April 13, 2023: Ezekiel 2:1 -- Speak Truth No Matter What

Amen, dear sister. I thank God for your words of encouragement this morning that come from your faithfilled and loving heart. I love JDs sermons too. I won’t give up and I know you won’t either. May God place the right thoughts in our hearts and words on our lips.



Don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m looking at your approach in an actually more positive way.
The fact you were able to develop an initial rapport first could actually make way for more conversation in which you can eventually present the gospel and she may then be more open to you because of how you approached her this first time! Never underestimate how God can direct this situation after you got the ball rolling :hugs:


Thank you dear Debra .
Yes i thank God for JD. I think his Bible Sermons are incredible. I originally started listening to.him for the prophecy (no local church teaches it) just before Covid hit, but his incredible intimacy with God and his openness make the Bible studies the solid meat in these days of turmoil.
God bless you x