July 14, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – A Thief In The Night

yes, that was the approach I was coming from precisely…
:wink: giggle

Maybe Trump wants to be the ‘god’ in ‘God bless America.’ :us_outlying_islands:
*“He shall not regard the God of his fathers…nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above all.” Dan.11:37 [I do not believe he is AC, but I believe the Luciferians have been holding auditions of late with US Presidents Obama & Trump].
“How have you fallen… O Lucifer…you… said… 'I will exalt my throne above…I will be like the Most High.” Isa.14:12-14 [Another awesome thing God does for us is that, when Jesus Christ appears, and we will appear with Him-Col.3:4, 1 Jn 3:3-we will be like Him! Praise God! This may be the chief reason Lucifer hates us].

yeah…I am leaning toward a theory that the church age/grace age is one where no prophecy is fulfilled (and then I am kinda wrong, because Peter says, at Pentecost/New Wine/Holy Spirit enters believers, that this outpouring fulfilled prophecy-lol!). Basically, I believe-and most of you as well-that the next event in prophecy (Paul via Holy Spirit in 1 Cor.15 & 1-2 Thes.) is the harpazo-the Rapture. So to conclude, Russia coming against Israel, God saying “'fraid not!” with a nuclear shower, is prophecy for the age of Israel/Old Covenant/completion of Daniel’s 70th Week which we cannot, I believe, be a part of.

Brother, I think in part this is a dress rehearsal. A lining up of all things, to-for the enemy-the final goal of destroying Jesus at the Second Coming (Rev.19:19) [CERN, in my opinion, was created for this purpose]. In addition to lining up their ducks (and God’s-all things serve His purpose-Rom.8:28), the ‘false light’ is there to blind souls to the only way of salvation-Jesus Christ. And another reason the invisible government (humans, not fallen angels) deceive is to hide the truth, the fact, that they are guilty of crimes against humanity that pile up to heaven; so they obviously do not want to face any uprising that would lead to justice.
And I agree with you that, we can just rest knowing all these minutia of details knowing that God just LAUGHS and holds them in derision! God is like, “Are kidding me? I created all this…and you think you can thwart one iota of My will or even come near Me?”
Grace and peace :slight_smile:
p.s. another deliciously descriptive and colorful post, @TCC Teren


Ok but if the Abraham Accords get stronger as Trump becomes president and America becomes stronger and Israel settles in with Saudi normalization…i would trust that God is more sovereign than our blueprints. And the the church could miss out totally on being able to appreciate any sense of that at all because we were more interested in our own shiny objects. I only say because none s of that answers my concern.

To me its like we are living in the medieval days where he with the most convincing magical argument rules the roost. I’m just trying to make conversation aside of that. Like where God fits in beyond the majesty of our blue prints. I fear the church is making majesty of her intellect. Not that I am not using intellect. I am just making room for God…has any one seen Him? This totally answers my points :frowning: not. Like two ships passing the night. “Is this microphone on?” lol


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Hey Terren. The full interview video with Tucker and Rich, he speaks about the church being lied to about the pre-trib rapture and brings up Darby as the cause. Not sure they covered that in the video you shared. Just wanted to share if you didn’t see that part.


Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
Two things.
First, my sincerest thanks to all for your heart felt words of comfort and encouragement! :heart: :hugs:
What do you think: will our Father grant us a ‘heads up’ for the Rapture? A warning??
Does the Bible have Rapture-types?
In these types, were any of the prophets and believers given foreknowledge?
What say you, Brother? Sister?
Grace and peace


I read your post. Haven’t watched the video at the end. You make a profound observation about how all these end times events are unfolding in slow motion when some of us, maybe a lot of us believed it would be more abrupt. The slow motion aspect of unfolding prophecy demands more from us: more patience, more thoughtfulness, more courage, and ultimately more trust in our God, our Saviour, Jesus, to have all of this under control for His devine plan to unfold. God bless you brother for all your insight, openness and kindness to freely discuss your ideas with love for your brethren.


