January 21, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- Are We There Yet?

Thank you for the encouragement. I am missing my family fiercely these days and long to see them again. When you have no family to remind you of who you are or were, it can take some of the sunshine out of your life, BUT GOD!

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Family is not always blood relatives. Yes they are important if you were close as family should be but even then there family you meet along the way and they can be just as close. Never forget them either especially when you are in need.

Again one of the many blessings of my life is a good strong close family, not just mine by blood by my wife’s as well and others I have met along the way that have been there when I was in need and me for them the same.

Jesus is there always. Sometimes we never see the evidence, sometimes he is that person we were given to turn to in times of need. Regardless He is always there. He will never leave us nor forsake us. That you can take to the bank. I know because I have made many withdrawls from that bank, too many to count anymore and I never walked out empty handed.


What covenant are you talking about?

If there was no covenant in play Israel would not be protected, Israel would not have been protected on the sidelines for 2000 years. God is still in covenant like I said before this is a one-sided eternal covenant God keeps himself. Unless you are speaking of another covenant that has been broken By Israel…

Do you not remember Gomer?
Are we transitioning back into a covenant or back into a relationship?

The covenant was made by God its an everlasting promise but the relationship like even our own with the Lord goes through hills and valleys.

Anyway, that is how I have considered all of this.

Buying back Gomer this was always going to happen it was a promised Prophecy, a done deal already. He bought her back he could have legally just gotten a divorce.


Hosea 1
Hosea’s Wife and Children
…9And the LORD said, “Name him Lo-ammi, for you are not My people, and I am not your God. 10Yet the number of the Israelites will be like the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or counted. And it will happen that in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not My people,’ they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’ 11Then the people of Judah and of Israel will be gathered together, and they will appoint for themselves one leader, and will go up out of the land. For great will be the day of Jezreel.…



Good sound words for remembrances. God is willing and able, and all we need to have is a mustard seed of faith…


Agree 100% with you Jack.
I do come from a large family and am blessed by good relationships with many blood relatives.
But as you say, family in Christ you meet along the way is a treat; the fellowship is more powerful than a mere blood relative connection.
I do have some members in my family that fall into the ideal category of being both, blood relative and Christ family.
Great blessing!

God Bless!


I said “from their side.” Where are they honoring a living covenant with God brother?

@blessed and I a while back took interest in this. We both in it learned things. This is one of those things I believe that is part of a generic Christian perspective our good faith senses toward Israel supply. I think the covenant discussion with Blessed brought out a lot of details for both of us. She is a pretty awesome researcher and that was really good for me to consider our discussion back and forth. At the end of the day this is what we have:

(A) A covenant of God between the Abrham Pieces (Gen 15)
(B) A Handing Down of the Covenant

In (A) it is I believe the mirror of Christ’s covering over salvation in a Christian believer. In that sense the covenant is internal and would be actually the reason for blinding them at the time of their denying Christ, and introducing them to diaspora. This covenant shows us God will revivie them (Ezekiel) and bring them to national proclamation of God status (Revelation), and having them reign in the millennial kingdom (Revelation).

But there is also (B). Where the hand me down aspects of this covenant ABSOLUTELY are conditional. It would be like this: “I am going to bless you and protect you. You get to decide how I apply that by your bahavior and honor.” And what that looked like is diaspora, and partial hardening. If Israel is partially hardened, they can’t really nationally act in obedience as they had in the Old Testament.

So we are talking about Zephenaih which addresses a coming attach of Babylon. Brother, what is helpful I believe is to just see the plain realities in text to Israel covanenally first, and then test the spirits of men who gain fame by the escatalogical possiions secondarily. There is absolutely no way Israel will right now fit the covenantal parameters of where they are expected to obey according to Old Testament covenant they were under. Because they are under God’s protection to revive them later. And in that space they are partially hardened. So there is no Old Covenant they can sign up for. It is God’s faithfullness to them. Contemporary Christian authors can tend to blur this view perhaps in order to sell their escataological views, in my humble estimation. Best to see scripture preeminent to contemporary voices.

