ABCs Coins to Share the Gospel

Hello! Some time ago the ABCs of Salvation challenge coin was created. Many of you helped distribute them in the US, Australia, etc.

At this time I am out of the coins and considering having more made. It costs about 4-5 dollars per coin depending on how many I order. I pay for them and pay for any shipping to those that want to help in distributing them to spread the Gospel.

I can create and have made bookmarks, magnets, bumper and other kinds of stickers as well.

What I wanted to do was ask how many of you would want to some of the coins and other items to distribute? And, how many of each? That way I could order enough.

Again, I provide these resources free of charge and will do so as long as my finances allow me to do so.

All reference a website I created with information and videos. I will be updating it soon. If you have ideas for it, let me know.

A picture of the coins is here

Please contact me at [email protected] if you have questions, suggestions, or would like any of what I mentioned above.

Thank and God Bless!

PS I’m working on a new video message and I may post it here to get feedback before it is posted to the abcs website I maintain.


I am happy to announce I received 300 coins…
If you, your church or group would like to use the coins to spread the Gospel message of Salvation, let me know, I have approximately 150 left and can get more.

I’m humbled to say that as of this week over 200 of the ABCs of Salvation challenge coins have been distributed. It has always been my hope that they and they web site they reference would be a witness of the amazing grace of Christ.

The coins have been distributed in West Texas, East Texas, Massachusetts, Colorado, California, Minnesota, Australia, England, and Israel.

I have no idea whst becomes of them once I drop them off to be shipped. I say a short prayer over them and ask God to use them as He sees fit.

If only one person is saved through a coin, this project will have been a success.