July 14, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – A Thief In The Night

The TIME magazine cover with the single word, Panic had the pic of President Joe Biden on his way out. The pic described what was coming next. President Joe Biden leaving. As I’ve shared before, we know that our TRUST does not reside within a presidential candidate no matter the party affiliation.
The stage is being set for what’s coming next……
TRUST in the Lord!!!

Psalms 118:8
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

Before OUR TIME To Go……continue the focus on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
Glorifying God and Edifying His People!

It’s NOT Time to FEAR….

2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

It’s NOT Time to fall asleep……

Romans 13:11
And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

Don’t get distracted.
Keep on keeping on for the Lord!
Love ya’ll

Ty Green


What an inspiring and righteous Prophecy Update today (7/22). Thanks a million JD.


Was amazed at ‘in lieu of/but God’ at close, where lady said two things that stood out, from a geopolitical standpoint:

  1. Trump is a 33rd degree Freemason, and MAGA is an occultic, evil anagram.
    [He is either that or a Jesuit; or neither, or both (lol), but he is definitely, in my poor opinion, a member of some secret society that worships Lucifer/Satan/the devil]
  2. The assassination attempt last week was staged; Trump was in the know; and, the unfortunate soul who was killed was victim of a ritual sacrifice.
    I watched a recent video by Dustin Nemo or Nemos, and seemed to agree with this.
    Grace and peace
    God bless all those appointed to salvation in our Lord and Savior-our King and our God-Jesus Christ Almighty.

I completely disagree with all of this, sorry @Robbie.
I will need to see some hardcore evidence, NOT what someone said.


HALLELUJAH! Thank you for the encouragement. I am seeing such a powerful delusion coming on many believers and know that Jesus warns us for this very reason. We WILL be deceived IF we do not watch and pray continually. Knowing that many here on this forum have had family turn their backs on each other for standing up for the truth is a clear sign that HE IS COMING, NOW! We are pressed down on every side, but He will deliver us out of it all, PRAISES GOD! My heart hurts for those who are not wide away and I pray that the Lord will keep me and shield me from this deception. Evil hurts, doesn’t it?

  • NOTE: Robbie was quoting a letter Pastor JD read.

Morning Ken @YosemiteMountainMan,

Agree, proof of either is desired. But… it’s doubtful we would get that proof. Both groups are shrouded in mystery by design. IF Trump is their man, his secrets will be more closely guarded than before.

Every day finds me more grateful that our God is God! A friend sent me this in a note recently:

All I know is God is in overall control. Have to reread Psalm 2 many times. The Lord sees the conspirators and laughs. He has appointed Jesus as king. The end.

Eyes on Jesus.
We’ll go crosseyed trying to keep our eye on the ball. :joy::rofl::joy:

:heart: gr


I appreciate your dedication to facts to find truth rather than opinion and hearsay.

You must be from Missouri.

Here is what I have found out about Trump and his ilk.

Number one, from Luke chapter 4.

“Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

“And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

““Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.” verses 5-7

This is still in effect today (as are the Pharisees and Saducees, which I may address at a later time).

Secondly, I used to listen to a guy by the name of Kevin Trudeau. He was (is?) a member of a secret society called “The Brotherhood.” He claimed that every single person on the Forbes 100 list, everyone who has accumulated significant amounts of wealth is in the Brotherhood. Incidentally, Trudeau claims that there is no devil worship in these societies, which leads me to believe that he is still in.

I learned a lot from him, chiefly that vaccines-all vaccines- and, all drugs, are extremely toxic to the human body.

Newt Gingrich said that Trump is facing much opposition because he is the only one who is not a part of any secret society.

Like I should trust anything that should come out of his mouth.

I have heard, but cannot prove, that Trump is a Jesuit. One of the Jesuits modus operendi is to feign you are a good Christian (or something similar-whatever cloak can be used to best achieve their ends; and all ends justify all means, to them).
That is all I know.
This message will self destruct in ten seconds.

Thanks @YosemiteMountainMan for helping sharpen my sword!

Grace and peace

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I have a question to pose to my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Since I had a cardiac episode back in February, my joy and motivation for everything has diminished. I find myself paranoid about everything… my relationships with family, the food or poison we eat, the noxious air we breathe, the toxic meds I now am directed to take, and the list goes on. The peril in my own life is minuscule to peril of the world, but I wake up every day with feelings of despair.
I am seriously considering stopping these medications. I just received word my Cardiologist just up and quit healthcare. Paranoia meter went up tenfold after hearing this news.
I just finished listening to this week’s BPU and it just summed up everything I’ve known to be true. Where are you, dear Lord Jesus??? I can’t even pray anymore, y’all without coming up speechless. I know Jesus knows my thoughts and my heart. I’m numb now these days. I don’t even recognize myself!
Does anyone else feel like I do???
All of the deception has me feeling like I’ve actually done gone and gone crazy.


Dear sister

A lot of us feel this way. I have to keep reminding myself that we walk by faith not feelings. Some days just getting a shower is a challenge and my quiet time which was the best part of my day can be a real struggle. The enemy is working overtime.

I think second service will help you as the church in Philadelphia had also reached that point of total and absolute weariness. Please hang on Michelle. The Lord knows and cares about your pain and hes coming soon.


My response is… Join the club!!!

I am not at all making light of what you are going through, just stating that many, many Christians are going through the same thing including me. This is why the verses below are very important!

1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

While I do not know the day or the hour, I totally believe that this is the year.

Just hold on dear sister! :heart:


Amen. Yeah it just shows he was not really aware of the differing views. To use such a huge podcast to shame pretrib rapture…wow. To be so blessed with his music and opportunity only to use it to be a bit divisive. I can see how he thinks its a platform to warn believers. It makes sense how he would.

My sense is that the best teaching (which is rare) is:

  • Here are the five main views on a passage/subject
  • Here are the pros and cons to each view
  • Here is how I believe which one is most correct
  • Here are the cons to my held view
  • Here are the pros to my view
  • Here is how the Lord would want us to empathetically have supernatural love for the body of Christ in sharing our differences. It all starts in understanding why some see it differently to the degree we might put our feet in their shoes. This to me in the raodmap expanded notion version of…

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person .Col 4:6 :slight_smile:

And if we know all things but do not have love…it prophets nothing–i mean it profits nothing. To me it was kind of Laodiceanish of the brother to punk on the pretribbers in America +.

…but then it would not be Laodicean age if not. Thanks for the encouragement brother. :slight_smile:



We each respond a bit differently when we have experienced a serious health issue. It is a beautiful benefit to yourself to be opened to your earthly state. You have spent time investigating and summarizing the effects of this trauma in the expanse of your immediate relationships.

My cause for standing in the middle of my living room and accusing Jesus of leaving me, of not having my back, cannot leave my mind though He has promised that it doesn’t exist. I will have moments where something reminds me of that time. See, I speak in the past tense, dear sister. Having gone through the tumultuous storm, and, when it was over, being washed anew. I can see where He was, what He did for me, how, even in this misery He protected me from worse. He blessed me.

Psalms 22, “written” by David is really about Jesus. I use the Young’s Literal Translation. How and what Jesus was experiencing during His trial in the flesh as the Son of Man. Maybe take some time and read this Psalm.

Fear has crept in. You are stronger than fear. Fear in this way is of the dragon. Greater is HE that is in you! And, HE is our Great Physician and Comforter. Are you a little amazed that you are still alive? I used to joke and say that I was invincible, really we are, until the time we are called home. In prayer ask God to purify the foods, drinks, the medications, and any other thing that enters your body. Have faith that it will be done, and it is. He wants His temple clean. Ask.

Prayers for you, Michelle, and blessings


Hi Michelle. The thing is that sounds like me most of my life. I have one of those conditions that I can make a thriller out of anything and everything in my head. I actually like the movie genre thriller which does not help of course. But for me the food of His word digested as supernatural spiritual food has helped me over the years.

I try and read books like the book of Esphesian or Philippians through several times. And just saturate in His word. Throughout the day. Like even try to get through Hebrews or Romans in 1 or 2 sittingings. Totally focused as much as I can be while going through it. And the word has a way of washing over my soul and calming my heart. Plus something else seems to happen.

After soaking in His word for a while some interesting thoughts and unique precious ideas and moods toward Him also form. Like clustering my mind, heart, and soul deeper into what it is to be living in the kingdom of light He has transported us into. Like when you come into a dark room and how much more detail when we turn the light on kind of thing.

God is good. He is far more powerful than deception. He is far more powerful than the ruler of this age. He is sovereign and He likes to feed us with popeye spinach food, His spiritual word. It makes all the difference for me. Hope it can in ways perhaps for you as well dear sister. Blessings.


AMEN TO THAT! I have kicked the proverbial ball to the curb. :crazy_face:


Did anyone say, “Group Hug”? Well count me in. You have just described me and probably most everyone here as @Goodboy wrote. You are part of the family of God. We are broken, weak, tired, and just plain worn out by this world. But oh, the Great Physician is in His office and working 24/7 to repair, strengthen and bless all those who call Him Lord. THAT’S YOU DEAR MICHELLE. No, I am not yelling; well maybe just a little, but like JD I am passionate about my Savior and what He can and will do when we ask. Praying for you my friend and sister. I am here anytime you need a hug. I do wish I could be Jesus with skin on and have you all as my neighbors, except @TCC and that is because he actually is close by. :flamingo:




Some pics from the RNC with the Freemason triangle, one with Trump at the top, and the other with the All-seeing eye. Novus Ordo Seclorum - “New World for the Ages,” i.e. New World Order.

The highest level in Satanism is MAGA - taken directly from the Church of Satan website.


Trump called for a “New Golden Age” at the RNC. Golden Age (of Aquarius) is another name for New World Order by Lucifarians.


Other people are connecting the dots on the purported Trump assassination. Note the blood on the right ear and “missing shoes.” There was also a blood sacrifice.

Since the July 13th incident with President Trump something has been nagging at me about his statement, “Let me get my shoes.”

The audio was perfect. The scene was highly ritualized. People in background appeared to not even be participating even after it was asserted that shots had been fired.

Knowing Mr. Trump to be associated to the freemasons, I looked up the rituals and found that the 3rd degree involved the removing of the shoes. This ritual concerns ancient Israelite practice.

When men performed a holy act or ritual the shoes were removed to pledge one’s spirit to the cause. This concerned the acceptance of a contract.

This practice was also associated to a sacrifice.

Am I reaching, or did something truly momentous occur, a notice given to people all over the world who are ‘in the know,’ that Trump was announcing in the form of, “Let me get my shoes.”

Research blood on the right ear in Exodus and Leviticus

Jentzen Graham (remember his grandpa Billy was a Freemason, advocating for an ecumenical church, then Franklin advocating for the clot shots.) spoke at the RNC Faith breakfast. This was relayed on the event: “This is an urgent post regarding what happened this morning at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Prayer Breakfast for the RNC Convention leaders. False Pastor Franklin, got up after JD Vance spoke, and shared about a ritual to anoint the High Priest with blood on his right ear, thumb, and toe from Leviticus 8. This pastor just basically said in front of all the Christian leaders at the RNC prayer breakfast this morning, that Trump was anointed as High Priest by his own blood in an initiation ritual on Saturday. Who does Scripture say is our High Priest? Jesus Christ the Messiah, under HIS BLOOD SACRIFICE. Not Donald Trump. Friends, this is SO extremely dangerous, because these light side Luciferian leaders, who have infiltrated the churches, are gathering together in agreement that Trump has been anointed to be High Priest in a ritual on Saturday straight from Leviticus 8.”

LifeSiteNews also had a video clip saying the same thing - alleging this is a sign of Trump being a High Priest over America.

Trump’s Shrine to Baal


Sometimes I cannot speak during prayer; I simply have to just ‘stop fighting’ and let Him just hold me. Still. Quiet. Held by the Prince of Peace.
Grace and peace to you, dearly loved sister.
Please keep us updated. :heart: