December 5, 2023: Prayer Meeting – Why My Prayers Go Unanswered

:bible2: Why My Prayers Go Unanswered

Pastor JD shares candidly what the Lord has ministered to him over the years concerning some of the reasons that prayers seemingly and inexplicably, go unanswered, then has a time of prayer for specific needs.

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Love you Pastor JD. :cry: My heart and prayers are with your family, and specifically with your wife and yourself. I cried when I heard about it, and Lord willing, I will continue to intercede for healing for hers and your good, and His glory alone. Praise and thankfulness be to God for what He will do, has done, and is already doing, because He has the best and perfect plan for you both. He is good and faithful. He is Sovereign and Wonderful. He is The Jehovah Rapha and like no other.


I just finished listening to your prayer meeting, and my heart breaks for you and your family. I wept as you spoke of your wife’s illness. I have experience in my own life and in my family’s life with cancer. It is not a hopeless situation, God is gracious and he heals. I pray that your sweet and beautiful wife will be healed miraculously and that she will continue to be well and minister to you as you minister to us. I love all of you so much, and pray God will bless you. Prayers and blessings for you going up from Kentucky.


Father I entust Kelly to Your Divine care and healing. Lord we pleadKelly to be completely healed for Your Glory and for all to see Your Greatness and Your Goodness and also for our Pastor and Your Disciple, JD. He loves and needs her Lord. .
And all these needs mentioned tonight. we askeach need be met for Your people who are in Your service.
Lord we ask that You will soon come for us and take us Home with You.
In Jesus Merciful, Mighty, Wonderful name we plead, Amen


Amen and Amen to all and for all, especially for Kellie to be healed and blessed and J.D. to be given the strength to continue on through all this! God Bless you Dear Sister, Susan, for your beautiful, short prayer!!

Blessings to All,



I must do this.

Loving Heavenly Father

Just one request today. I beg you, Father, please heal Farag’s wife, [Kellie] in body, soul, and spirit. Please remove from her in a manner only You can receive the glory and praise for, the cancer plaguing her right now. I pray that you’d deliver an intense Godly heat to infiltrate and destroy every molecule and atom of this cancer from [Kellie’s] body. Let this healing be known instantly to her and her family. And please comfort Farag’s family during this time and give them rest as they lean upon you like a cedar in Lebanon. Protect them from the fiery darts as the enemy refuses to let up on and even intensifying their efforts while Your children try to lift our shields and interlock them around Farag’s family right now. Please heal [Kellie] Farag in a manner to keep her with Farag and their family, till You call us home.

I beg you, in Jesus’ name

[Update = it would have really bugged me if I kept using the wrong spelling for her name, so I had to edit and change to what is said to be her proper spelling. Sorry]


Amen, Brother! In The Blessed Name of our Lord, Jesus! God Bless You Too Jon! As usual, your prayer was beautiful!

God Bless Us All!



Beautiful prayers, all. Kinda hits home just how very much we love our Pastor and his family— in a pain filled way. Wondering if we could all get together for a time of prayer and fasting… We can’t congregate physically, but we can certainly join in spirit and deed to lift this precious family. Please consider this Farag forum family. And let’s make a plan.

Joining my heart and shield with everyone who is lifting Kellie’s needs to our Father. May His will be done… and please Lord may it be Your will to heal this beloved daughter, the very loved and needed wife of Your disciple, JD, who has worked tirelessly to get people to Jesus and Jesus to people. Please pour out Your blessings of healing, comfort, strength, and hope upon this family. Please bless Kellie’s health care team with Your wisdom and Your compassion. Please cause all to show Your favor to this family as they tread this valley, and use this illness to bring the lost and unsaved into Your eternal family.

Please heal Kellie, Abba— by miracle, by medicine, or by a soon rapture. We need You so; You are our blessed Hope. We praise You for what You have done and will do in and through this family, LORD. In the Name of Your only begotten Son Yeshua, our blessed Kinsman-Redeemer, we praise You and pray. Amen.


@jasonacts177 @Twi @moderators @JDForumTeam

In light of what JD’s family is facing and the fact that spiritual attacks are increasing, would it be possible to add the prayer request category back to the forum?

There are many here who consider this their “local” church (because they have no local Biblically solid church options) and would love to draw close and link shields with one another as the spiritual battle rages, but there is no longer a place to do that. Additionally, I miss our mighty prayer warriors who were so good at clearly wording what oftentimes only wandered my heart as a feeble groan that only the Holy Spirit could understand.
There has been an ocassional request slipped into other topics here and there, and prayers are offered, however, they get lost in the shuffle and there is no place to offer further prayer, encouragement and follow-up praise reports. It would be nice to have the option for individual prayer threads in which to do this.

To be clear, I respect the decision made long ago, and I’m only requesting to consider re-opening the ‘Prayer requests’ category, not the ‘Social well-being’ or ‘Divisive tent’ (wasn’t that already sold to the circus anyway? And yes @Jon , I am aware it is correctly spelled ‘discussion’. :wink: )

Thank you for considering! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Agree Paula! @pbandj

PLEASE give us back the ability to pray together, @JDForumTeam. It’s the most important thing we do as an online church.



