries to pin a label on you does not mean that it sticks. It only sticks if it is true.

If your critical thinking is interfering with Jesus’s words found in Matt. 22:37 “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” then I would say, yes. If it doesn’t, then you could not possibly be a giraffe.


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@SusanPope, I have prayed to our Great Physician for mercy in bringing you two better health as quickly as His will permits. That God send angels to assist you in any way He chooses (I have had men come to my rescue with my own car troubles); for this trial, though it is worrisome now will give you two joys when you think on Him who saw you through it. God bless you both.
