September 5, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update


I too agree that you’ve made some good points that I need to mull over.

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Do these people even know they’re evil?!?

Yes! I am glad you found the similarities as well! Halleluyah! I have made a few batches with green seed balls, they will turn brown soon and won’t work. Smashing them up was a riot :joy:


Hello Brother Jason

I agree that we can sometimes mis comprehend a verse from a simple and / or as you state.

However, following your explanation that I agree with, in studying Rev 13 : 16-17

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark

1- in their right hand,


2 - in their foreheads:
This denotes the independence you stated.

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had

1 - the mark,


2 - the name of the beast,


3 - the number of his name.

Therefore, is this not a three stage deception?
What worries me is we know this poison potentially has the name of the beast - luciferase, the number of his name was shown to me last week when you type “a covid vaccine” into Gematria calculator =666
That’s 2 out of three with the mark not being introduced till the man of sin is revealed.


@Husserl , @Jimbo , @jasonacts177 , @alllllz , @OnTheWally , @Kris

And anyone else…

I seem to remember being here before in this discussion some months ago.

Perhaps we should recognize the difference between the First Beast and the Second Beast?

The First Beast (of the Sea) has nothing to do with the mark at all, and is purely “worship” of the Dragon who gave him power. This worship is spiritually fatal on it’s own (Revelation 13:1-10).

It’s not until the Second Beast (of the earth) that we get both the “Worship” of the First Beast’s “Image” and the “forcing” of the “Mark”, and both are spiritual death (Revelation 13:11-18).

There is an interesting point of distinction between the two for what we consider the Tribulation Saints. In verse 7 and 8 we see how this first beast is able to make war and conquer the saints, and ALL who are not included in the Book of Life belonging to the Lamb, will worship this beast (and the Dragon).

Revelation 13:9-10

He who has an ear, let him hear:

“If anyone is destined for captivity,
into captivity he will go;
if anyone is to die by the sword,
by the sword he must be killed.”

Here is a call for the perseverance and faith of the saints.

I find this reassuring and comforting as this implies that the “MARK” is not yet, by definition of this timeline. Here is where we get the 42 months (of the first beast) before the Mark, becomes the Mark, by reason of the Second Beast that follows.


This First and Second Beast are expounded upon in Daniel 7 and encompass the four described there.

Both of these beasts are called he and his, but clearly are kingship governments, and not just an individual though I suspect the kings behind them are not men as we know men of flesh, but transhuman probably.


So there is definitely a distinction between Worship and taking the Mark, but yet one requires the other to be in place.

Worship, then Mark by that worship. Both are deadly and permanent.

Taking the Mark by nature requires the worship decision. Neither of which a Christian of faith will do.

We simply are not at that point.

These vaccines are the laying of the ground work for that, and by change of human DNA, and eventually turning a human into a node in a network. A drone of the Hive as it were.

We are not there yet either.


Praying with you my sister. God is in control. Our God reigns! His will be done! We are in his hands and we will sing praises to our King and give thanks in all things. We will not be shaken even though the oceans roar and the mountains tumble into the sea. He is our rock, our hiding place, our shelter in the storm. He is everlasting to everlasting!
Hallelujah Jesus!
And all my people said Amen!
Come Lord Jesus come!


This verse shows that we are not here anymore because something very important is missing.

You will read in the letters for the seven churches this sentence:

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

The vers in Revelation 13 doesnt have the Spirit and the church anymore.

He who has an ear, let him hear:

That is one of the indicator, that the Church is not there anymore and yes the tribulation Saints have to endure till the end and many of them will be killed by the sword (beheaded).


@Faith1 :dove:

Does anyone have any ideas on how I might be able to approach any of this -

He knows that you are a Christian because you make a concerted effort to reflect Christ in your daily life. This is witnessing…it can be done simply by actions, no words. You are doing the right thing, but, I would suggest to not harangue, bible thump (not that you’ve gone this far but many do out of (understandable) frustration.

It’s now time to continue letting your actions speak louder than words and pray (the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much)…prayer is key.

Let go, as hard as it may sound and let God do the rest. We must hand it over and trust Him and His Holy Spirit to do what we, as mere mortals cannot and that is to save Him. This weight is not ours to carry…it’s above our paygrade :grin:. You’ll gain peace by letting go and letting God :raised_hands:

Blessings & Maranatha :revolving_hearts:


Yes! Amen! Very good! :slight_smile:


I think the overlap is peoples. Where it was Jewish, then Gentile/Jew, (to mostly Gentile), then Jewish again. Right now there are alot of Jewish Christians like in the book of Acts. When the Body is removed other Jews will rise up and preach. Two witnesses and 144,000. This is Israel’s time to repent, and praise the Lord He has Not given up on His people whom He called and made promises to.
Does this make any sense?

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I saw this video when they posted on Youtube. I have always disliked the Washington Monument made into an obelisk. I think Washington himself would have disapproved of it as it is evil and not representative of his character at all.

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Washington was a Freemason, he knew all about obelisks and evil signs and wonders.
On a statue of him, it says Freemason first, then President :woman_shrugging:t3:


Hi Mt.

The following was only a quotation from the article you had posted the link to, Mt. They were not my words, but the author who wrote the article for the link you put up. Just wanted to clarify that, so sources are duly credited. Just an aside, but I think its the seeds which contain the shikimic acid, not sure if the outer is what is used.

end quote


Well folks, looks like Biden will ask the labor department to force any business with over 100 employees to mandate vaccines or face fines in the thousands. I am waiting till after his speech (which I will not watch) to see if anyone will do anything about this or they will allow it like everything else he has done since coming into office.