September 26, 2021 - Hebrews 11:8-19 - When God’s Ways Make No Sense

:hawaiianshirt_1: Pastor JD talks about those times in our Christian lives when it seems that God’s ways make no sense whatsoever.

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What an uplifting and encouraging bible study this was…… so thankful to God for Pastor JD. The Holy Spirit really spoke to me through this study, and the prayer pastor said at the end, for “someone who might feel very discouraged….” Had me in tears. Thank you Lord for speaking through your people in this hour. Our whole family watched this, and we were all blessed by it. My husband and I had a very similar journey, ten years praying for the blessing of children and a family. And the Lord answered in miraculous ways that only He can. How can i ever feel discouraged again, having seen His mighty hand move mountains and do the impossible in our lives? I feel like the Israelites who too quickly forgot the miracle of their deliverance. Oh please forgive me dear Lord, and have mercy. We face now, yet another Abrahamic and red sea moment, and another huge testing, something only God Himself can ever work out. Please pray for us, that we can stay strong in faith of God’s promises, and fully trust His will for all our lives till Jesus comes. God Bless, and Maranatha.