February 26, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Only Way Any of This Makes Any Sense

Well , I am going hmmm!!

I shouldn’t have watched this , thanks @DBF :joy::joy:

I found a couple more cents and I’m throwing them in :smirk:

Dutch used many red flag terms and phrases : experience, open vision, I told the a lord, fire, signs and wonders , time of refreshing and some other ones I’ll get to.

First , he said he had an open vision and that he was narrating it to the people. Hmm… no one he’s telling it to can back up what he’s saying he saw ( red flag )

He slipped up and said “ I told the Lord “ then corrected himself and said , “ I said to myself “hmm, Not sure God Almighty needs our advice
( red flag )

He said “ as I shared this ( his vision) , the Spirit of God filled the room. Hmm, the Holy Spirit can be anywhere he wants but to attribute to his sharing a vision with no validity makes Dutch’s speaking about it the cause for this attribute of the Holy Spirit to occur because of him and not
God. ( red flag)

He also spoke ( supposedly) for the Lord
saying “ He had said something else he wanted to say ). Hmm, this is just odd in that Dutch portrays he was telling God something and God interrupted him like , “ wait , I’m not done taking yet “ ( red flag )

He talked about the coming revival as the blow of a breath again with an intensity and He ( God) isn’t finished. Hmm, first I thought of Kenneth Copeland blowing covid away which didn’t work out too well :joy:. But seriously, this comment, tied with the following statements make me go hmm, again :
He is inferring that this blowing is another Acts type of a Pentecost of the giving of the Holy Spirit, he says this revival had no leadership and no one was preaching anything to them. We know faith coming by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Hmm, so, for what he explained as basically ignorant youth just having this “ blow of the breath” is not representative of The Holy Spirit who is not of chaos but order , and who indwells a person after HEARING AND RECEIVING the gospel.

He says , Holy Spirit , not THE Holy Spirit when referring to him. He also said a concerning statement… “ They ( the youth ) wanted THIS Jesus “, and “ They wanted something different “.
Hmm, which Holy Spirit and which Jesus is this exactly??? I’d venture to say this isn’t THE Holy Spirit or THE biblical JESUS they get.
He also said “ they wanted more of him”… Heidi Baker is known for saying “ more , Lord “ as she also repeatedly says “ fire” while touching a congregant who proceeds to scream, fall down and writher on the floor ( red flag ). Hmm, heard this jargon before ( red flag ).

He says “ God said … I’m going to come and save this generation and nothing is going to stop me “. Hmm, pretty sure God doesn’t have to explain himself and what he can do but we also know that it’s a stretch that a whole generation will be saved ( especially teens with their know it all and rebellious nature ) and not have some choose to refuse the gift of salvation. ( red flag )

He also asks as if stressed out “ How do we teach them without putting them in a form / mold of what they know nothing about and don’t want ( he also alluded to there not being a pattern).
Hmm, I’d call it scripture which has a form, pattern and a mold and it is THROUGH scripture that we grow in Christ, so sorry Dutch the Christian life is full of things our flesh doesn’t want or like.

if I’m not mistaken, this interview took place on a segment of The Victory Channel , which is founded by Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Oops , another Hmm.

Well that was a long 2 cents and maybe the last 2 I have for today, but I felt compelled to spend it on your post @DBF :wink: