September 1, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – If The Trial Run Is Done

Full Video: Bible Prophecy Update


Pastor JD :hawaiianshirt_3: explains how that if the “trial run” that had begun back in 2020 is now done, then, the 7-year tribulation is just about to start with Jesus opening the seal judgements.

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I must agree that the trial run is done. Me thinks it started well before 2020 however and it built up to 2020.
Evil is not all knowing and has learned from the trial run. The next round will be greater and it can go a dozen different directions, so we remain at the ready and keep looking up.
Our Pastor JD has been doing a phenomenal work in the Holy Spirit for many years now.
I am positive that he has been chosen to lead and prepare us for what is coming.
Open the eyes and ears of your heart and listen to him. We are so blessed to have him.
With that blessing comes the need to continue to pray for him, his family, as well as for our other pastors and their families.
Pray for one another as well without stopping.


Excellent Prophecy Update!! I copied these words below by Ty Green that he shared on his YT channel in the community section in case Pastor JD hasn’t read it yet.

Yesterday I shared a link to the Bible Prophecy Update from Pastor J.D.Farag. I hope you’ve had a chance to watch it and are encouraged in the Word of the Lord through scripture shared by Pastor J.D…
The title reads, “If The Trial Run Is Done”.
With emphases on the word “IF”, deep down I think that the trial run is not done.

I wish that that it were but I wholeheartedly think that the economic piece will happen first, then the trial run concludes then use some of the new infrastructure gained during the mark of the beast campaign further down the road.
Where the Harpazo/Rapture fits in to that is one thing but in regards to the trial run, I think that the economic piece happens before the trial run concludes and we could see it.
Like the pestilence, in that afterwards a new infrastructure and way of life where some things are different. A short lived time span but a definite change afterwards just like what we went through a few years ago.

Trust Jesus BEFORE it.
Trust Jesus THROUGH it.
Trust Jesus AFTER it.
If we are here to see this economic piece impact the world, view it as a TEST within our TESTimony. Again.
Think about how great it’s going to be with Jesus a reality that we look forward to and how He will be pleased with our actions through what’s coming up until He appears!

Colossians 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on this earth.
Psalms 118:8 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.


i always pray for brother JD! :yellow_heart:


Yes, i was praying for Pastor JD about his asthma today! :pray::heart::dove:


AMEN, Ken. You spoke what my hearts feels also. Our pastor certainly is walking in the Spirit and has given us teaching that strengthens our armor and gives us such encouragement to stay the course. He needs our prayers and any support we can give. I implore all who are receiving from this ministry to consider supporting if you don’t already. This body of believers need our support and prayers for I am sure they are under attack at every side. It makes me glad and full of the joy of the Lord to be part of this family which includes this forum. I don’t look at it any other way than we are one body in Christ.


While Ty Green believes that the economic piece has to happen before the trial run is done, he gives no reason as to why he believes this.
While I do see the world moving towards a one world currency, I also see it happening after the rapture.
I can’t see many nations accepting it, like the good old boys from the USA. It would have to happen over a gradual period of time, and we are out of time for it to just happen overnight and everyone accept it.
However after the rapture when then the world is being brought out of total chaos by the antichrist, I can see it happening very easily and quickly out of necessity.
After all, all the Christians would be gone, and they would be the first to object to it knowing what it would mean prophetically.
Don’t you think they would put up a stinky?


I did ask Ty Green if he would do a video explaining why he believes what he said.



As we’re getting closer to the anticipated moment of the rapture, we can sense or feel a profound shift, a convergence between the Spiritual and the Natural-Physical Realms-
“The Thinning of the VEIL!”

We are witnessing the Spiritual transaction of the Age of Grace from our earthly existence to the ominous rise of malevolent and nefarious forces that engulf the earth.

The Age of Grace is rampantly receding from the earth’s Physical- Natural realm, while the darkness of the Spiritual realm keeps seeping in and increasingly, more and more daily consuming everything in it’s path.

