- Hi Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Name is Dale Miller; Five years ago God called my wife Carol and I to start a Bible study on a small Island in Washington State. We have spent our lives doing home Bible study’s where ever we lived. In Jan or Feb of 2020 I happen on JD Farag’s Bible prophecy and now we are hooked on both Sunday services. I was so moved when I heard the ABC’s of the Salvation for the first time. God told me to create a short version in Multimedia and saturate the internet with it. I have always just ignored when Facebook announces whose birthday is today, so God told me this would be a good opportunity to share to Gospel with them. So now all my friend both saved and unsaved get a happy birthday and a ABC’s of Salvation. The ABC’s of Salvation is a multi- media presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ inspired by teachings of Pastor J.D. Farag Calvary Chapel Kane’ohe Hawai’i. Please share this with everyone you know and pray that God will draw all people to Himself.
(John 12:30-32) Jesus answered and said, "This voice has not come for My sake, but for your sakes. “Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.”
God Bless you all Dale and Carol Miller
Here are some links to the ABC’s on the internet.