April 21, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- Peoples Strange Sudden Change

Amen, amen, amen, Paula!

Thank you! This is a beautiful Monday morning praise moment for me, times three!


Black Hawk medic

the tremendous number of shots…he served in Afghanistan (on ground at that time)…Anthrax, plus all others

He went with medic because he wanted to help his fellow soldiers get home to their families. He really felt the desire to be the one to help. Not the other way around. He touched my heart when he said that. He took the jab because he realized not much he could do if he quit for other soldiers.

It is all in God’s hand but when my son came to me several months ago and asked me who was going to take care of his kids, if he dies?..that was easy to answer but hard to hear.

To fly through the trees would be adrenal rush and I am sure I was part of that drive…I loved to snowmobile. Not on the road granny snowmobile. :joy: but the climb and jump and side hill type.

Thank you very much for your kind words.


I have to admit my emotions are all over the place! :cry: Several months back my primary care physician said my time left is unknown and the cancer seems to be all over in my peritoneal cavity but my blood work is showing fine. My fingernails look good and I am plump as ever. :joy: I laugh because that makes me no different than anyone else here. No one knows when they are going to die! :rofl: It is sad too because if that is the case…each and every one of us should be really looking at our priorities in life. I can’t get over how many sit on the fence about Jesus. What if you die in 2 seconds? Wake up!!! I at least got a chance to ask for forgiveness and dig into scripture, read the Bible and love the ones in and around my family. Every moment smile and use our smiles to greet someone. Pray every moment of our day! Enjoy God’s creation! Watch the bees, butterflies or hummingbirds! Anyone reading this has been blessed with another day and another moment. Share your love with others!


So absolutely beautiful and uplifting. I saw Selah in a small church setting last year. Amy’s voice is legit in person like this video. What a gift. Would love to experience these Anthem Lights kids in concert some time! Thank you so much for sharing this music today Paula. :blush:


Thank you. Will definitely pass him on to my sister’s prayer group for protective prayer. Tough job that one though. Kudos to your son. Sounds like an awesome young man. You have every right to be proud of him.


I still remember when Moses tried to warn us about this coming in the year 2022.


I think you mean Judah ben Hur…lol!


Nah I kept it to actual Biblical entities. Judah ben Hur was a fictional character. But yeah he would have also worked.


I dont know where to ask this about Lahaina but are there missing children and if so have they been located and accounted for? The web has no real answers. Thank you, all.


Back, not long after it happened there were a few articles that mentioned that some children had shown up but none said all those claimed to be missing have been located or accounted for. At this amount of time later we can only assume that all have been accounted for as either found or deceased. I wish I could tell you better but too much time has now passed to know anymore than that.


@pbandj Paula, I love this song. I listened to it several times. The sweet simplicity of God’s children praising Him with the instrument of their voices, from their hearts. The sweet incense rising up to Him. This is a song I want stuck in my head and played within me.

A great choir and musical instruments can be beautiful, and, also the sincerity of just one voice.



A reminder of the depravity of mankind without the acknowledgement of the Creator. The fruit of the tree of good and evil continues to be too irresistible for those who listen to the devil.

They naturally, in their twisted glee, have made movies (last century) fantasizing about the day they can be successful.

I wonder how many people, at their death, gave the green light to do this procedure even knowing that it wasn’t perfected.

Sad, the souls lost. For the donor, not saved, I also wonder if God will give His grace and mercy on their souls. I think about all of the people who have been tortured throughout time, especially the young and disabled.