The thinning of the “VEIL” has significant implications for the Church. The barrier between, the Veil, between the world’s- the Physical and Spiritual realms, the boundary between God and the Church- will NO longer separate us from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

The Age of Grace is coming to an end-and when it closes, those who are not in Christ will witness the Demonic forces running rampant throughout the Earth, when the VEIL is removed between the Natural and Spiritual realms.

If your not in Christ, I beg of you, to get saved NOW!
Believe the Gospel
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
This is NO JOKE- You Do not want to be Left Behind after the Church is gone, the rapture is literally going to happen at any moment!

Karen B.


“NO MORE!” :boom:

These wars, chaos, pestilences, unusual weather patterns, lawlessness, famines, inflation and world events that’s running rampant in AMERIC@ and around the globe has been Prophesied in the Bible and it will just keep escalating edging it closer and closer to the ‘Day of the Lord!’

These end time events is the fullfillment of Prophecy and no man can save AMERIC@ or stop what’s coming. These end time world events can only go on for so long before it all erupts across the earth that will mark the start of the seven year tribulation.

When Jesus comes for His Church the ‘sudden destruction’ of the “Day of the Lord” will begin falling upon those who will be Left Behind, the unbelievers. The Day of the Lord-
Will be God’s 21 Judgments of Wrath.
That’s mentioned in the book of Revelation 6-19

You seriously need to understand that were at the end of man’s time here on earth we’re literally living on borrowed time, and if your not in Christ, then I suggest that you accept Him as your Lord and Savior RIGHT NOW!

Believe the Gospel
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Jesus shed His blood on the cross for the forgiveness of all your sins past, present, and future He died, was buried and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.

Karen B.


Anyone on SSN benefits had a Sept 1 deadline to create a Login.ID or no longer be able to access their account. We’re very close …


Excellent Stacy, we should look forwards to it.
Smart move on your part, I hope he takes your request to heart.


Close Karen B.
We will still have the 1000 year reign of our Lord with man, and us, present before this world is destroyed, only for the Lord to create a New Eternal Earth for us after the second resurrection that will last forever and ever.




I shared those stats for the US back in 2013 I believe. Was told I was ‘misunderstanding the data’. I showed it in 2019 I think? Was told the same thing. Showed it AGAIN in 2022, was told the data is not accurate. No matter what, I was told it was wrong. Looking today and with how things are going? Are we SURE it’s wrong and we don’t know how to read it? I don’t think so. Glad I wasn’t the only one who went to that site and looked it up.

[3 Hour later, decided to share a bigger image from what @Robbie shared. I finally found it again.]


I like Billy Crone… i watched this yesterday.


Hi all. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about Pastor Andy Woods? I was shocked when Pastor J.D mentioned his name. I Live in Katy Texas which is about 20 miles from Sugarland Tx where Andy Wood’s church is. I have been praying about a new home church and knew of Andy Woods from other ministries I really don’t listen to much to anymore. I love Pastor J.D. and I will continue to learn from him as well. My husband cannot or will not sit and listen on the computer. I do believe he will start going to church with me again if I start going. He started going to church with me for a while before COVID. But I feel my church then was getting off course. Any advice is welcome. Thank you.




The Almighty God is Omniscience- He’s all knowing and He’s all Seeing-of the actions and intentions of the ‘powers that be’ in their secret gatherings who engage in evil activities to devise their malevolent plans against the world’s population, that will soon impact the entire global world.
In His response, He laughs at all these nefarious endeavors, seeing that the day of reckoning for all these evil deeds and the wickedness of this world will soon face the inevitable consequences of their actions and it’s rampantly approaching- GOD’S WRATH and It’s imminent for the unrighteous evil ones of this world.
[Psalm 37:13]

Only those who are believers in Christ, who are Born-Again and filled with the Holy Spirit will escape these nefarious evil plans that’s soon coming upon the world! Only the Lord Jesus Christ can save you FROM what’s coming!
If your a nonbeliever it’s time to WAKEUP from your slumber and seriously get SAVED NOW!!!
Believe the Gospel
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
True Believer’s are not long for this world, the rapture is imminent, Jesus is coming any day now for His Church! #RaptureReady

Karen B.


Welcome Lydialee,

well since you’re only 20 mins away from Andy Woods’s church, why not visit his church…