February 26, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Only Way Any of This Makes Any Sense

Oh my goodness. Daughter and aunt live in Oak Hills. I haven’t heard from them so was unaware they were getting snow.

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Thanks Steph for this video, it’s a keeper

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I appreciate your points.

Here’s where I’m coming from.
Yes , God can use anything and anyone but if he uses things like what you mentioned such as the Chosen, the Jesus movement, but then the doctrinal and/ or unbiblical ideologies/ influence etc is made known to that person, do they stay involved in those things ?

The thought process presented could also be used say in the following examples of self talk scenarios:

I attend a Catholic Church and I believe in Christ alone( great) I’m getting some biblical truths because they talk about Jesus dying on the cross, the Virgin birth and such. Kinda gross they think we’re eating and drinking the actual body and blood of Christ during the Eucharist ( their communion) but I’m going to stay there even though I know it has some unbiblical doctrine because I only agree with the biblical parts.

Wow! I went to Alice Cooper’s rock concert, I heard he was a Christian ( between him and God) I rocked out to his regular music but then he sang “ How Great is Our God “ , love that song ….so I got something good from it too. Greg Laurie is great friends with him too and even talked about him in his book so I’m buying tickets for his next concert.

I know Todd Bentley left his sick wife , married the church secretary and during a testimony she gave she shook her head talking about wild elephants and a revival. But I decided to tune in to one of his sermons and give him the benefit of the doubt.
He did say he has faith in Christ alone and quoted great scriptures. I am getting some good things from him so I’ll look past those other things.

The Chosen has some great lessons.
I know it’s influenced and funded by a Mormon production company and many actors are not saved even though they’re portraying biblical characters. I also know producer Dallas Jenkins said Mormons are brothers and sisters in Christ and we worship the same God.
I know Jonathan Rhumie who portrays Jesus is a heavily involved Catholic that even has a YouTube tutorial and merchandising offering Joe to pray to Mary ( there’s actually an app)
But man, there’s so many episodes that touch me. They’re possibly portraying the characters from speculation but it’s so relatable. I think it’s neat a disciple could’ve been autistic. Because it’s so relatable, I’m going to continue watching.

My friend asked me to go to a movie. The story line and lesson was great and I am motivated to go out and do good. So , I just looked past the blasphemy, pornographic scenes. There’s a sequel coming so I’m going to go because it has some good in the first.

Heard of a church that opened up in a few once defunct tavern. They are actually serving beer with the sermon ( THESE EXIST). I’m going to check it out.

I went to the Asbury Revival. They had so many great testimonies, read some scripture and it was a great gathering and I felt much closer to God.
They did have an NAR pastor talk about being filled with the Holy Spirit and advocated then to speak in tongues. I even saw someone while speaking in tongues, fall backward as they were slain in the spirit. They didn’t really go into the gospel much either, but it brought so many denominations together ( end times ecumenicism) but it had such a great vibe. I can’t wait for the next one.

We are commanded to come out of this world , to be in it but not of it.

No one I know if is disputing that God can reach down into a person and lead them to his saving grace.
This ideology however is not a license to involve oneself in any and everything because, “ God can do such and such “. Especially AFTER being made aware of anything unscriptural involved in those things.

Condoning these things that “ God can use” doesn’t give us as Christians a pass to continue in them.

If that phase is my go to saying then I will live any way I want and let others live any way they want as well because hey, “ God, can use anything “.

This is a dangerous approach to living the Christian life.


You’re welcome :smiling_face:
This man has helped me so much over the years in understanding and grasping the tentacles of the new age , the occult and mysticism in their seeping into Christianity.

Speaking of “God can use anything “, this man is a testament to God’s ability to do so. However, Warren since coming out of all that, stayed out and speaks out warning others of the dangers via his YouTube channel, books, pamphlets, and traveling to various churches.


Yes I agree with the Autistic view yes it’s possible and no it doesn’t change the gospel in anyway.

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@Goodbye I’m concerned…my pastor uses lots of these words… I’m pretty sure.

He has recommended Jesus Revolution and his wife recommended The Chosen.

They also had a class that used enneagrams, it’s for if you want to become a member, I took that class.

