April 18 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

I don’t have any evidence to present to you, only my experience. I have heard countless others parents claiming though their children were absolutely fine, developing completely normal until they received specifically the MMR vaccine. Of course the media always says “there is no evidence to prove this”, but why would all these parents make this up?? I think the documentary “vaxxed - from coverup to catastrophe” goes into this in detail but it’s been years since I watched it. As for my children, I had my first son vaccinated with ALL the vaccines, every single one. Even FLU shots until he was 4. He has had medical issue after medical issue. Adhd, severe allergies, strep over and over again (had to have tonsils out at 2 :disappointed:), anger outbursts and the list goes on and on. I did this before I was saved and i just trusted the pediatrician. When he was 4 I started feeling very ill myself, found out I had multiple food allergies (that came out of no where), thyroid started failing, horrendous migraines every. Single. Day. … all after getting the one and only FLU shot I’ve ever gotten. Took me years of suffering to get any kind of diagnosis and an immunologist told me I had hereditary alpha Tryptesmia. This is a genetic disease where your body makes too much tryptase and causes many with it to have worse allergies. Some have terrible symptoms, others hardly any. What I found odd though is none of these symptoms existed until after my one and only flu shot (which also made me very sick with the flu btw). So I now know my son could have Hereditary Alpha Tryptesemia as well. Fast forward to 3 years ago, my husband and I have another son. Decided to not give him any vaccines. He was born in a birth center with no pain killers or epidural. He has NEVER been sick other than a runny nose here and there. And I’m not kidding, no strep, no fevers, no ear infections, no adhd, no anger issues and smart as can be. Very happy healthy child. For me to see my two boys, one vaccinated and one not have completely different outcomes really makes me believe the vaccines hurt my oldest. And I do believe the flu shot I received hurt me. Maybe I had the genetic predisposition for the issues I now have that are very similar to auto immune disease, but I do think the vaccine triggered it to rear it’s ugly head. It messed up my immune system essentially- so I overreact to everything!!! And so does my oldest son. I mean at one point I could only eat 2 foods without being in agonizing pain. But prior to that flu shot I could eat anything. That’s what I think will happen to so many that have taken this covid vaccine. They will develop autoimmune issues, food allergies, and won’t be able to tackle viruses as they should. It may be like my experience times 100. I’m very worried for everyone whose had it. And for anyone with any kind of genetic predisposition for an immune disorder it will be catastrophic. That’s why vaccines should NEVER be mandatory - everyone is different and not everyone’s body will react the same. And some (if not most) may not know if they have a genetic issue that will cause them to react horribly. Plus think about how many have food allergies now?? Gluten free, dairy free, soy free etc… those allergy free foods are everywhere and genuinely needed by millions, even though the media spins it like gluten free is a fad. Trust me no one would pay that much for food if they didn’t have to! Maybe all the vaccines are really messing up everyone’s immune systems and making us hyper reactive. I definitely think there has to be a reason food allergies has increased exponentially over the years (along with adhd, autism, allergies).

All this to explain though to not beat your self up! I did the same thing! I feel guilty but at the same time I know I did nothing to my child with ill intent or knowledge it could hurt him. The real ones to blame are those making the vaccines knowing they will hurt people and then trying to cover it up for the mighty dollar! They will be judged for their crimes against humanity! Forgive yourself, if anything we are the victims, victims to very selfish and evil people. We now know better, so we will do better! That’s all we can do going forward. In heaven all illness will be gone and your daughter will be healthy and free from any disease or disorder. My oldest son says all the time, I’m so excited about heaven - maybe I’ll get to eat a donut!! :joy: there’s a lot to look forward to in our eternity!


EveParis, just remember that, as the bible says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Education isn’t synonymous with wisdom. :wink: Wisdom and discernment are from the Lord. I also have hope that those who are not in the Lord, but are also skeptical about these shots, will remain skeptical to the point of eventual salvation. :pray:


Hey Starliteblues,
Would you like someone to send you a bible? What country are you in?

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You are not alone!

Eve, I hear what you are saying. I have wondered the same things too. I’ve learned there is a big difference between “educated” and indoctrinated. Some of the most intelligent and wise people I’ve ever known were self educated, and never attended any formal post secondary schools. (or seminary for that matter) But in this time I really believe even that brand of wisdom is irrelevant; it’s the Holy Spirit of God alone that leads us all through the current wilderness. God leads us into all truth, just as He promised. The hard part is walking that out when being pressured on every side to conform and do what the indoctrinated are doing. Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. Lord help us all in this time to follow you no matter what.


