April 18 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

This is truly frightening- makes me want to find a little house out in the middle of no where! I guess not taking vaccine may not be enough to stay safe.

As the bible reads… let no man decieve you… I think the whole thing with Trump is a huge game to throw people off the scent and give false hope to those who think he will save the world. Like I keep saying too the Trump supporters everywhere… I don’t remember the bible saying Trump was going too save the world or died on the cross for us… So that’s all we need too know. He is no saviour. He is no hope. He is a puppet being played by the masters and it’s only a matter of time until he does the sudden bait and switch and all those supporters will be sucked in because they continue too cling onto this man of flesh… which I suspect may be the beast in hopes that he will prolong their lives… need I say more?


Well not yet anyway… read my comment before this… Trump will eventually be doing the whole bait and switch.


Hi Dave. I happened to side with you. But I always challenge myself because these are not the days for any one of us to be too sure of what we “think” is going on. Good to have convictions. Good to come from and through where God has brought us.

But in keeping an open mind as fresh as possible from bias, do you ever consider the possibility that so many in church see that Trump might be a puppet? Do you ever consider the possibility that he stands for our earthly and fleshly yearnings taking our focus away from God and Christ? I ask that because I think it is healthy spiritually to consider what is before us.

And in practicing the royal law of liberty found in James i think it is good to consider and be considerate of our neighbor (in honesty…not just tolerance–and I am speaking about me when I say that…like what i feel i would have need of to practice…not necessarily you…I don’t know you very well). If you were to consider how much of the church thinks upon things poorly upon those having favor in regards to Trump, and it be through the Royal Law of Liberty…how might that look? Like, putting yourself in their shoes. Trying to understand where their honest hearts concerns are. How might that look to you?

If you have not seen this presentation, it is one that Pastor JD recommended a while back as to the level he feels the deception around Trump may indeed be. In 2017 I thought Trump was the AC for pretty much that year. But since 2018 till now i have seen totally differently. There is always as openness though to those who think differently. Like there are those that go to Pastor JD’s church. And there are those who go to Pastor Hibbs church. These churches are at opposite ends in political perception. I don’t side 100% with either side. But I try to understand the truly held arguments the other side has so as to understand (with genuine empathy and consideration…not just because we are told to) how they are understanding things. I was taught to make a steelman not strawman argument out of the opposition position. The building blocks in doing so can be rather clumsy. Its kind of an adult thing to do. And not an easy thing to do. Well…I respect you and you seem to me to be adult…lol. I don’t always feel like one. But Just wondering what your thoughts might be on that sort of thing. Blessings.

This is a link of where at least some concerns over what the whole Trump thing might have been about that Pastor JD affirmed as a valid concern on one of his prophecy updates.

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Intuitively, I say the snow is odd. I took a handful of it and I think it seems like the snow is “bigger” not as light, heavier ice chunks, so it seems different to me. Like sno-con ice, rather than regular snow.

I actually looked it up a long while back when our snow struck me as different for some reason.

Other than that…the timing to me seems weird. But I offer no concrete evidence or anything.

@FearNot We are in Northwest Ohio…my poor tulips too…we covered lots of plants (we love plants) and I had planted some lettuce, but yes…the cold was not…wanted. I’m checking out the “geoengineeringwatch” now. I have heard about them messing with things, I think it was DAARPA? Or something, basically where they are trying to control the weather.

Hi Nessie. I posted to Bigwave in regards to your concern. I was wondering if you might read what i put for him and if you were to consider the same, being on the opposite side of the aisle…what might that look like for you? Blessings.

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When someone who’s working so closely with satan mentions rapture my ears pricked up

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Without wishing to undermine the generally established notion that Klaus Schwab is being used by the evil one to facilitate and accelerate the Babylon system of Revelation, there is a distinct possibility that he was actually saying ‘rupture point’ and the thick, floppy-faced accent renders it ‘rapture point’.

It’s always worth remembering that Satan is not an omniscient being; he is a creation of God:

Colossians 1
16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.

Also Ezekiel 28:12-17

As such I would contend that Satan has no more knowledge of precise Rapture timing than we do as studious followers of God’s Word.

All that said, your original point still stands; ears should always be pricked up by the totalitarian, supra-governmental concepts that ol’ Klausy boy is pushing extremely hard to usher in.


Interesting. Thanks. It could be “rupture” being English not his first language. But sure sounds like rapture :slight_smile: This video shows the comment in broader context. You decide…blessings.

Klaus Schwab says “We’re at a RAPTURE POINT” in regards to the “Great Reset” - YouTube

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Thank you for your post on what the true gospel means to you, the surety/certainty of your opinion, backed by how you are supported by your dividing of scripture, we would be wasting time to go back and forth. Hence, we will have to agree to disagree.

"a gentle’ servant" Shalom Doc

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I would think that satan’s minions would be very aware of rapture, they will have formed a plan to cover the event up, such as alien abduction. Who knows… I just thought it interesting enough to pass on and for us all to have hope …if the evil one is soon to come… we will hopefully be long gone… x

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In that context, yes I would agree… rapture wouldn’t be a good thing on the streets… more people would know about God… x

Well California has just updated their “stance” on vaccinated vs. non vaccinated when it comes to enjoying any type of event/ gathering!

