January 14, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- Profound Last Days Confusion

I watched for a second. I might get into it later thanks brother. What i did hear for 30 seconds i believe i can make just a general statement thesis here if i might.

Its not that i don’t see as the watchers see. Its just that what the watchers see is what is told by the plans of man. Like Rockeffer, Albert Pike, the elites etc. Although we can see how the tribulation develops in scripture, there would appear to be some civil level of transition we might not be as privy to…leaving quite a gap in between now and then to fill in with our own trajectories.

As we track with how the elites have fashioned their stated goals, we certainly would not want to align holy writ as though prophesied by the elites. Or leave bible prophecy interpretation soley in their hands. To offset this we might lean in a false light direction to present an alternative cluster of facts or options to consider. This is reasonable if we leave prophecy soley in the hands of man. One reason i would struggle with this layout is that either way, NWO/False Light, we are steeping the hand of prophecy into our understanding of the plans of man. On its own, that might only be able to go so far.

The one trajectory missing from the above paragraph is: But God. We have no trajectory for that. Nor have we really given any room for that other than an anomaly. Certainly not an entire prophetic path. it is THIS blindspot where i believe not being open to consider AT ALL would seem to lean too heavily on our own understanding.

The BUT GOD alternative prophetic view may not be a thing. Perhaps there is no But God alternative prophetic route on the way to the tribulation. But it is precisely the situation that this is magnanimously overlooked and “not” considered…that “should” at least in the margin send up a red flag of sorts. To “not” consider this as a possibility, in my estimation, is highly suggestive that we might be a bit too much leaning on our own trajectories. Not that our trajectories might not be true… Just that the consideration that such a huge gaping hole leaving a massive potential vacuum of what “But God” could be…seems to be ok with everyone. So i would just simply ask like a 4 year old at the breakfast table, “Why?”


PS – One example that “But God” might be on the table: As bad as COVID/VAX was…we have recovered quite a bit from it. A “stay” from God? In any event, at least a But God contrast. Giving us “once again” the option to consider His majesty as being much more highly informed than any prophecy fulfillment trafficking according the mind maps of men. But will we consider what providence herself is affording us? Probably not. But God.

PSS – Is it really only that the elites are just regrouping to plan this that and the other thing? Lets give the elites allllllllll the clout. We know one thing for sure, it certaintly can’t be the patience or kindly care of the creator…He gave prophecy over to elites. They run it now. Just something to contrast is all. Is the only way we can see good perhaps now after COVID/VAX is because the elites this or the elits that…if that is what it comes down too, this might be somewhat symptomatic of infactuation. Sure our days will have deception. But the following verse might fit in somewhere…maybe?

Eph 1:21
far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.