July 14, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – A Thief In The Night

Thanks Stacey. That will be amazing. Perhaps Trump will become a believer. I don’t really see that happening…lol. But bless Hibbs for granting that opportunity for sure. Thanks for this post :slight_smile:


Pastor JD was excellent.


Only Pastor JD shares the gospel in such a powerful yet in a beautiful way. I’m crying because God has done a beautiful work in JD Farag. :sob: God bless him and his family in Jesus’ name, amen. I hope someone got saved that day. :yellow_heart: Thank you for sharing this Paula.



While I watched the video and enjoyed it and thought he had some very good points, someone told me that he has set dates for when the Rapture would happen before and of course we are still here.

Did he actually set dates for the Rapture before or just say what he expected and hoped to happen. There is a big difference in saying what you expect or hope for and actually saying an exact date of the Rapture.


Tyler has high hopes the Rapture could happen in 2024 but he doesn’t set dates.

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High hopes is cool! :+1:
Date setting is bad! :-1:

Tyler’s video interested me as I have had a strong feeling that the Rapture will happen this year and still believe it will. Of course all the signs are there, but it is more than that for me. It is just a feeling that I hope is from the Holy Spirit, but I can’t say that as a fact.

In any case, I am hoping and praying for the Rapture as this world is sinking fast!!!


I say we will know, or rather our spirit and soul will know. Gods’ peace will surround us as the world will be on fire at that point, if it isn’t already! His Word tells us that it will not be a surprise so I must believe that deep within us will come a peace we cannot explain but will recognize and we will hear the last trump loud and clear just as we are lifted up!


21 July 2024


Bible Prophecy Update, You’ll Never Steal My Pre-Tribulation Rapture Hope - Sunday, July 21st, 2024

Pastor JD explains why the closer we get to the pre-tribulation rapture, the more the attacks will come to steal our hope in the sound doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture.

Attaching two reference materials for this Sunday:



Morning Carol Anne @Flamingogirl49563,

Yesterday 1 Thessalonians 5:3, kept coming to mind.

While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. (NASB95)

Always understood the phrase THEY will not escape. Yesterday I got a bit more: but YOU WILL.

Just wanted to share and encourage us all.

:heart: gr


Thank you for sharing! I’m half way through Lee Brainards teaching. So good, informative, encouraging and validating! :pray:


I love it!
But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.” v4


Amen, Brother! Thanks for sharing Robbie @Robbie.

I hope you and yours are doing well, that our Father has comforted/is comforting y’all in this season. Thinking of you and praying for y’all.

:heart: gr


Exodus 4 — Moses is being called. Called to go back to a place of failure, a place of shame and guilt; a place where he is a wanted man. The LORD is asking Moses to return to the place he has run from. And in typical human form, Moses has many reasons to refuse the LORD.

Then the anger of the LORD burned against Moses, and He said, “Is there not your brother Aaron the Levite? I know that he speaks fluently. And moreover, behold, he is coming out to meet you; when he sees you, he will be overjoyed. (Exodus 4:14 NASB)

Aaron had not seen Moses in 40 years. He leaves Egypt to go to… where? Where the LORD would lead him.

Say yes to the LORD cuz His grace is already on the way!


Thank you for this!


Just a quick note regarding Pre-trib Rapture attackers.
Their arguments are all the same, as if they all went to the same meeting at the same CLUB.
And their arguments are so lame.
“Darby invented it.”
“The Scofield Bible started it.”
“The word Rapture is not in the Bible.”


Yeppers. Those who don’t want the rapture to happen soon (pretrib) remind me of every other worldly group who loves and accepts everyone who agrees wit’em and hates and demonizes everyone who doesn’t. As it has always been.

Why did Cain kill Abel? Abel worshipped God. Cain pretended. :butgod:
The LORD knew his heart.

Did ya hear Biden finally resigned? And has covid for the third time?


I’m beginning to wonder if the seven mountains of NAR are somehow connected to the seven hills Babylon the Harlot sits upon. ‘Course could be squirrel! or a nuthin’ burger. I’m getting tired of all the drama and deception….

Guess that’s enough ramblin’. Take care Robbie @Robbie.


I agree with you! That’s why I enjoyed the post by @dlcv about the teaching on the ‘rapture and the spirit of error’ by Lee Brainard.
He talks about this very thing.


You are welcome, today Ps JD mentioned on Tucker’s podcast with Rich.

As following the TPTB script, Biden drops out of presidential race and endorses Harris to be nominee.

Update: Thief in the night BPU Transcript is out today