September 1, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – If The Trial Run Is Done

While I don’t know the man personally, I know he’s very intricate in his teaching. At least a couple members here have talked about listening to him along with JD and a few others. If a physical building for worship will get your husband into the word, I say go for it. I have to listen via video so I can speed up Woods (opinion) as for me it’s a slow conversation but even sped up, you are gaining a lot of insight. May take you about 15 years to get through the book of Genesis, but it’s worth it.

There’s definitely a few members in your area (at least state) that I hope chime in and guide you to physical buildings for worship (since the church is US, not a building, I have to be careful with my wording lol).


@Lydialee I have been watching Pastor Andy every week for the past 8 years or so. He does go through the Bible teachings slowly and meticulously and I like that he does that. I have learned so much through his teaching and have been very blessed.


Lydia Lee - Pastor Wood is excellent!! Sugar land bible church - he has many good teaching series including teaching on revelation. I highly recommend him to all my Christian friends and any one I am spreading the gospel too. He was educated in law school before going in seminary so he is exceptionally brilliant and his bible teaching is unbelievable - Hope this helps as we all wait for our Blessed Hope
Ps - my wife father was a pastor at Fredericksburg bible church until he was 86 and we have been in bible study for 40 years so we are very careful what teachers/pastors we listen too - prayers for you dear sister in Christ Jesus


Hi Jon. Thank you for your reply. I personally love my online Church with J.D. I have learned so much from his teachings along with Pastor Mac and Leitu . I was born and raised in a Baptist Church, never missed a Sunday, Sunday night or Wednesday service or any youth activity. I did however stray away from the church as I became an adult. I am 55 yrs old now. I never left Jesus or praying . I would read my bible off and on but understanding what the word was saying was diffulct for me with what I had been taught. Long story short. My husband was not raised in Church. I want him to hear the word of God the way J.D teaches it. I am unable to get to Hawaii. As you stated maybe someone else on here knows as well. Again Thank you.


Thank you so much. Without writing a book. This means a lot to me.

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From your note above-
“While I do see the world moving towards a one world currency, I also see it happening after the rapture.
I can’t see many nations accepting it, like the good old boys from the USA. It would have to happen over a gradual period of time, and we are out of time for it to just happen overnight and everyone accept it.
However after the rapture when then the world is being brought out of total chaos by the antichrist, I can see it happening very easily and quickly out of necessity.
After all, all the Christians would be gone, and they would be the first to object to it knowing what it would mean prophetically.
Don’t you think they would put up a stinky?”

Personally I think nothing is impossible now with the delusion on earth.
After seeing all the nations follow the Covid plandemic I am not sure how you don’t see that they can pull off whatever they want to , God willing.
I am sure they will come up with something that deceives the masses or, just turns the switch and that’s it.
I mean look at another example , we have all these illegals coming and lawlessness for ex and nothing being done. No one is doing anything about it. The government is paying them mucho moula. And the writing is on the wall with it all. And yet, nothing being done.

The world is one deluded ,deadened place .
We have been desensitized and indoctrinated to accept it , and of course no one wants to stand out and suffer for righteousness.

I certainly pray we are leaving soon and that you are right. Things are just so radical now I wouldnt count on any kind of normal or semi normal response from these delsusioanl leaders .

Excellent uodate from our beloved pastor


This was very good and so clear as to what is happening today in this world. I am thankful that we were not hit with all the evil at once. God in His mercy has softened the effects of the age to come on the Church. How much love the Father has for us His bride. Thank you, Lord, and Maranatha!


Thank you @Blessed,
You raise a lot of excellent points.
We really don’t know for sure other than what we know of what it will take for the antichrist to be revealed, and we can’t be here for that.

It would seem to me that our current government is in the process of killing off the USA as we know it, and imagining a new one. Harris has even said that in so many words.

Just about ALL that we are seeing right now in the world was prophesized to happen in the first century and before, so we have had ample warning about how it is going to be during the generation to see the second coming of our Lord. It is escalating at breakneck speed.

We also know that this time period will be marked with great deception, and yes some will just blindly go along with whatever they are told, except when it comes to their money.

So I have to ask myself the question, how will people react when all of a sudden they can’t access their money, or they are told that the government will take 10% of it as a transaction fee to convert their hard earned cash to a new digital currency. And cash dollars become toilet paper, worthless.
Your new Digital Currency that can be rationed, or withheld from you at will, say if your social score is too low.

Can a government do this? Sure at the risk of a massive Civil uprising, or even a Civil War to unseat that government.
So when you talk about a person’s money.
It gets their attention, and if they don’t like what you are saying, they will push back.

At the moment politics in the USA has become unhinged. You are right, anything can happen.
But no matter what happens God is in control, and we keep looking up because our salvation is just about here.



I believe that we are living on the very threshold of eternity.** There is a complete paradigm shift in the universe that is so evident and prevalent with the abounding lawlessness that is paving the way for the lawless one. The convergence of the tribulation harbingers are casting their shadow right now and the blueprint for the New World Order is right in our face!