Ok so think about it. God is going to say the things he did in Zepheniah to Israel today based on??? Like Israel is not participating in a covenant dynamic. Most of that book in Zepheniah is regarding what God will judge them with in that time period because of their not honoring their covanent side. So now, Israel is not even signed up for qualifying to be spoken to by God in that covanent they shared in respect. So if there are things in Zepheniah applied to end times, fine maybe. But what I am saying is the bulk thrust of the book is heavily in relation to the 2 way covanent BECAUSE the very simple launguage that short 3 chapter book operates in is 2 SIDED COVANENET HEAVY that is all I am saying. To aimlessly just superimpose THAT dynamic on them today is I believe to miss far far more implications than it can scotch tape to end time aspects as they relate to Israel today.

By saying that I am not saying that there may not be end time connections. What I am saying is that the fact that those lines mentioned above are blurred and confused…mean THEY need to do more homework. I’m a high maintence date. I don’t see they meet the bar to qualify because they simply do not discuss the bigger elements in the differences from ancient Israel 2 sided covenant and modern day Israel. They tell stories and form narratives that in my humble estimation are not sound because the premise by which they try to apply ancient to modern is not explained cared about or considered. They don’t care. Therefore when they do…they might be on to something. But they don’t have to care to see end time nuances. But they would have to care in some other way I believe to get at them if they are there. A work in progress maybe?

So as far as Hosea you think Israel is going to appoint a leader now and this will lead them to??? The way I would understand that Hosea passage is over a very long period of time. And the way prophecy in this sense seems to work is at the restoration in part from Babylon but in full at the end of the tribulation. So our tendency is often to pull the tribulaiton into the age of grace. But Israel picking a leader will be after their refinement throug the fire of tribulation. I understand you might be tempted to interject prophecies for Israel today as if God were in conversation with them per a type of covanent where Israell was obligated. But because God has judicially hardend the nation, that conversation is what is not in play today. If that makes sense?

Hosea 1:11 Commentaries: And the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel will be gathered together, And they will appoint for themselves one leader, And they will go up from the land, For great will be the day of Jezreel. (biblehub.com)

Book of Zephaniah Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (youtube.com) UNDER 5 MINUTES :slight_smile:

I wonder how I would take that If I took it too seriously. Not a question just a statement. I will say this God has His hand on Israel now, they are not in a relationship that is needed but His hand is there.

I agree why would I not it’s in the Book. Maybe you are correct and if so that good to know.

Thank you,

Yes and we live in a time when hypie queses all over the place create unecessary narratives. I agree with you brother God has His hand on them. But that does not mean that we apply Zephania cuz it has the word Gaza. You think God’s gonna desimate Israel? AFTER that then we can work out gutting the rest for the Psalm 83 war AND then there should be about a million left or Ez 38.

Nice try. Thats not gonna work for me. Look if your not gonna throw something at me…at least fake it…lol

I don’t know what to say. Just trying to shoot straight. I would think there is more potential for Psalm 83 war than Zeph being what is going on today.

However…Zech 12 might be an upcoming candidate…but in that one Israel kick fanny. Now that would be cool to see. Blessings brother :slight_smile:

Don’t take that as I agree with you, so that you know I just don’t see the value in taking this any further with you. Faking it is not an option just a distraction as you know.

Teren, who here does this more than most? You seem to go out of your way to find controversial points of view and or other options and place your stake there. So to call these possiblities as hypie guess’s, may be way out of line for you to say.

Anyway, I have little more to say about it, it speaks for itself.


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A blessed Lord’s Day to y’all!
Mike and I are moving from a our comfort zone, from city to rural, from nice house to a dump BUT GOD will turn it all around for our goiod and His glory. Anyway this will be a much safer place forus older people.
This will be difficult for me… my upbringing was affluent and so I tend to be think I am am too good for something like this.Arrogance is what it is!
But God!!! …He has been giving me lessons in humility for50 years and so I will continue to be content in whateversetting the Lord places me in.
Mike and I will begin cleaning the new house this week. Please keep us in prayer and thank you all my sweet brothers and sisters.I love you

I am resolved no longer to linger
Charmed by the world’s delight.
Things that are higher, things that are nobler
These have allured my sight


Hi Brother. What I mean by hypie gueses is the theater of our day. I have my conviction on the 1st and 2nd seal. Are they gueses? Yes. Are they hypie? lol. Well, to you apparently they are. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

DISCLAIMER – Playful sense of humor is a two way street :grin: Using the term “fake it” was my weak way of saying “I’m very honored and blessed that you would in good faith end our segment together with such dignity and beauty of sincere heart. But in order to not sound mushy…I became snarky.” I did not mean fake to imply I win you lose and now you are my captive held hostage in my book signing basement…lol. So yeah…that kind of backfired on me. But please keep in mind brother that we don’t always get one anothers humor. It was just meant as a love tap. But the macho thing would be to armwrestle in the presence of others. But in light of a feature you bring up…I would like to camp on the opportunity as perhaps to make use of a clarifying moment…potentially…either that…or just go for broke in total train wreck :slight_smile: …so here goes…


What goes with hypie is the tendency to try or fall pray to sensationalism. Like COP28 for example. That is actually a perfect example. I’ve never heard Craig walk any of that back. Having a controversial view is not the same as “hypie,” though. For example, you have tended to lean in a potential Psalm 83 war potential for as far back as I can remember on our forum. Do I think having a conviction that Psalm 83 war is on the horizon as hypie? No. Not having that conviction itself. Do I think standing one’s ground for the potential of a Psalm 83 war is hypie? Nope. I’ve told you on the forum and in private that if that is your conviction (or a top tier conviction) then this is something you have to run with–and in a Romans 14 way, most likely should. Depending on the context.

What is hypie about the Zephenia being active today is that I don’t hear what @foxman did with Jeremiah 49, 50, and 51. Laying out exact terms that might match todays context (and to me this would be the kicker) that could be seen to move at the momentum of the current direction things are headed. If that last part did not fit, Jack’s or watcher view pushing Daughter of Babylon would be kind of hypie–even on it face. But I don’t think I would say Jack’s sense of intrique on its face to be hypie at all because its not something we hear that mutch about. And the way Jack presented it fit like a glove (not vaguely) joining a sense of comprehensive wholeness potential. At that point it would be like a consideration to either look more into or hold off on. But the Zeph details in looking it over at a glance suggested there is not enough linkage to our historical moment. Like a desimation effect in Israel in multiple places. Gaza might qualify, but not really anything else. So here are the three things:

  • Gaza desimated
  • Assassins
  • Day of the Lord

Actually 2 of these would seem to fit today from Zeph. And I went out of my way to see how the concept used in Zeph about Day of the Lord fits a context we are in today. And from Zeph’s use of it I mentioned yeah It could. But the twin application of factors beyond a thin layer of assassins matching also with huge areas of desimation in Israel did not line up with today. And it would be extremely difficult in theory to posture Israel as getting that decimated over their current issues even with Hamas support all over the world as we have seen. In a way Hamas support all over the world could have been a bigger “tell” about Zeph had it been worse. In addition might it get worse? Alot worse? Sure it could. In fact I would see it will likely. But even there the attempt to match Zeph with today wields too much destruction motif matching Zeph in ways than to overlay that on today. Romancing some prophetic nuance forward of deep Israeli destruction. With American election on the horizon, Abraham Accords, and Saudi aspiration (along with some willingness of USA push back on Iran), that table setting does not match comprehensively enough to shoehorn in Zeph prophecy logic. Hypie to me is floating ideas out there without reasonable backdrop, exegesis, or follow through. What I see missing on Zeph front is kind of all three. By follow through I mean like helping us with a timeline measurable (at least in theory). But that’s not really there that much because neither are the other two elements.

With COP28 there was measurable backstory, some attempts at exegesis, and some limited follow through. So i’d say as far as hype goes, COP28 is about the best I have seen. Because there are huge elements about it that still remain in the wings. But not in that sense not so much on follow through because a huge selling point was a December 12th rapture. Now it just gets swept under the rug. But even so, that did rise above dismissables of inquiry as to what COP28 is or how it may fit. For it rose to enough elements matching further consideration and research.

