77 year today now in heaven

I wish to first than almighty God for my parents. Born in the 20s, lived through the '29 crash and subsequent Great Depression and WWII. If that was not enough God gave them the ultimate challenge, raising me and remaining sane. You did not make it to 77 years married in this world but you did make it to 67 and that in this day is a rare thing and to be commended. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad.

Father, in you infinite wisdom you gave me the most loving and caring parents I could ever imagine. I thank you for them, the many things they taught me, the constant support for as longs as I was blessed to have them in my life. I cannot thank you enough for such a blessing as those two.


Beautiful memory brother. God is so good isn’t He?


Yes He is. He has blessed me in ways it has taken me a life time to understand. Like a daimond you have to dig through the muck and mire to find it but it is a beautiful treasure when you do.


Yes, muck is right. My parents raised me to love the Lord, taught me to be faithful and serve Him with all my heart. My father left my mom after 40 yrs of marriage because he wanted to be free to see “friends”. My mom suffered much but God kept her in His care and provided for her. Dad still loved the Lord and witnessed every day, but the enemy had him deceived into thinking what he did was justified. I know God is faithful to forgive and His mercy is new every day. I honored both parents and at my father’s death He couldn’t wait to see Jesus. I know he is in the arms of Jesus and all the sins of the past washed away. I miss him dearly but know that I will see him again. So glad God can cleanse us white as snow. I know I sure need His mercy and grace every day.