Thank you Lord Jesus for your mercies and blessings - You are our Blessed Hope - Maranatha
Most of us that study Bible Prophecy are aware that the 10 toes recorded in Daniel 2 are the same as the 10 horns (kings) recorded by the Apostle John in Revelation.
Daniel 2:41-43
And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
These 10 Kings will be a global entity with distinct regional powers. It would appear that the earth will be divided into these 10 regional spheres independent from each other. It is my conclusion that this division is the result of a catastrophic war, global economic collapse; or both.
This present global economic system is like dominoes as one falls they all collapse. The continued provocations by the collective West of both Russia and China could easily result into a nuclear exchange.
The statue recorded in Daniel had 2 legs spread across the Mediterranean with 5 toes on each foot. We can conclude without a doubt that these final 10 Kings will not just be in Europe.
Gog or Chief Prince of Rosh is a title given to a human leader. Of course it could be that he is controlled by a principality however he will be buried with his armies.
Ezekiel 39:11
And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog.
It is clear by the context however that it is God Himself that brings this mighty coalition against His people Israel that He might be glorified in the sight of many nations. Whether the Lord God allows these principalities to do this I am not certain yet if the end result is to glorify His Holy Name that would not seem likely.
Friendly expression for “what’s mine is yours”.
Ahhh… Life on the RIO… ain’t it GRANDE ?
MI CASA SU CASA? WOKE Seattle law enforcement tells citizens it can’t protect them: give criminals “whatever they’re looking for” –](Seattle law enforcement tells citizens it can’t protect them: give criminals “whatever they’re looking for” –
MI CASA SU CASA? Protesters heckle AOC during Democrat press conference on NYC’s escalating illegals crisis – leftists don’t want more migrants in their back yard –](Protesters heckle AOC during Democrat press conference on NYC’s escalating illegals crisis – leftists don’t want more migrants in their back yard –
MI CASA SU CASA? The “fastest growing development” in America right now is Colony Ridge, an illegal alien housing compound in Texas that spans 60 square miles, say critics –](The “fastest growing development” in America right now is Colony Ridge, an illegal alien housing compound in Texas that spans 60 square miles, say critics –
MI CASA SU CASA? 160 Individuals on terror list have attempted to cross into U.S. this year – ILLEGALLY, of course –](160 Individuals on terror list have attempted to cross into U.S. this year – ILLEGALLY, of course –
MI CASA SU CASA? Finger-pointing Biden admin officials blame NYC Mayor Adams for migrant crisis, say city lacks “exit strategy” for illegals –](Finger-pointing Biden admin officials blame NYC Mayor Adams for migrant crisis, say city lacks “exit strategy” for illegals –
BORDER They Welcomed Illegal Immigrants With Open Arms, Now Sanctuary Cities Say They’re Past 'Breaking Point:'Mayors from New York, Chicago, and other large cities are struggling with resources, blaming Texas, as illegal immigrants move in en masse.](They Welcomed Illegal Immigrants With Open Arms, Now Sanctuary Cities Say They're Past 'Breaking Point' | ZeroHedge)
BORDER HERE WE GO: Minnesota Begins Process For Issuing Driver’s Licenses to 81,000 Illegal Aliens | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson](HERE WE GO: Minnesota Begins Process For Issuing Driver's Licenses to 81,000 Illegal Aliens | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson)
BORDER City council of “sanctuary” Los Angeles orders probe into Abbott’s migrant busing program, signaling they don’t want migrants after all –](City council of “sanctuary” Los Angeles orders probe into Abbott’s migrant busing program, signaling they don’t want migrants after all –
BORDER New Jersey governor who previously supported sanctuary state policies no longer wants ILLEGALS in his state –](New Jersey governor who previously supported sanctuary state policies no longer wants ILLEGALS in his state –
BORDER Biden Wants to Confine Illegal Immigrants to Texas — Abbott Replies, ‘Guess Again.’ – PJ Media](Biden Wants to Confine Illegal Immigrants to Texas — Abbott Replies, 'Guess Again.' – PJ Media)
Texas Governor Greg Abbott deploys National Guard to re-install razor wire in Eagle Pass to deter migrants - as mayor declares emergency as 14,000 flood in from Mexico (but Biden gives temporary legal status to 470,000 (Venezuelans)
Eagle Pass crisis: Biden administration sends 800 troops to help as 10,000 migrants cross over in 24 hour period
Thomas Jefferson’s warning about the dangers of mass migration making a country “more turbulent” and “less strong” seems particularly relevant since the Border Patrol reportedly encountered 45,000 illegal migrants just in the last five days.
It’s happening on USA Borders too : European border agency Frontex confirms: 92% of illegal migrants arriving in EU are fighting-age MEN
Sometimes, even a seemingly simple issue, can be more difficult than thought.
Psalm 54:3
For strangers have risen up against me, And oppressors have sought after my life; They have not set God before them. Selah
Proverbs 5:17
Let them be only your own, And not for strangers with you.
Ezekiel 22:29
The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery, and mistreated the poor and needy; and they wrongfully oppress the stranger.
Ezekiel 47:22
It shall be that you will divide it by lot as an inheritance for yourselves, and for the strangers who dwell among you and who bear children among you. They shall be to you as native-born among the children of Israel; they shall have an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel.
Matthew 25:35
for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;
Hebrews 13:2
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.
3 John 1:5
Gaius Commended for Generosity
Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers,
Trying to find a spot to post this. Like a 7 minute watch. Yeah i know…
“A Revolution Against The Elites!” - WEF’s Klaus Schwab Openly Worries - YouTube
I can see this playing into the EU connection little horn, this evil puppet only says what his father tells him.
We know from their own history they not only expected this revolt they planned for it.
I would like to look into that Dan. What are the specifics on that particular aspect though? I don’t recall.
In some silly ways, i believe in general what might be a hard pill to swallon is how much sin blinds. I totally get that the world can and may go the way of the NWO. But it doesn’t have to. We tend to think sin animates the third eye. And they become wiser than the non elites. When in fact sin might be thickest in them having them so far removed from reaility it genuinely might surprise them that people don’t want to be manipulated by them. Sin can blind that much. It doesn’t make them look as powerful. And it helps if they are powerful in how we look at end time trajectories. But it could be that there is a world where they are super blinded by sin.
In all honesty, if my view is incorrect i will admit i did not see correctly. In fact, even if my view is correct, but apparently wrong in less known core elements i would still want to confess that to you guys. Because i would want to track and rejoice on what was going on that was true. And consider the pets of my own considerations as merely grease in the frying pan…something im suppose to put in a tin can and throw away after enough fat was collected over time.
I guess what woud be depressing is that the NWO conquer view being held as a view that has to be right. And no matter what happens it becomes defended to the hilt with no variance. I’m not willing to defend my position admittedly like some of the hardcore NWO takeover watchers are. I don’t believe my views matter as much as the big picture God is painting. I do think it is knowable. I just honestly in some ways would trade it (even if correct) for closer family, more meaningful friendships, wiser choices in life kind of thing. So yeah brother please let me know what you mean by that statement. I think i have an idea. I know Albert Pike would like for us to think of the NWO as the great architect. I kind of reject that view if this is where you are going. But i am open to consider brother. Blessings.
Whether accurate or not BlackRock is known for holding American business investment hostage because of Environmental, social, and corporate governance compliance…ESGs (making corp practice more expensive while China, who owns much of and governs much of BlackRock a pass to compete with esg sanction). Fox pays out 100s of millions to Dominion Voting Machines in Tucker Carlson lawsuite because in theory they are both owned, fiscally governed, by BlackRock. So in a sense…fox was paying itself…lol. Smoke and mirrors on whole new levels man
Does it matter? Corporatism is on the rise and has been for a while. It is married to the government and runs the military/industrial complex. It is the hidden part of the Patriot act that corporations were heavy involved because all the stuff that has come about since then puts money in their pockets. If it weren’t BlackRock then it would be some other corporation under some other name. It is the slow march to the hell that will be the last 7 years. God is allowing it so He has plans to deal with it. Way above our pay grades to worry about.
Post about BR connected to video above. Above our payscale-for sure. It matters possibly if you don’t want your 401 or investment port going that direction perhaps. God is in control, praise the Lord!
You’ve replied to @TCC 3 times, did you know you could send them a personal message instead?
Oh, well I will answer in short and we can let the forum respond if they want if not we move on.
A basic look at where it starts, the evil have been playing this same war game from the beginning. If you look through history of war and communism ect. this is written in the play book. All the way back to Cain it appears.
Just a look at Soros’s history will show you much. Satan is a fool but not ignorant of the game of War. We know who leads them and it’s not men the father of lies guides them and we know it.
Sure most the puppets believe it’s their evil strategies that set the course but its not they just bow to the dragon. They must believe the lie to even go forth and to conquer and from then on they except the dragons way.
Men are responsible for all they do but they do the bidding of their father.
Yeshua only did what His Father told Him. Evil men only do what their father tells them.
I guess for now yes, it may matter a little longer.
In the end it might not matter as the plan for digital will take all true investments away. I believe a lot of billionaires will be very surprised to find out they are going to be slave to the little kings themselves.
It looks like the rest of the rebels that’s left will be barter as best they can.
Hah hah… this system is rather rude isn’t it…
Ok, brother I will pass this on through you to keep the watchman from seeing it.
“Countless millions will protest against the New World Order, and will die fighting it.”. - HG Wells, The New World Order.
This is not something I run around thinking about, so it kind of takes a minute for me to reroute and regroup and go, “Wait…what is the point here?” But yeah I don’t normally have thoughts of how short the time is in the sense that I line everything up with that. So when I see a post like Greg’s it makes automatic common sense to me…because normally we are always in a mode where tomorrow comes like it did today. We know this won’t always be true in the days we live in. We don’t know exactly the timing differential. But yeah I guess in one way my spirit has calmed down quite a bit since 2017. Knowing it could be any day, but still having a measure of forethought for still having plans for the future in the event He lingers. I like that. Thanks @Greg77 for the reminder. Blessings
I guess the issue is more than just looking at the end time factor. No matter how you cut it the USA is on the brink of 2008 but in spades. It’s impossible for the USA as it is nor most other countries to recover and that’s by design as we know.
We all may be praying for the Lord to provide our finances and fill our plates before this is over. Not just praying to keep our jobs but far beyond that.
Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
But there is a whole sub-class of the American public who have learned the hard way by experience just how evil the medical system is, and they are families who have suffered from medical doctors who have determined that they are not fit to take care of their children based on their “medical expertise”, and have worked with the government child welfare agencies to have their children medically kidnapped.
Many of these families who have been traumatized and lost their children to medical doctors and hospitals through medical kidnapping, will never visit a hospital or medical doctor again, and for good reason.