The world will be flipped upsidedown by the catastrophe of the Tribulation which will include the coming of the Antichrist, a one-world government, a one-world religion, a one-world currency, plagues, famines, the mark of the beast, death and destruction!

You can almost hear the hoof beats of the four horsemen of the apocalypse! The curtain is getting ready to rise on the Tribulation from which the Church is absent.The world stage is set, we get a front row seat as the curtain is on the cusp of disappearing for the grand finale : The Rapture of the Church!


These beautiful children; orphaned, bare foot, some dressed in ragged clothing . . . They have nothing, but they have EVERYTHING!!! Would that our merciful Father in Heaven would feed the starving children of THIS nation. . So many have so much, and yet they are starving for lack of the Bread of Life! Thought of this as two of my grandsons started back to school today, wearing their new shoes, carrying their new backpacks . . . And my mother’s heart trembling after hearing of yet another school shooting. :sob: Oh, Come Jesus Come!!!


Yep people would become unhinged with the loss of their money…. Unless the PTB had a slower process that unfolded and it whatever they are doing seems to be for the good … like they did with Covid- delude everyone about it (and it was truly fake), and then give the solution (vaccine) so that everyone feels safe and thinks this will work.
So hmmm cause all these troubles with immigrants , plandemics, supply chain issues, cyber attacks and then people will clamour for a government response which could be we need to tax more, ( Harris diabolical plan to tax even unrealized capital gains) we need to go digital we need to go with martial law etc etc etc

I think this may be what is called the Hegelian ? Dialect …

Anyway I can see people just think whatever they throw out will be the answer… delusion.

Or, maybe not. Maybe there will be a huge freak out. We saw the compliance with health … hard to know for the future and how many have really come to grips that they were deceived by these shots ?

How many really understand the global elites plans and can see at least that writing on the wall? I can tell you that the neighbors I know who were deluded about this in the beginning are just as deluded, if not more now as I hear by the things they say .

I don’t know about you all but some of the brethren I know, who took the shots , have a hard time processing when we are discussing easy stuff for our ministry. Not sure if that’s broadly being seen … this is off topic but just thinking

Overall I think the delusion is getting stronger


Bless you Keegan!!


USA stats are astonishing! Africa’s been a target for a while and it’s interesting how the same globalist names keep bubbling to the surface - especially related to vaccines.

So gut wrenchingly sad …


Agreed. When I was looking at the stats for the US, I was looking at others and was puzzled how some were doing better than the US in 2025. Back then (as recent as it may have been), like trying to unravel the passages of Revelation, I was racking my brain on HOW any of this could transpire. But, as we march forward in time, things are unlocked and made far more clearer than I could have imagined back then. Amazing how just in a little time (looking back at least) everything becomes far more clearer. Guess that’s why we say Hindsight is always 20/20.


Yes it is.
It was easier with covid because they had people believing that it would kill them.

With money it is an entirely different fear to motivate people to voluntarily comply.

What that fear will be is yet to be seen…
but no matter what it is, it ain’t going to be good.

All it would take is for the USA to be involved in WW3.
Then the government, by an existing federal law, could take anything they want from you to help the war effort.


Hey Keegan, nice to see you back around.
Great write up bro. And good new photo, you look younger, must be the haircut.


6 Sept 2024

Let’s continue to keep Pastor JD in prayer. He is taking a mid week break today.

God Heard And God Blessed, 1 Samuel 1:1-28 – September 5th, 2024

Teaching from 1 Samuel, chapter 1, Pastor Leitu shares on the faithfulness of what a barren but praying mother accomplished as her petition was answered. Through much waiting and tribulation, God blessed her with a son, whom even she had no clue what God would do. Her son’s name, Samuel, for God heard. Also, communion will be celebrated at the conclusion of the Bible study.


Learn the Bible in 24 Hours - Session 23 with Chuck Missler

Session 23 of 24 Are you ready for a detailed yet thoroughly enjoyable study of the most profound book ever written? Hour Twenty-three: Revelation Chapters 4-22, The Tribulation & The End.


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Hello Lydialee @Lydialee,

Woods is an excellent teacher, very logical and methodical in his presentation. He gives notes, too! Woods studied under Dwight Pentecost, from what I understand. Most important, the man sticks with what the Bible says! I’d go to his church if it wasn’t an hour and a half away.

Pray about going. Watch some teachings online. Woods seems both a trustworthy and dedicated shepherd.



Yeppers Jon @Jon,

Not sure if it’s up any longer, but Daegle also had a meta report showing the expected population changes of every country— by number and percent. WHERE was Daegle getting their information? And why was it taken down (for a while, at least)?

Not sure if it’s back up or if it is, if it’s the same report that was taken down. Daegle supposedly had all kinds of government and shadow government ties they employed to make their prognostications.

:heart: gr


I remember getting the info while listening to a Coast to Coast AM episode. The person sharing about it stated such information you are, as I recall. It was probably taken down for the same reason people like myself were looking it up. And after you hear about it on Coast to Coast AM, that website had to be inundated with traffic they’d never seen before.