April 18, 2024: Daniel 3 -- God Will Deliver You From That Fiery Trial

:bible2: Daniel 3: God Will Deliver You From That Fiery Trial

Pastor JD :hawaiianshirt_1: talks about both the prophetic implication and personal application of Nebuchadnezzar’s 7-times hotter fiery furnace as a much-needed reminder that God will always deliver us from that fiery trial even though it may not be how we think.

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Missed this when it came through. I guess I was busy with life’s little problems. What I can say is that this is absolutely true. I have had my fair share of trials, some short term and strong, some long term and milder but just as devastating. The fact that I am still here is my testament to having come through each and every one of them and always not of what I did but what God did for me. Trust in the Lord for He is ALWAYS faithful.