April 2, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- We Can't Keep Beating Around The Bush

Noted with thanks for your comment. It seems there is issue of “Christian Zionism” which varies from person to person in USA.

4 April 2023



Dedollarization continues…

Harbingers Daily no more feature JD’s 2023 sermon:


A gentle reminder:


Comment: I disagree with the final part, no mention of rapture.



Good question! I wondered that myself when i heard it. These folks are not Christians themselves though, so it’s possible that they just can not, or do not realize there’s a difference between some pastors who joined up with Trump, and those like J.D. and others who support Israel’s God-given right to exist. That’s my two cents anyway, lol.


Like a previous update last year where everyone got bent out of shape about a single statement Pastor JD made this update too is being misunderstood. This is not about should people vote or not or be for this political figure or another. In taking that stance we play right into Satan’s hands in fact as Pastor says we do the dirty work of division for Satan destroying each other.

By the above statement all that is being done is boiling the entire updated down to a single antigovernment narative or better yet and us vs. them narrative. Pastor JD even says when you get to that point how can you share Jesus. You have made an enemy of those you need to be sharing the Gospel with.

The whole of the update is not about voting or not because you are politically on one side or the other. It is about being deceived that there are political sides. It is a game as old as man himself played by Satan who is constantly lying, twisting the simple truth of Salvation and then he sitting back and letting our own sinful nature take over. That is the deception. We believe the lie that things like voting for this guy or gal instead of the other guy or gal will make a difference. It wont. Jesus is still coming, time is still growing short and the lost still need to be reached but if you try from a purely secular left vs. right view point, you will reach no one.

The title does not refer to stating this person is good or that person is bad or that they are both bad. It has nothing to do with that at all. It has everything to do with are we ignoring all of that intrigue and speaking about Jesus, speaking about His imminent return and how close it is now that the signs are everywhere. Basically are we telling about Jesus with a sense of urgency that His nearness should be conveyed.

The point was never about voting or not. The point is are we bringing people to Jesus and Jesus to people. The rest is part of the deception. There are loads and loads of non voters that are not saved. There are loads and loads of people politically left and politically right that are in dire need of hearing the Gospel. That is the only controversial thing we as the body of Christ need to dealing with.

If that is truly the case then it begs the question why even discuss government, political parties, peoples in and running for office. The above statement says it all. If someone complains about food prices, tell them there is hope in Jesus. If someone is outspoken about the number of people suddendly dropping and dying, ask if they knew Jesus, were they saved? All the rest is the very deception that we need to be aware of and avoid.


Round two of “ Make sure you’re sitting down “


Well said. I think too though that if someone’s conscience leads them that they are not demonized for doing so.
Casting a vote even if there is no tab desirable outcome does not negate that person’s heart for wanting better government officials and laws or the stays of their salvation .

This is still a personal choice that if we’re not careful can add to unnecessary decisiveness and undo stress.


The point I wanted to make is simply this update was not about voting or not. It was about the fact that voters and non voters both need to pay attention to the fact it will not change the direction the world is heading. The idea of voting in hopes it will change or at least delay that from happening to quick is part of the major theme Pastor JD had been on since last September.

We are now at a point that there simply is no valid hope we can have in governments at any level, so voting whether you do it or not will not change God’s timeline. Given the speed at which we see the world deteorating we can reasonably deduce that we may not see the end of the year on earth. It is possible we may but just as possible we may not. We simply don’t know. But for the first time since people in general started paying attention to end time prophecy there is such a sense of urgency that the world has never seen before.

What I believe Pastor JD was alluding to is the number pastors out there that fail to warn their flock what is coming if they don’t pay attention and how that failure is playing right into Satan’s hands.

On the other side of that is for church itself to make ready to face any number and kinds of possible hardships that may show up before we are removed. I am talking about Abraham sacrificing Isaac type ready.

If we thing soberly, how many of us could accept the command from God to take our child or children and sacrice them as commanded. It may not be in the manner that Abraham had to do but just as scary all the same. Lets say we hit the point of extreme persecution and people are dying for holding fast to their faith. Could we, if given the option to denounce Jesus, or watch our children be tortured and mudered would allow our children to go through that? It is a very serious question we all need to ask ourselves. We need to quit beating around the bush not only in what we may face of people talking bad about us because we share the Gospel but also what could happen to family because we do and are we ready to face what may become of it when it will affect our family, our children.

This update was never about actually cast a ballot or not. That is the action which is of no consequence. It is about the heart and why we may be doing it if we do. Is our action based on the false hope that there may be a brighter future ahead while we wait on Jesus. Then there is a problem as we put out hope in the wrong place.

On a grander scale if you look back over past updates going back to last Sept., a number of them have brought up controversial subjects. But ultimately those controversial subjects were not the main theme of the update. They were just illustrations to help understand the depth and scope of the deception being forced upon the world at this time. Yet a number of times the thing that brought up contention and division what the illustration and what failed was constructive discussion of the main theme of that week’s update.

What is even more disturbing is even after many reiterations that the first an preimenent sign given in Mathew 24 is deception. It is actually even more dangerous than all the others combiined because it is the hardest to see and even harder to deal with. Diasters do totally disrupt lives and take many as well but long term subtle deception is a matter of the heart and mind which is harder to defend. We have seen it here in the number of confrontations that have arisen in the past from every like is the earth flat, to was 9/11 an inside job with a completely fabricated false narative save the implosion destruction of three buildings and partial destruction of a fouth. Then there is the constant following of many YT content proividing pastors that never talk about prophecy at all or condemn other pastors who do. If we follow say half a dozen pastors online plus maybe our local we will get 7 different views on the above mentioned illustration subject that Pastor JD has used. In fact we saw in September one well know and often followed pastor blast JD for his comments. As we saw that set off a fire storm among parts of the church.

Ultimately this update was a call to look to ourselves and make sure we had the intestinal fortitude to stand firm in our faith and have an answer for our hope regardless of what anyone else say. Are we going to be like Abraham when the call comes to decide between family or God or just face family and friends without fear of what they will say or what they will do. We simply can no longer back down to keep the peace. Remember they will say peace and safety and then comes sudden destruction.

That doesn’t mean go out picking fights against abortionist or LGBTQ types but if asked what your view is then give them an honest answer even though they may booooo you out of the room. Tell them simply God says it is a sin and as such you are not willing to participate in it nor will you allow your minor children to do so either. After all children are a gift from God that we are given for our joy but also for training and raising. Know well you will be hated when you say such things but don’t let their hate weaken your faith.


5 April 2023


Flashback 2/2/2020 Prophecy Update:





Do something for Christ that day of voting, will be better :smiley:


In some way, it’s a mimic: Trump condamed, Jesus was condamned. Trump will win and come as false Savior. He asked people to fight, Christ said no, it’s not his kingdom… and during passover!
Rem: eclipse of moon in April


@Robmich welcome back :hugs::person_raising_hand:
Zionist, I don’t think so. He doesn’t speak of Israel as other pro Israel pastors.

Y’know, I’ve actually done this and depending on whom you are conversing with, you get one of two responses. I mainly get the combative responses of “Oh, you’re one of those people.” And they don’t want to explain their statement. BUT, it put the point out there in the open.


Stunned and saddened for me. He is leading Israel right into the New World Order and he boasts that Israel is leading the way. God forbid!


Its heartbreaking.
And so many will go on taking the kill shots and being grateful for them. With Israel having immigrants from all over the world the dna information he handed over will help them destroy the whole world not just Israel. But the Lord will come soon. Tonight, start of passover would be a nice time to go home


JD continues to knock it out of the park as far as revealing all the deception with politics and political leaders!

Here are a couple interesting Tweets this week in re: to Trump:

  1. Mike Adams actually compared Trump to Jesus Christ :clown_face::

  2. Referencing what Trump said before which JD said, “You knew I was a snake before you let me in.”


Another deception many don’t realize: Did you know the Trump Tower is a shrine to Baal/Apollyon? You can watch a quick 6 min video about it here:

This also talks about it in more depth if you’d prefer to read the article:

If anyone has watched the very long docuseries called “Know Your Enemy” by the Fuel Project (highly recommend if not), this corroborates the information they talk about in regards to the symbolism and the occult, including Trump’s Tower.

And lastly, while James Corbett is not a Christian that I’m aware of, his video done awhile ago was spot on:
Precedent Trump


Jack, I agree with everything you pointed out.
I’m simply saying some Christians will still see and feel a need to vote because some are not able to see what JD was explaining.
I understand it’s not the vote but many still feel compelled to try to change the situation and will regardless of it truly being pointless, will go to the polls.
It was this mindset of Christians that I was wanting to defend so they are not targeted by fellow believers in their personal choice to do so.
Many just don’t see the bigger picture and therefore still hold on to changing the government.

Persecution is definitely coming and we on the forum pretty much agree that there’s bigger fish to fry ie: warning about what’s coming, getting the gospel out etc. So, we each should do what we can to sound the alarm and spread the information. But there will unfortunately be those that will either misunderstand or not get the warnings. And if they do get it, it’s not our place to place our convictions about whether or not to vote on them.

So yes, focus on the bigger issues but be understanding of some that will not grasp why voting isn’t the true solution in the long run.

I get what’s coming but to be honest I will possibly still vote. Whether I do or don’t , or whether other Christians do or don’t should not cause a division in the body of Christ because someone cast a vote that they see as necessary or hopeful but others know is fruitless.

That’s all I was saying. Not disagreeing at all but to have some grace regarding the voting issue that some will still cling to as a chance for change despite the chances being pretty much 0 that things will.


And that is to be expected. Even he Apostles were told to go and speak in the towns and if no accepted then to knock the dust from their sandles as they leave. But then that is the point of this latest update. To use the farming analogy, the crop is not in yet and the storm clouds are on the horizon and they are ugly black and heading right for us. We need to be urgent as there is no time for dilly dallying.


That is an understatement. That is the problem. Sorry I don’t have a solution.


Before each message from Pastor JD we pray and ask the Lord for unstanding, to open our ears, our hearts as to what the Lord wants us to learn. He is the One who is giving me the Truth. Pastor JD is just the messenger. Those who do not have ears to hear his teaching he refers them to nursing babes. They can not eat meat yet. That is all there is to it. This is no salvation issue!
Each week I am fed and each week another layer of deception seems to be exposed. This is all good for me as long as the Lord is leading Pastor JD’s heart and I am growing in the Lord.


We also have to remember that sometimes people will read conversations or micro conversations, here, and formulate their thoughts before they have even listened to the update.

It’s also easy to get distracted while listening, or to get hyper-focused on one or two specifics. In that, there can be overgeneralizing on the one hand, OR missing the main idea on the other.