Weddings… separate sections for non-vaccine vs vaccinated

Vaccinated people from out of state can join in on activities/ tourism

Maranatha!! :purple_heart::raised_hands::pray:

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Hey James. Great to see you and hope you are well brother. Blessings.

How does one expose a false doctrine?
It is the one that takes away from His glory and the finished work of Jesus Christ.

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I posted this in another area here on this forum. But I think this is helpful perhaps to interject here as well. We are all very familiar with Ephesians 2:8 & 9, for me, a little less familiar with 10…

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

What is neat this time around spent there is that i don’t recall seeing before is that we were just told: “not as a result of works” and then 10. So we are created “for good works.” But not just that. Before that it says “we are CREATED IN CHRIST.” Now that really jumped out at me. We are new creation in Christ. So the way “works” work with that is that “those that God prepared for us beforehand” (“not of ourselves lest any man should boast”) are the works we walk in because we are NEW CREATIONS. The only way we “walk in the good works” is when they are “prepared beforehand” by God. And that we can walk in THOSE, only because we are “created in Him.” So being created in Him qualifies us to walk in good works. But the kicker is the word shows us (clearly in other places…but I never saw it quite pointed out as such before here) that we do good works not only because we are saved but because we are “created in Him a new creation.” The word is clearly saying that we are saved when we are “created in Him.” I knew that “saved by grace through wraith” part, but never realized how much in concentrate it also was in verse 10. Well…hope that you find it a blessing as well. :slight_smile:

The way I see it is that 10 shows us the tangible supernatural provision of what 8 & 9 show what that looks like in poetic motion. So “grace” and “through faith” are things “we” experience. We experience His grace and we experience trusting Him through our faith. And 10 shows us what that looks like in tangible form. If we are literally new creations “in Christ” then we will begin to see the good works God has prepared for us to walk in faith in. Because, grace was provided by God and through trusting in Him (His Character, Ability, & Work) which would be through faith we become in Christ. In faith, we believed, we received the tangible grace of God and literally became tangibly “in Christ.” But that is looking at how it affects us or has to do with us. If we flip it around, and look at how that same equation of the grace dynamic or principle we can see its tangibility from the God side. One place helpful I have also found to approach is in Romans 5. I used to think that Romans 5 was a riddle of sorts. To me it seemed like transgressions and grace kind of came the same ways sort of but different people and had some kind of poetical spin on it to be magically something else. As I revisited it also recently, I realized I was making it too complicated. I think Romans 5 actually shows the tangibility of Ephesians 2:10.

In Romans 5:15-17 we have three aspects

In the following, Christ is contrasted with Adam. In that contrast Adam did not pass on the ability of original sin. Adam’s gift to us was death without option; we could not decide if we wanted death or not. That was his gift. NO CHOICE. We could not choose if we wanted to sin originally or not. HOWEVER, with Christ we see that Christ’s gift (by HIS grace) is an opportunity for all. Not like Adam’s leaving us no option.

15 “For if by the transgression the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one man Jesus Christ, abound to the many.”

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The free gift transcends the limits and boundaries of our 4 dimensional world. Transgression produced judgement. The reap and sow law contained within the 4 dimensional. The gift is not like that. It does not follow the reap / sow law nor does it come from the universe of any laws we understand. In the heavenly realm if an angel sins against God, its over. That is how reality is in relation to God. He is sinned against, the opposer dies or is severely punished. That is just how things are. Well, this gift transcends that realm. Even as God becoming His own creation transcends.

16 “the free gift arose from many transgressions resulting in justification”

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17 “Those who received the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.”

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So we can see that being a new creation in Christ is by the grace He provides to receive that gift, and once we do, we are “in Christ.” And from that new creation (or as that new creation) we are saved. No new creation in Christ, no salvation. By grace through faith we believe, and are placed in Christ. Works fit no where. As Adam gave us no chance to choose to disobey or die, works gives us no option toward salvation and works are of “0” value. HOWEVER, In Christ works (prepared for us in Him by the Father) works are what SALVATION fits us for. And they become the vehicle not of salvation but of reward. As we walk in His works prepared for us ahead of time, we store up our reward in heaven eternal. The gospel is incredible. No wonder the angels (1 Peter 1:12 ) long to look into it.

So how does this proport to loss of salvation potentially? We become “uncreated in Christ?” Is it really man’s words that have us saying OSAS? This forum is predominantly OSAS. When we say “we” it would appear that is not that big of a number here though. I hope the consideration of this is helpful. I used to be Calvinist. But I am neither a Calvinist nor Arminian (Arminius was also a Calvinist). Outside of Calvinism, I believe OSAS stands out just as strong or even stronger actually in ways. Blessings.


Hope to see more of you. You’re a solid member of our community. :slight_smile:


Thank you. I am doing the Revelation study with Andy Woods but am definitely interested in the Esther study.


Was very blessed by the Esther study too with Chuck, Becky. Amazing. Quite a blessing. Thanks again :slight_smile: