December 10, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Expect The Unexpected - Part 2

Thanks for sharing this, I just listening to it and loved the part about Russia buying special archery equipment and horses for military purposes.

The explanation of the burning of weapons was great.
I wondered many times, why would one burn weapons for fuel, thinking they were made of metal? It makes sense now knowing that the weapons are made of a non-metallic material that actually burns like coal.

Below is a part of Billy’s quote (in the video at 1:03:10 mark)

“For years people had laughed at the prophecy that after God destroyed that great army in the mountains that are in the northern part of Israel, that Israel would not have to buy fuel for seven years. She would be burning the weapons of her enemy. Only recently has it been known that the tanks and weapons of this army are made of non-metallic materials which burn like coal, to thwart the Israeli metal-seeking tactical atomic missiles!

Reuters News Agency has reported large Russian purchases of special archery equipment from England, so powerful and accurate that it can shoot an arrow through a man’s heart at 100 yards and it will keep on going! It is no secret that Russia has bought up large numbers of horses recently, of a type best adapted for military invasion through mountains. How wonderful the way improbable Bible prophecies are coming true these days! Who would have dreamed of a literal fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecies of bows and arrows and horses figuring into this great battle when Russia and her satellite armies are destroyed by God in a cataclysm from the sky! Study Ezekiel 38 and 39 for God’s version of what will happen to the Russian armies.”

Fascinating… the accuracy of God’s Word is 100%.