December 10, 2023: Topical Study -- What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

:bible2: Topical Study – What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do, 2 Chronicles 20

Pastor JD :hawaiianshirt_3: shares candidly what the Lord has ministered to him over the years concerning some of the reasons that prayers seemingly and inexplicably, go unanswered, then has a time of prayer for specific needs.

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A truly excellent sermon. I have prayed jehoshaphats prayer a few times in the past, never heard it so powerfully explained . And the praise in advance wow i was always just told the Lord inhabited the praises of his people.
Thank you Lord for giving Jd as a teacher


Father we just thank You for sending Jesus to save us from destroying ourselves. Our soul souls were set free the moment we believed! Hallelujah!
Lord we also thank You for what You’re going to do , especially in Kelly’s health crisis. Our eyes are totally fixed on YOU, Lord Jesus. In only Jesus’ matchless we we ask, and for Your Gllory, Amen!!

Have a Blessed Christmas JD, Kelly and Family. FILLED with HIS Joy & Peace!!!

Mike and Susan (New Orleans)


WHO’S READY? :raising_hand_woman:t3:

The marriage supper of the Lamb. Get ready Church!!

”And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.“ ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭19‬:‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬


I AM! Heaven’s joy awaits!!!


I’m Going Home
Farewell, vain world, I’m going home
My Savior smiles and bids me come
And I don’t care to stay here long

Sweet angels beckon me away
To sing God’s praise in endless day
And I don’t care to stay here long

Right up yonder
Christians, away up yonder
O, yes, my Lord
For I don’t care to stay here long

I’m glad that I am born to die
From grief and woe my soul shall fly
And I don’t care to stay here long

Bright angels shall convey me home
Away to New Jerusalem
And I don’t care to stay here long

Right up yonder
Christians, away up yonder
O, yes, my Lord
For I don’t care to stay here long

Right up yonder
Christians, away up yonder
O, yes, my Lord
For I don’t care to stay here long


This is exactly what I needed to hear as I deal with family issues. I really feel that my husband is being brainwashed by people who are filled with hate. He has blasphemed against God. He sees what’s going on in the world and now believes that there is no God who will save us. It is breaking my heart because here I am trying to teach my young girls to trust in the Lord and to stand firm. How do I stay with a man who spews hatred. I’ve just sat here and cried after watching. Now I am praying that God will deliver him and give him a Saul to Paul moment. I cannot do it without God and I’m not sure how long I should stay in this house. Please pray for us and for my husband.


Wow…you don’t get to hear that every day. Imagine that as a Christmas Carrol outside your front door this Chistmas. :slight_smile: Thanks Robbie. Incredible. The way Acapelo should be. My goodness. :+1:


God bless you with grace and peace in abundance.
I will not pretend that I can understand or feel what you are going through right now.
Consider that in all our day, we wait for and trust in our Savior who lives in us.
He will show you the way, although it is not usually as soon as we would like.
““In returning and rest you shall be saved;
In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15
" And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28


I got hit by an SUV this morning on my way back home, i was at the 4 way stoplight intersection facing north and i was on a 2 way left lane and at the green light it was me and the other car’s turn to turn left well she stopped on her lane and a SUV passed the red light going east and hit my car damaged the driver side and front but my car still runs just wasn’t safe to drive it, i’m ok and thank God their AAA auto insurance had full coverage to cover the damage and rental car but i still don’t understand why didn’t my guardian angels stop them from hitting my car… i have an Angel Visor clip and Archangel Michael photo underneath my angel visor clip. It’s been a long morning talking to their insurance claim department then had my car towed to the collision shop and then had to use Uber to make a few trip because Enterprise Rental cars didn’t have any cars, my reservation is next Thursday to pick up a rental car so now i have to pay Uber to get to work then back home… i don’t understand why God allowed this to happen?! I don’t know… i am just thankful i didn’t get hurt and my car didn’t get totaled… i did ask a few people i met today in all this if they know Jesus and they said yes… i could use your prayers please that Enterprise Rental Cars will have a car available sooner than next Thursday because that’s covered til my car is fixed. :pray:

p.s. the driver and her husband that hit my car are perfectly fine just a small dent on their big black SUV.

I know there has to be a message from God about why he allowed this to happen but i’m not hearing from God right now… i hope to hear that still small voice soon.


Thank you Jesus for this message from Ty Green and your holy Word!


I love this reminder :yellow_heart:


Wow so sorry to hear dear sister. I would expect you though to have that license plate :slight_smile: Glad no one was hurt. I wanted to post several verses…but i am have some tech issues today. Wanted to at least get this post up. :slight_smile:

30 Significant Bible Verses About Suffering - Essential Scriptures (

Please remember dear sister that the events down here are for us to wear in all eternity as glory. So like
2 Cor 4:17 “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” The troubles we have down here are for us to wear in weighty glory forever with Him. That is the way i see this verse telling us of troubles and trails. So the more trouble…the thicker the eternal glory…i reckon :slight_smile: He makes us into His image and grants us to wear a car accident (like in how we glorified Him in that in our hearts) like a garment of weighty glory that will “forever” be yours…whereas the car accident is temporal lasting days or weeks in its trouble…we get to wear trouble in glory now (because of His provision made for us), forever.

Its a pretty cool thing of His heart in blessings us as we walk in His sufferings transforming into His image (Romans 8:29–close to your Ty Green vs :slight_smile: ). With a heart toward you like Ephesians 2:7:

“so that in the ages to come He might show the [k]boundless riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.”


You get to have that designer outfit of how you glorified Him in your heart in this accident event and He makes that temporal trouble into an awesome slice of your eternal wordrobe…for a trillion Saturday Nights yet had. Pretty Amazing Heart :heart:

Thanks for sharing your heart with us.


And not one single cold, rubbery piece of chicken to be had! lol


Oh my goodness, Beau, what a terrible position you are in. Me and mine will be praying for you and yours. I wish there was something I could do, some advice I could offer. The only thing that comes to mind is a passage from 1 Corinthians. I pray that our Father will use His Word to speak to you. If not with this passage, with another He puts in your path.

1 Corinthians 7, ESV
13 If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. 15 But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace. 16 For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?

I don’t pretend to understand this passage but I’d be willing to bet Pastor JD has taught on it. You might try looking into his sermon archives if you’re led to do so. One last thing, Beau, I urge you to keep you and your girls safe. I come from a family that accepted violence. No one should ever live in a violent situation.

May God bless you and keep you and your girls.


BUT…where are the women and children??? Are they the ones behind the men? LOL


Oh, dear Stacey I am so glad you are o.k. God was certainly with you even though you got hit. Your trial is still a mystery, BUT GOD will give you an opportunity to let His light shine and that, my girlfriend may be worth it all. Praying for you.

P.S. this may be a good post to put under prayer requests for everyone to notice and agree in prayer for a quick end to this trial.


" The influence one man can have on thousands is a never ending source of wonder to me"
-General George Patton


I for one sure hope the women in heaven have no facial hair.
(tee hee)


Morning Carol Anne @Flamingogirl49563 and Robbie @Robbie,

Could be the coffee hasn’t kicked in, but I don’t have a clue about either of your responses.

:heart: gr