December 10, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Expect The Unexpected - Part 2

Grab a cup of hot tea or coffee :coffee::teapot:


Good evening Dennis

Funny you mentioned about how to get Wi-Fi signals in and around the mountains and valleys. I live here in the middle of flat farm ground America and the best Verizon can give us is one step above dial up internet, so yes how can they do that. I was thinking satellite Starlink type technology.
Pastor JD is my first go to for Bible study and Pastor Billy Crone is my second go to. I try and search out others like Craig B but check against the above pastors
I do appreciate the work you do on this forum and the articles you post they’re very informative thank you for this!


I am unable to comment on Hebrew calendar. Pastor JD put up an image of the calendar in the sermon. Craig referenced it to be Sukkot (feast of Tabernacles)? to be this month which can be confusing to hearers.

So far the Church has mini calendar: Christmas + Good Friday + Resurrection Sunday. Others are added by own denominations. There is no relationship with the Israel feasts and the Rapture.

Today Tom Hughes interviewed Alex Newman on COP28 happenings, someone has up the link above my post.

Currently it was Craig B. who contacted JD on this COP28, so far only he is the most active in this. I have posted J. Brentner’s article last Sat. He may be writing Part 2 this week. Waiting for other bible prophecy teachers to comment on this event.

Meanwhile our good friend Biden is doubling down on climate hysteria, lol


“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils!"
(1 Timothy 4:1)

My friends, DON’T PANIC, DONT BE SURPRISED AND DO NOT BE SHAKEN in your faith as you begin to see people that youve trusted, ministers, even supposed “Christian” musical artist, that you have loved, maybe learned from, possibly even revered, begin to DEPART FROM THE FAITH!!
This is a prophesied LAST DAYS OCCURRENCE!

Keep your EYES ON JESUS and keep your soul plugged into the WORD OF GOD!!
I’ll be honest and this always upsets people, but many of these supposed “Christian leaders” were never even truly “BORN AGAIN”!

Yes…They had giftings,
Yes…they had abilities, but they used those God given gifts to glorify and to promote and EXALT THEMSELVES!

Many of them, allowed their ego and their pride prevent them from giving those gifts BACK to God for His glory, of which they were meant to be used for.

Sadly, we will see “woke-ism” rear it’s demonic head in their messages and songs!
“Climate change” issues will become popular as they speak the demonic words: “Mother earth”!

We will see great COMPROMISE in those we considered “Rock solid” at one time, but they “shall depart!!”
So, again, put your eyes on NO MAN or woman…
Pay close attention to everything they say…yes EVERYTHING THAT I SAY!!!

Everything, every experience, every sermon, every revelation, every insight, MUST MUST MUST be in COMPLETE accordance to God’s Holy Word!

That alone is our “plumb-line”!
That alone is our truth!
That alone can rightly divide the soul and spirit and the intents of mens hearts!

MW Breeden


The most severe and effective tools in the devils arsenal against the child of God is:


MW Breeden


Thanks Dennis. On the Simpsons. Wow that was fun. :slight_smile: Ok so i kind of have a new theory. Well, in looking some things that won’t be coming true like Zombie Apocolypse, some of the Trump stuff for example seemed (as would be expected from a liberal Hollywood bent) that it would be like something negative (like 4 consequetive presidential terms in a row OR economic collapse–which ironically while he was in office swung the other way hitting highest stock market rallies in history). So in a sense it would seem maybe like hopeful predictive programming.

However, ok, so the new theory. I have been kind of tracking with a JD notion since his use of the book of The Apocolypse of John = the “Revealing.” And on that foot, i would kind of see that years approaching the tribulation seem to be about the age of “Revealing.” But i don’t mean that God is necessarily doing that prophetically through the Simpsons…lol. What i believe i have also seen thickly also along side “Revealing” is irony. I see a lot of it on many fronts. The Simpsons i guess would be just one of many perhaps. So perhaps its not so much perdictive programming but an age in general that God in His sovereignty has seen fit to help the world realize from many walks of life, the irony. And that irony be quite a part and parcel of the end times curtain opnening leading to “Revealing” or “Disclosing” in its own timestamp, colloquial, contemporarnously ironic unveiling…signifying the book of “unveiling,” ironically. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Thank you for your response! And I’m in the middle of the COP 28 video now! :blush: Wow, 60% cuts in energy, so many people will be hurting. :pray:


Welcome LAD1130! Nice to have you here! Hope you enjoy all of the great fellowship, kindness and encouragement here!


That is beautiful :dove:

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‭‭I Peter‬ ‭1:13‭-‬16‬ ‭
Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”


Pray hard for the lost ones. Pray hard for the lost and deceived and the blind and the deaf and the hard hearted and even for the enemies of all God loves. Jesus says we must. If any eyes can be opened and hearts can still melt by God’s love, perhaps our fervent prayers are our purpose. Perhaps that is why you and I are here for such a time as this.

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Welcome to the forum Lynda! God bless and keep you and those you love.


Welcome aboard Lynda! @LAD1130



Oddly enough whenever I read the whole “peace & security” scripture, I always assumed that the world felt the false peace & security provided to them by the antiChrist. I never thought it was the nations crying out for peace and security like a demand. I guess time will tell. Regardless - I pray that Jesus comes soon. This world has truly lost its way, which happens when Jesus is intentionally left out. God bless Everyone, prayers for JD & his wife. Merry Christmas to all!


Those were the days of excitement as we listened to the technology talk. Too bad it hasn’t shut up since it learned English. So now it can read your mind it appears or at least tell us it can.


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