February 26, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Only Way Any of This Makes Any Sense

I don’t come on here much any more because of what led to the changes in the forum, which was disheartening.

But since I saw my name referenced and what the prophecy update was about , hopefully I can add my 2 cents.

The NAR and Dominionism/ 7 Mountain Mandate theology was brought out in the now closed discussion tent and many of us in the forum tried to show red flags and the false unity of these doctrines being brought into the church.

Sadly, the conversation ruffled feathers but JD is pointing out what many of us respectfully tried to explain.

The Jesus Revolution…. Jonathan Ruhmie is Lonnie Frisbee. He is also Jesus of the Chosen.
We already have discussed in detail the issues with The Chosen. Don’t forget that Ruhmie is a staunch Catholic.

Greg Laurie has huge involvement in The Jesus Revolution. If we as Christians are going to discuss these things , then let’s not sugar coat it and dance around what are troubling influences behind the scenes.
The original Jesus Movement involving Chuck Smith, had ties with Kathryn Kuhlman, a known New Age mystic, and Lonnie Frisbee who continued in the homosexual lifestyle even after his conversion. If you research his story , his girlfriend at the time admitted they “ found Jesus” after tripping on acid. I’ve already explained concerns about Laurie and his relationships with certain people.

Regarding the Asbury Revival. I have watched parts of it and then about 6 or so videos by pastors/ Bible teachers discussing certain things both good and bad.

In my research , there were people such as Francis Chan, Todd Bentley…. who claims to kick elderly women in the face during services, left his I’ll wife for the church secretary and married her and she can seen in many videos shaking her head and body in the kuhndalini spirit while taking about elephants acting like it’s the Holy Spirit.

There was an NAR pastor who preached to some of the young students about the subsequent need of being filled with the Holy Spirit as a separate event apart from being saved. Then teaching about speaking in tongues.
A young woman was shown apparently speaking in tongues who was then “ slain in the spirit “ proceeding to fall backwards.

Many of the attendees made it known that the lgbtq were involved and celebrated in the services.

There was an event of a demon being cast out of someone.

We all know God can use anything and reach anyone. So it’s possible there could be some good going on. But to attribute everything of the Asbury Revival, the Jesus Revolution and the Jesus Movement to be ALL of the Holy Spirit is imo a grave lack of discernment.

Those who tried to give the benefit of the doubt but are cautious and not jumping on the “ this is a great revival of the Holy Spirit “ are Spencer Smith, John Haller, Sean of Revealing Truth , Grace Evangelical Society, and others.

Disappointingly, Tim Moore and Nathan Jones have promoted it ( Moore had 2 daughters that went to Asbury college), CBN has had numerous program with numerous clips of praising it, and of course many in the NAR camp.

People that are trying to be bereans and speak up about some of the red flags they see are being horribly treated by so called fellow Christians who are resorting to name calling and hate simply because they are not endorsing these events.

It’s great JD is addressing the NAR and Dominionism but I do find it ironic about how this very topic and similar red flag discussions contributed to the forum changes.

And, as JD pointed out there is no biblical basis that a great / mass revival would take place prior to the return of Jesus. However, that’s not to say that there can be a revival of sorts in individual people whether that be an unbeliever becoming saved , or a Christian getting right with God or become more driven in these days.

What became almost a censoring of a topic that needed discussion especially in the extremely deceptive days we’re in , is why I have backed away from the this place.

I decided that it wasn’t worth the stress trying to repeatedly explain that this stuff is concerning, that associations matter because they are leading to a false, unbiblical unity that is NOT the same unity Jesus was striving for.

Discernment starts with the understanding that just because “ Christianese” is slapped onto something, doesn’t mean it’s of God. This is followed by research of both sides and filtering what is seen and heard through scripture. Then based on what scripture showed, a decision is made regarding if something is or isn’t of God.

It’s wrong to discount that some may be getting saved or to judge the heart of any who were involved in these events but it’s equally wrong to blindly accept any and everything going on in these events as all of the Holy Spirit.

There is a way and a need for Christians to discuss these important issues but it’s just not happening as much as it probably should be because it’s a touchy subject and unfortunately offends some instead of opening up respectful dialogue.