With Psalm 83, Bill Salus seems to have a lot of research on that. To me it is what has been presented that has tended to have been shopped around today that does not seem to rise to the level, in my humble estimation, of factoring in enough due diligent research even to rule it out. In my estimation, that does not mean that Salus’ work is bogos. It may have some fascinating features to consider (even perhaps outside the realm of Psalm 83). But it has not, from what I have seen, risen to the level of “in the zone” rule out consideration or confirmation. However, alternatively, Zeph for today, from a marketing standpoint, did. So I used a rule out potential method (which can only be as potentially valid as one gives reasonable fair consideration to consider its potential to begin with). Which does not seem to have the legs to rise to anything more at this point.

My views in contrast to Hagel and False Light or not hypie. They may be innacurate in places or in whole. But you well know not only am I open to consider other contrasting views (such as my 3 years of considering watcher claims as presented in this forum), but also testify to my own weaknesses. I have never heard the weaknesses of Zeph for today, Psalm 83 war, or COP28, Hagelian D, False Light weaknesses by those who support such views (in the media I am talking about). So not scrutinizing one’s own views lends fodder for hype. To the degree the above mentioned are not considered in the discussional arena being open to real world critical thinking concepts upon them is to the extend they lend themselves to a potential hypie caption.


Alternatively, the fact that I have been on this forum for three years considering the other side of my view, putting forth my convictions where they will be contrasted with whomever might contribute, pointing out my own weaknesses, in good faith honestly considering potential better ways of looking at something, purposely watching 10s of hours of An0maly to keep me sober minded and be open to real stinging rebuke, admitting my own weak points of my views and open with anyone to discuss it — all of these are the enemy of hype. So who else is doing that? lol. In this sense I’m kinda of the poster child for the opposite of hype in the above formal sense. I’m willing for it to be absolutely wrong. I can’t say that for the media ites of the other side. Its not smart marketing to just be out there raw laying out your wares in open terrain and allow them total exposure to potential weathering elements to expose or threaten their own existence. And I have been doing that pretty much for 3 years now. It does not prove my view is correct. But it well sits outside marketing hype of the social structure concerning escataologic architectual blueprints and how they may fair.

Having a position that America tanks or America gets empowered could be hype but are not hype in and of themselves. Its to the degree those concepts bring the family of ideology associated with them comprehensively to the table willingly and in good faith table, and to have them exposed and real world wrestling. On this forum we have this to some degree again. But as a whole, where is that going on in watcherdom besides perhaps Tom Hughes? I see Tom Hughes kind of in to that. But not really any other watcher. At least in whole. Excluding of course members of our forum because we are all here to engage and sharpen iron. So us being here “discussionally” are to one degree or another having skin in the game.

When Trump lost in 2020, moving forward many watchers insisted Trump is done and now lets buckle up and watch America dive into the beast system. Well I believe that was part right…we certainly saw more of the beast systematics didn’t we? But lo and behold, here again comes punk Trump for office. To me its no surprise. What would be a surprise is if he just went golfing and retired. Than there is no point to my view. Even with Trump in the race, and with greatest favor, he’s still pretty swampy…lots of hurdles to overcome to maintain a view like mine if being honest.

But look at the trajectory in contrast since:

  • More Americans & the World are Becoming Increasingly Aware of Liberal Pirate like Tactics
  • Trump Early on Making Voting National Records (Against 2 Impeachments and 4 Indiptments +)
  • Abraham Accords Still In Tact Having Potential Promise
  • Saudi Noralization with Israel – A Very Real Potenial

So I’d say the hype ledger is heavier potentially on the “America is done, Trump is done, Its Over” side. Not on the “Trump Come Back, America Empowered” side. There is still much there of course to be desired. But being honest…hype is not what we can literally see forming. We can dismiss it with everything is theater. And granted some things will be. But in what way and to what effect might be more clearly distinguishable if we are ok with how or why we got it wrong about a Trump reemergence. We can’t though, because we have safety valve insurance. In the event Trump does rise, then plan B, Fase Light is right. But notice, I don’t have a plan B lol. I’m just hanging out in the wind like a flapping flag banging against the strong wind currents. If I am wrong, I am wrong. I have no plan B to hide behind in case my other points go sour. Not only will I admit my view was bad, but I would do whatever I could to amplify whatever is really happening. So pound for pound…everyone in watcherdom is doing that right?