Thanks Greg. Yeah i did not see that part. It wasn’t on the video I saw. I’m pretrib in spades. I used to belong to a church that was 6th seal rapture. They tried to convince me. But I was known as the lovable pretribber. Very loving church. The pastors father exposed John Todd as he church disciplined him. Not sure if you might be familiar with that name. But its a pretty upstanding church.

I’ve spent at around 20 hours on debate video of high end debates against pretrib while having a very open mind about it. No other view holds a candle to it. I’m of the school of thought that there are many believers not partial to pretrib rapture. Some of them were very adamant to prove it wrong. There can be contention on both sides. John Rich seems to be as hardcore against pretrib as that church i belonged to was.

I certainly don’t condone John Rich’s take on rapture. And certainly not his insistence against it. To me it shows a lack of maturity in how he handled it. I am grateful for his song though hitting all kinds of charts signing about the tribulation to come. Pretty good song too. I can understand how for some pretribbers they would not look upon a musician’s song about the tribulation hitting charts to not be exactly evangelic. I can. But what does fascinate me about the song is that it actually competed with the likes of Eminem chart wise. Caught a lot of interest. In that sense we see a public interest arise about a coming tribulation: Phil 1:18.

While we can in well meaning heart dismiss things God might condescend to in helping those in delusion consider His word, the public interest is real. For John Rich to get a mega microphone of the second largest podcaster in the US regarding the tribulation, I believe that might qualify as provision of the unlearned catching fire. I know the thing about the rapture may quell sentiment. And pretribbers feel protective toward the honor of the pretrib doctrine. Which i think we should, amen. But I’m amazed the world is getting so much exposure to revelation via that song.

Although this is by no means a comparison (for I know the protection of the pretrib doctrine is genuine, and out of love for God and His holy word), the religious leaders of the first century would find plenty of things occurring in their time as not meeting the level of canonicity in their doctrines to give warrant to. And i realize new age and twists of scripture run rampant today. I realize it would perhaps not be so easily honored to have a song about revelation reaching a lost world that included downgrading the pretrib rapture. I do understand. But i also believe the Phil 1:18 principle is at play at least on some levels. And for that i too rejoice. Blessings.

Wow thanks so much Catherine. As i kind of swim upstream, I am very blessed by your kind words. I know there are a lot of things going down today that in great mass and volume attest to the evil directions of our day. Even though i am not so much into that as i used be, some of it still intrigues me. But we always would expect to find God in it all all over the place too, i believe.

In general i kind of think that like huge focus on deception can be helpful to the world. In how that sort of thing embodies the church (as we shall judge angels some day) there can be so much more dynamic at play though, i believe. Robust dynamics perceived by those who will judge angels. When considered this way, it seems for sure pointing out deception is helpful toward an unbelieving world as well as for immature and lazy churches, amen.

But i just think like if the way things are moving (and this is a hunch merely–but a quite rich one) positions Israel for Ez 38, in their peace and safety stance, and instead we might tend to be looking at how so much forms into the beast system instead…it would just seem to be amiss to me on some levels. Because of course we do well to see connections to the oncoming tribulation freight train. But if the US gets stronger to support Israel for the purpose of fulfilling prophecy and most of what we see is the beast system formation, I just find quite a bit more amazement in how God uses providence to bring that about.

Its not watcher friendly so much to say God is using Trump to strengthen Israel (if that is what might occur…i believe it is super highly likely). Its more fashionable to ruminate at beast system temperature instead. In my parlance, I would see missing how God tee’s off Israel’s Ez 38 right in front of our eyes as kind of like whisking by the grand canyon or hanging out at the snack shop near any wonder of the world missing the grandiosity of the world wonder–the reason the snack shop is kind of there to begin with. I almost feel crazy to have much more affection toward how God literally fulfills prophecy in the age of grace in place of infatuation with things that won’t become true fulfillments until the tribulation. At its extreme it could seem to be a sense upon overly appreciating a super snoop of events forming. Like appreciating the views we have potentially while missing the actual fulfillments themselves occuring underneath our noses.