I wasn’t going to even say a thing. This time. lol


Oh Father, my heart hurts . . . Everywhere we look the battles rage. For Kellie, pour out your golden, liquid love. Melt away any pain or fear. Wash away all traces of the cancer that afflicts her now. For our pastor, in your great mercy, bring to his mind every word from your Word which strengthens and encourages and uplifts him. Let this wonderful couple just be filled with your perfect peace, and the JOY of you, which IS their strength. Father, make the way forward clear. Shine bright light upon their path. Send compassionate and wise counsel and care for them both. Let this be yet another incredible “But God” story in the making. Thank you, Father, in the name of Jesus!

For the people of Nepal who need you, and the mission team sent out to minister to them. . . Blessing, Father, please. May many hearts be changed and may many be born anew into your kingdom.

For the war torn lands and the people living in the midst of terrifying circumstances . . . Be a rock of refuge for many. Protect and provide for the children, the old ones, the blinded and the battle weary ones . . . Oh how we long for Jesus, the Lion of Judah, to come and make it all right.

For those who suffer in flood and fire and famine and earthquake . . . For those impacted by these birth pangs . . . Father, have mercy. May many come to know you and your great love even in these times when their lives are turned upside down and they don’t know where to turn . . . Oh may they turn to you and find everything they ever needed.

Many are dying or sick with all manner of illnesses, Father. Cancer. Heart disease. Stroke. MS. Autoimmune disorders. Infections resistant to antibiotics. Injuries and illness brought on by interventions and “treatments.” Drug addictions. Mental disorders and illnesses. Father, everyone now knows SOMEONE, maybe many someone’s, who are sick and in need of healing. Father, YOU are the Great Physician. YOU are the Creator and Sustainer of our lives. Oh Father, help us we pray!

And until the trumpet sounds and we can meet our Lord, Jesus, in the clouds. . . Help each and every one of your children complete the work you’ve given us to do at such a time as this. In the name of Jesus, and for your glory, Father!! Maranatha! Amen


Prayer. The BEST gift we as believers can give to one another. The BEST gift to receive from one another . . . Oh, :pray: a Merry Christmas to us! I’ve so missed that thread!


Amen, praying in agreement. And beautiful song…thank you :heart:


That WOULD be a wonderful Christmas gift @SongSparrow ! :two_hearts: :pray: :heartbeat:


Deat Pastor JD,

My daughters and I are so grieved after learning of your wife’s illness. We will continue to pray and ask the Lord to use this situation for His glory. As my daughter said now THAT is a godly woman when she tells her Pastor husband to keep his hand to the plow. The world is watching, what a beautiful powerful testimony for Christ. We sre humbled.

We are standing with you, we share your burdens, we are uplifting your family.

Much love from all of us.


Me too, me too! :sob: such a brave and strong and beautiful testimony of faith. May the Lord bless and protect them in this trial.


Dear Lord God, We ask that You provide for Kelly and JD, their daily bread,their needs for each day. We stand on Your promises for them and please fill their cup to overflow. Whatever their need for each moment Lordsupply them abundantly .
Above all may it be noticeably clear to everyone that You their loving God is in control and Your mighty hand of mercy is continually working.Lord may this be evident to all.
They love You, we love You please work this completely out for their benefit and above all, for Your Glory . We praise You for who You are, our Lord God Almighty, our Provider, our Great Physician, and our Savior! Thank You Lord for Jesus who provided the way, the only way to You. For it is in His name we ask all these things, Amen.

Father, If I forgot to mentio, hank You we can come before You with our heavy hearts and release these budens and cares and that You take thembecause You are the only One capable and all powerful.
What a mighty God we serve. Please please MARANATHA!


Prayers should happen anywhere and at any time. Anywhere. Don’t let the formalities of organization hinder you in any way when we need to come together in prayer. They are but imaginary boundaries in the realm of lifting up the aroma of incense to Our Father in Heaven. I know things aren’t the way that they used to be here, but priorities are priorities. I am no longer a moderator, but am still an encourager, and I encourage you to pray for one another, just as Christ has deemed vitality necessary.

Imagine this placed covered in prayers. This would be a beautiful thing.

Brother Tony


So sorry to hear about Mrs. Farag’s health. I don’t know much but wow…JD certainly has had a few years packed with its trails.

“Lord we hold up to you the Farag family and ask for you to bring healing, and joy, and the deep deep love of Jesus ever deeper into this family and their circle of support at this time. We pray for your great blessings on this ministry as it touches the lives of so many. And we ask that you bring the medical proffesionals into the Farag’s life to best offset and bring healing to Mrs. Farag’s ill’s. We pray for great hearts of joy in days ahead with their family and surrounding body of believers to rejoice in you hand in their lives and ours. In Christ name we pray. Amen.”