I’ll be honest here. I’m kind of waiting to see if Trump gets re-elected before I speak anymore about Jeremiah 49, 50, & 51.

If so, I will begin to look for signs preceding (Jeremiah 50:31-32).

Let’s consider context for a minute. This nation has to be at a high point for this utter surprise and destruction. This isn’t some slow burn and decline. (IE Trump and America Great Again) I’m sure I could find lots of folks who could see Trump as the “Arrogant One”. :smiley:

Certainly (Since I think Jeremiah 49 comes to pass before 50 & 51 or right at the same time), the “Consuming Destruction” of Damascus by some sort of weapon of Mass destruction Nuclear or otherwise will show that, not only is (Isaiah 17 & Jeremiah 49) about our times right now, but is a prelude to Jeremiah 50 & 51 in close proximity.

Lets also consider Isaiah 17:4 which mentions the leanness of Jacob at the time this occurs. Israel is not in a lean state as of yet.

This is where I hold off for now to see how things progress. I’m waiting to see more markers from these prophecies before I get anymore serious about them.

The reason being I don’t like spending so much time and effort in speculations. :wink:

For me, Damascus is the starting gun. And I think many have jumped the gun for the sake of sensationalism.

I do agree that Zechariah 12 is not yet, myself, but it is certainly being set up as we speak.

I’d like to remind everyone here that it’s not just Damascus and this “Daughter of Babylon” being utterly decimated and uninhabitable forever, Jeremiah 49 lists others who suffer the same issue, like Edom for example, as well as Elam who will be uninhabitable as well… “No man will dwell there or visit” style reckoning.

In the case of Elam (which is the Western coast of Iran where the Nuclear power plants are) it is fleeing from some kind of unseen deadly scourge (Radiation?).


Romans 8:14
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

I believe we both know that is true.

I have not lost my Joy but maybe my humor has been lacking and maybe when I need it most. I believe the spirit has shifted my view as to be more serious as time is even shorter than we seem to be ready for.

It seems the Lord is going to need to Pour Out His Spirit on all of us if we are to finish the way he has planned for us.

I believe we are wasting time on many things maybe it’s just me, time finds me believing I should be doing more for my Father than I find myself doing.

It’s like even my prayer life is going in circles trying to circle the wagons instead of going out and taking ground for the Kingdom and pushing back.

I have to believe unless He enters into the battle by filling us for the final push we shall just coast through what we should be charging through to the end of the race.

This is how we started and I expect this is how we should finish strong and loud by His power.

I was writing this while listening to JD preach Jude this morning the timing was perfect for me anyway.

To Possess It we must Enter 1st.

Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

John 16:13
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.

Romans 8:11
If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.

I believe you know where all this is going!

We need to get ready, get on point, draw closer to him not for us but for the ones asleep while walking.

Its time to gather together for the last push to be delivered from this present darkness into the light and finally Being Born Again is complete!



Well sister, The good thing is the Lords getting the Calvary ready so it may not be long stay. But either way He will give you the Peace and comfort that you need to be strong.

Much Blessing and Love for You and Yours



Thank you Dec for this reminder ……
He will keep our hearts and minds in peace thruChrist Jesus - thank you Lord !!! MARANATHA


I think my account is overdrawn!! Yes, he is there. Today I need Jesus with skin on.


I feel this way too, BUT you and I are needed so much these days to hold up in prayer those who are on the battlefield. Not everyone is called to fight because many do weaken, but the warrior who fights on his knees is what makes the difference in them dying or gaining strength. Keep fighting on your knees with me, please!


If the truth be told all of our accounts are over drawn. But our benefactor has an inexhaustible supply of mercy and grace. It can never be emptied out.


Why do we (me) forget that so quickly?? What scripture comes to your mind in this situation. I am drawing a blank. I can say it was because I have blonde roots, but God doesn’t accept excuses…lol.

I am listening to the Word almost all day in one form or another, but my mind has been fuzzy, and it is a real struggle some days to not want to sleep all day. I know prolly what it is but am fighting it, praying, crying out to Him, and don’t want to do anything or go anywhere. Anybody else struggling like this? I don’t usually ask for help, but know I should. Help! Prayer is preferred, thank you!