Not saying that is an accurate concern. For if things just get more bozo and crazy without some recognizable formations, then yeah perhaps America will collapse and things go to hell in a handbasket and then we die. I mean rapture of course :slight_smile: . It is possible what seems to be on the literal horizon (by virtue of a ton of providential leanings) be a mere spiritually deceptive oasis. I concur this may well be the case. But its not the only case. And quite a different horse have I in that race. Only the Lord knows. But i am encouraged that some of my posts have been a ministry to you on any level. Truly :slight_smile: Blessings.


This, this is what its all about. Here is the Celebration of Life for Tamayo Perry that JD spoke at on Sunday. I skipped ahead to the speaking at around 1:09:00 and was so disappointed that the audio was somewhat quiet and so unclear…but God!

Notice what happened after 1:10:30 just as JD is introduced. God is good, the gospel was clearly spoken and heard, and aside from the huge crowd there, this video has over 8,000 views.



I’ve been on the blue screen stuff last couple of days, only OS that was effected was windows. Apple, and linux didnt get bricked. I saw an american MSM news broadcast talking about it. It was literally like watching the intro to a disaster movie. What will it be next? Reports are coming in that ships are hovering over cities all around the world insiting you get your 8th booster shot.
Obviosuly the Blue screens are not that bad ATM but it shows how quickly digitial infastructure can fail.

Crazy times.


This is a trial run for black swan event:

Look at this upcoming CP event nearing 9/11, hmmmm

My home internet has been slowed lately since last week, had to use hotspot sometimes.


I too thought it was a trial run.
The chief of the company behind the botched update looked sheepish as to why it happened.
They say it was a simple file you had to delete but for the real event there won’t be an any fix.
They access personal computers with ease and phones are basically just beacons I’ve seen AI move through phones etc spiritually … spiritual antenna…


This may be God’s way of speaking to the believers thru this headline just how close we are to the Rapture.


oh i sure hope!!!


This is so encouraging and Tyler did such a great job in this!!



One of my client who is in her 90’s, she and her husband always watch Dr. David Jeremiah and Pastor Robert Jeffress on t.v. and she told me one day that she learned from David Jeremiah about the Rapture but Pastor Robert Jeffress does not teach on the Rapture so maybe this is God’s way of waking up Pastor Jeffress about the End Times we’re in.


On the latest IT “update”.
Another indicator that the “organization” is finalizing this part of the plan. There have been multiple small to medium “updates” ran on different areas of technology. Several in the past year. They know that they can say it was a glitch or update and the general public cannot refute their claim.

My personal information on average has been hacked every three months starting twelve to sixteen months ago. I just received a letter a week ago that Ticketmaster, a business that I have not used in more than 15 years, and I had not received any requests for updated information, informs me that a third party using a third party had my information in the cloud all this time.Take a moment and consider these words. All of my information including payment card information was stolen. Again.
I can rest easy knowing that Ticketmaster is doing everything they can to secure my information. My account with them was NOT affected.

This is part of the quote from the article about the update fiasco.
Organizations need to urgently review their disaster recovery plans to make sure they can deal with such problems.”

What we may think they are talking about has a better likelihood of not meaning such.

If you’re going to shut down everything, you want everybody to be on the same page at the same time, so it is a complete shutdown and not have a company here or there that may still function.