Did not become a member because of the issues within Methodist church, being so un-biblical.

Some of the words like “awakening” were making my antenna go up these past couple weeks.


I can’t remember specifics but there have been times that I’ve voiced concerns to my husband on some things and I remember saying that our past sounded “new agey” but it could be innocent.

Oy vey. Gotta suit up. Wear my armor. Read my Bible!


Have you prayed for God to lead you to find another biblical church?


Only the Lord knows one’s heart and only He can get to the most innermost part of it to reveal Himself to all – Praise God!


Those words trigger me still - few others that I recall - “five fold ministry” “covering” “above reproach” “prayer walking” “latter day” “kingdom now”. Look at what their resources are - who they “promote”, what are their choices of worship songs, go back and listen to their sermons or take notes and go through it with a fine tooth comb. We all need to be Bereans. I also recommend Warren Smith, the Lighthouse Trails, Berean Research, Let Us Reason Ministries, Fighting for the Faith - I’ve not visited them in years so I can’t say whether they are still in existence, but they did help me greatly.


I agree. My intent was not to condone or recommend for Christians to gain a “pass”. I was merely sharing the fact that, from what I’ve seen of the actual shows, for any unsaved people who watch these, there is hope that God can use even this to get their attention in spite of the negative aspects.


While some terms can be used apart from a new age connection, if they are used at all I’d suggest looking at the use in context of what’s being preached and taught.
For example, a pastor could say “ we need an awakening “ but then explain it on regards to paying attention to say the end times or to our sin or such.

But a pastor could also say” it’s time for an awakening “ then start talking about having a shift in our spirit or awakening to “ a new thing” God is dreaming for you ( just an example)

These terms are used over and over by those in the NAR, WOF especially. But if you listen carefully they are starting to be used in other church affiliations but in the new age context way.

The enneagram along with things like “ Christian “ yoga have become the norm in some churches. The origins of both are pagan and occult.

If you want , I can send you some videos on the concerns of the enneagram.

It’s good your antennas went up. Personally, I’d run from that church but that’s me.

I believe what we’re seeing in all these things being discussed is the beginnings of deceptions that will eventually morph into the what scripture says ….

And that the deception will get so bad that :


Thank you for clarifying☺️

He can use them to reach the lost but I find it concerning how many Christians and pastors are recommending and condoning these programs and other things that have noticeable biblical issues.


LOL Amen to that!


I love the cold air. It is so fresh. We all acclimatize to our environments. Our bodies make changes at the cellular level to adapt to the environment.

Definitely difficult when your weather is suddenly completely different from normal weather. I can’t tolerate the heat. A few years back, we had a “heat dome”. That was a new term. When has it ever gotten to 40 degrees celsius where I live? The answer: never. It was so bizarre. I stayed in the house, because it hurt to breathe the extremely hot air outside. Not used to it.

Weather manipulation is happening, in my opinion. It’s being called climate change. But the real question is this: “Who is changing the climate?” Not what. It’s not caused by too many humans breathing out carbon dioxide. It’s not caused by cow flatulence. It’s caused by humans who are seeding our clouds, dumping chemicals into the sky, all in our best interests of course. But then they do not admit what they are doing.

I think humankind will see some future climate change that might be God’s wrath. I’m counting on not being here to witness any of that. Maranatha.


2 cents being thrown to you …
If you believe the Holy Spirit is warning you not watch it , don’t.
If you are uncertain and decide to go ahead and see it, put your Holy Spirit discerning glasses in and watch for both the good things being purported that the Jesus Movement did BUT ALSO the red flag issues brought to your attention.

Going to this movie is an individual conviction choice of sorts. Although I’m not going to go, those that are aware of the concerns would be wise to keep those issues in mind when watching ( it is a concern that they may leave out or embellish certain parts so it may not be completely accurate to the actual factual happenings of the real event…. I’d keep that in the back of my mind as well).


Oh oh oh …. Forgot that one !!!
Yep, that’s a popular biggie

 My opinion

Plus +
Your opinion
Still an opinion



That’s true but still makes me laugh :laughing:



Great, we just created Frankenstein’s monster opinion! We’re doomed!