Hello and Praise The Lord Brothers and Sisters!
This documentary is one of the side projects that Pastor J.D. Farag and several other ministers of truth have taken part in to help spread the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
It’s part drama and part documentary and is available to watch for free on the Tubi Streaming platform, where there are many such biblical dramas and documentaries. I’ve watched several this past week and have lots more to watch to help feed my soul with the Truth of God’s word and the Saving Blood of Jesus Christ.
I apologize in advance if this is not allowed. I’m new here, but wanted very much to share it since it was what reminded me to come to this forum that J.D. has provided for us to fellowship with other believers. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
God Bless You and Enjoy Brothers and Sisters!
That is a great video I got it when it 1st came out.
Thanks Brother @anon28331375! I noticed it came out a few years ago, but just found it on Tubi about a week ago. It’s an awesome video and a good tool for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, just like Pastor J.D.'s ABC’s of Salvation! Praise The Lord! I look forward to seeing you soon in the air! Hopefully, it’s not too much longer!
God Bless You Brother!
Yes, that group has made a few movies that are well worth sharing.
Brother I look forward to a “soon” meeting in the air with you myself.
Excellent depiction of what we get to experience with our Groom. Thank you for sharing. I have watched this 2x.
Thanks Sister @Flamingogirl49563! I agree with you. I’ll most likely watch it again myself in the near future and I’ll share it with anyone and everyone as a way to help folks understand what’s to come. I’ve already shared it on Mewe and sent it to my son and wife to watch. It’s very nicely done and I love it! Praise Jesus! I can’t wait to meet you and get down on my knees at his feet soon! It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. God Bless You!
In Brotherly Love,
Thanks @hotchiwawa, I appreciate the heads up about the Real Life Network! It’s a blessed place to go for more Christian based information. God Bless You and I hope to see you soon at the feet of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the air!
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