Thanks Dennis for the interesting interview with Joel Skousen earlier about the elections. I believe the likely reason for a Biden push to remain is manifold. In the interim, it is likely concessions for Biden are being ironed out (he is a stubborn man). But I believe the bulk of the reason for the delay is that it is technically a lot easier to run a replacement after the DNC. But the way it looks right now is I’m not so sure Biden will even survive that far. But it does make general sense for Dems to replace after the convention. Less messy by far. So cries of him stepping down makes sense while not letting him step down fully just yet remains in play. Ultimately, it would seem the only name to hold a reasonable candle in the race is Michelle Obama. We will have to wait and see. But seems more like a juggling “optics” dance the dems have to do in the meantime to make it look legitmate. Or organic.

Joel Skousen made a good point about Trump being a more liked better option during COVID lockdowns. Borrowing his clout with evangelicals to slow church attendence or making the shutting down of churches easier. I understand the thinking but to me it is kind of cosmic thinking. Even with Trump as the evangelical likeable pied piper we still had huge controversy within the church. Many shut down but the outlayer like Macarhtur, Hibbs, and Farag had an uphill battle (particularly Macarthur who had the need to publicly take this to court). Many churches saw churches that did not want to shut down as disobedient. And there was much heat even under a Trump administration. Had Hillary been in office, it is likely less churches might have pushed back or had as much success perhaps in pushback. As it would have been a time of even greater church submission to government it would seem (look at Canada–they did not have Trump–I think the US would have been like Cananda with Hillery). To me, Hillary was the favored for 2016. And the Dems got caught off guard. I don’t see that as the deep state wizard of oz choice of Trump instead. Even Joel would see stolen elections as stolen but also seemingly conflicted about how that all may pan out. All in all this was a good discussion to have, and I appreciate it Dennis, thanks.

As for the blue screen thing, well this is where what I believe is occuring these days is every denomination is seeing what they see In their eschatological convictions. Interesting for sure to watch. Who ends up being most right, I guess we shall all see. But as for the power shutdowns, my view is that since Trump has declassified so much before when in office, and since it is likely Obama will be back in focus, there will be likely quite a bit of info to out during this campaign season. Info that cannot be permitted to air for the public. It would seem a power shutdowns to accomplish two main objectives: 1) stop the info from reaching the US and the world stage. And 2) have a way to blame cyber interference from other countries to postpone election Dems cannot win.

If we are looking at a stick figure overview of all things as they relate to the tribulation, what we will tend to see is power outages used to drive further control unto the beast system. But I believe this is very much a jump way way way too far too fast. In contrast, I would the outages as points 1 & 2 above. To me, this looks to be a time of greater info reveal and countering WW3. However, I think some might actually think a WW3 is possible and some end game that gets traction prophetically. I would say the one thing that seems certain “not to happen” is WW3. Because we are very close to a tribulation timeframe, agreed. And because of that, if we have WW3 before the first seal, seal 2 sounds like a dud in comparison. It is far more (in my view) consistent that an aversion of WW3 bringing in a time of peace through Trump will no doubt give us plenty of 3rd eye concern over him then. So I guess not to worry. There will be plenty of fodder to keep all demoninational views of eschatology alive for some time to come. To the point where our views may never meet unfortunately. But for the record, the way it looks to me (in case any accuracy and interest to share):

  1. Biden replaced
  2. Michelle Obama at some point emerging seemingly organically
  3. More info release
  4. Power outages/Cyber attacks/Stall election Dems can’t possibly win
  5. Trump wins election
  6. Greater strength to Israel
  7. Greater strength to Abraham Accords
  8. Saudi normalization with Israel
  9. WW3 overted
  10. Trump brings on peace
  11. Israel dwells in peace and safety

I know this is not attractive and perhaps even anathama in contrast to the favored proverbial forced feeding of Trumps tie into an apocolyptic meat grinder, but (although of course I could be mistaken) it would seem while the church obsesses about the beast, God obsesses about Israel who will be left to be “the focal point” of the 70th week. There I believe are the very two different roads we travel on. If the church were around during Cyrus, as fundamentalists we would not be ok with God using a Zoastrian to rescue Israel. Cyrus would not pass our courtroom approval. God would have to look for someone else church approved. Blessings.