What is it like for you up there? I’ve heard some pretty scary stories about what your government is doing to your fellow citizens in regards to covid restrictions. I particularly don’t like the targeting of some churches and the restrictive quarantining of Canadian citizens by driving them, in vans with the windows covered, to hotels where no one knows where they’re at. I also understand they don’t always feed them well, and those with restrictive diets are usually ignored.


Education does not equal wisdom. Through time and research I have discovered that the very globalists J.D Farag talks about have a long term agenda, and a vital part of that was infiltrating our schools with propagandists - usually Marxist. That process included taking over the education systems, then breaking it down as much as possible so that people were no longer taught how to evaluate ideas/thoughts, but rather told what to think. It also included removing Judeo-Christian values, and replacing them with the religion of Marxist humanism coupled with naturalism. Trevor Louden of The Epoch Times and Joshua Philipps also of The Epoch Times are both fantastic sources on this. Having more education doesn’t make a person wiser, especially with our corrupted school systems today.


Thank you so much bro for all the articles. You are such a great blessing. God bless you.


You are so dead right. That’s exactly what has happened. They also did this by taking out the old classical education system which teaches kids HOW to think and not WHAT to think. Lots of systems are now just watered down and here in Australia they even went so far as to take out the constitution in schools as we actually have two constitutions here, the current one, was ILLEGALLY and ilegitimately written and enacted without the 3 required referendums being given too the people too vote on, among other issues. Which means that NO judge, court, doctor, police officer etc has any legal standing as they are all sworn in under a fake QUEEN and constitution which began in the 80s. All a cover up and most Aussie’s have no idea as to what the governments for decades have been doing.


No problem at all. Wasn’t sure is all and wanted to check. I hope the move goes well.

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I have a standard answer for people who like to call me selfish, uninformed, a terrorist, etc for not receiving the “vaccine”. I simply ask them- and I would reply to this person via a letter to the editor - if the vaccine works then why are you still afraid? And if you received a vaccine, not believing that it works, then could you please tell me why? How is an unvaccinated person a threat to those who have chosen to be vaccinated? My choice to not vaccinate is just that: my choice. My body, my choice. Isn’t that the mantra?


As for myself personally? We haven’t saw much in our area yet, besides Grace Life Church, they seem to be the biggest target. Our restrictions in Alberta are ridiculous, no in person dining, but patios are open🤔 gyms are closed except if you are flush enough to pay a personal trainer, then you can workout one on one, pools, libraries are closed, it just makes no sense, but we are thankfully not fully shut down like Ontario. I fear our premier will follow suit, already another province BC is trying to close its borders. I haven’t heard from anyone personally who has flown and had to come back and go into a Quarantine hotel, at your own expense by the way. They really have made traveling unappealing since Jan, but from what I gather, yes, you land, you go the hotel and you are there until your negative test comes back. I am Honestly not sure on the quality of food provided. The overwhelming feeling where I live is a big NO! No to the restrictions, no the vaccine, there are many upset over the govt here. It’s a blessing that our joke of a prime minister has failed on the vaccine front, Alberta is one province that isn’t receiving vaccines cause of Canadian government not being able to get any!


Welcome IndigoAngel. :heart:

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It also is hard to find un sensored news, I have read that some of the bigger cities are preparing these “outdoor hospitals” but you can’t get much info on them. Nightly news has yet to report on the events happening in Russia, every news story is covid and vaccines. Things are changing, it’s just hard to find out how much until we hear it being announced sadly

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Sometimes things written long ago have a prophetic nature and could be relevant today, sometimes, more so than when they were written.
Case in point:
Matt 24:
4 Jesus told them, “Don’t let anyone mislead you, 5 for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. 7 Nation (éthnos/race) will go to war against nation (éthnos/race), and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. 8 But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.
9 “Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. 10 And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. 11 And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. 12 Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved. 14 And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.
Thank you , this is just my opinion, I am not a scholar or teacher, popped in my head as I read your first post.
BTW WELCOME 2 THE FORUM…DAVID :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Warmly Doc


Hmmm, so it seems that my husband and I are in the estimated 25% in my state who are jab hesitant. If the sampling is true—and I believe it sounds about right—then we are going to find ourselves bracing even more. I’m expecting that local/community health providers (not recordings) will start calling. Caller ID is helpful right about now.


Propaganda from the CDC? The emperor’s clothes…



Our God is amazing, I’m holding on to truth. The very thought of God of all creation sought me and bought me and actually leads me just brings me to my knees in thanksgiving and awe. I have related this leading as from the Holy Spirit. Just like how I knew it was true about what Jesus did to bring us to salvation and right standing before the God of all creation. How could a simpleton like me know this ? Only by His spirit. Only by Him !