July 14, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – A Thief In The Night

Trump attended Fordham University, a Jesuit college, before attending Wharton.


Peter Thiel (Palantir Technologies, former co-founder of Paypal) is a homosexual and is part of the Bilderberg Group, a known globalist organization. He was the main donor to JD Vance’s campaign. Now why would this globalist be donating, nay, the main donor to "CON"servative Vance??? See Whitney Webb’s work on Peter Thiel and what she’s exposed about this dude, as well as Leo Hohmann’s article linked above. I know personally the Palantir Technologies is part of a 30 million contract with multiple nefarious companies that is working on genome mapping, health data harvesting, biodigital ID, and more. The program is called “All of Us.”

But it gets even stranger. We all should know by now that Trump brought gene altering therapy to the entire world through Operation Warp Speed in 2021 (or should I say War on the Seed). Well, JD Vance is CEO of a Venture Capital Company called Nayra. Nayra is one of the largest funders of a radical gene altering therapy company called Kriya.

When you dig into this it goes extremely deep. This is all spiritual. The warping of human DNA has been the Nephilim agenda ever since Genesis 6, and we are now in the days of Noah once again, just as Scripture has warned would happen in the final days to all the world. However this time it came under the deception of mRNA vaccines.

So of course Trump, the self-proclaimed Father of the mRNA vaccine brought to the entire world, would choose a partner in crime who helps fund and operate DNA altering therapy.

And as of March, he is still pushing the mRNA shots to treat the turbo cancers the other ones caused.


It’s no joke - once a day im levelled on my bed getting charged up by spirtitual power, feel tired often. Like communcation is been messed with online and real life. Someone needs to cut through the noise of division here and say hey you know what enough of the censorship. War isnt about how hard you can take it and quote scripture for tolerance and happy feelings. Jesus turned over tables. You cant even type a swear word here becasue of how immaculate the forum presents its self to the out side world. Fear of mammon.

The oppression is real

King James Bible
And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men.

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Thanks, l am still watching Tucker Rich podcast. I have detected issues in there.

The irony is NWO prophets are more accurate than NAR prophets!

The right ear bandage causing his MAGAdonians copied him by having bandages as well. Someone pointed out that Elon Musk BCI is attached to back ear…. pre-Conditioning

23 July 2024

Prophecy Is History In Advance, Daniel 11 – July 25th, 2024

Pastor JD explains why the 11th chapter of Daniel is considered by many to be the most specific and accurate record in the entirety of Bible prophecy, which is history in advance, and why it matters to us today.


Now back to Tucker podcast, my observations: Already 2 million plus listened today

In the first part, John shared how he came to wrote the song “Revelation”, you can watch it yourself. Picture is on the right side.

He mentioned he had impressions/feelings/a hinge of mysticism to write that song. That’s raised a flag, is he listening to Holy Spirit or another spirit? Did he test the spirits when it happened?

I can bet the new song and music TV will portray wrong bible message because he will apply creative license to it.

Someone wrote a comment to correct both of them:

Tucker as usual is ignorant of bible in spite he read it. I suspect he never took time to study it.

John Rich displayed unclear understanding of OT bible passages he cited (not end times ones).

John Rich interpreted 2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, as the second coming of Christ only. This is the same argument post-tribbers used.

I think he is influenced by anti-dispensationism and post-trib view.


Jack Hibbs did the same, the Right-Wing Watch image I put expounds further what he said. He misapply the blood put on the ear lobe. I read the Exodus passage and the context shows that this ceremony is for Aaron and his sons consecration to High Priest ministry. Nothing to do with Trump’s ear!


Regarding watchmanscry, I listened to him and found him to be a pre-wrather. He claimed Donald Trump is the AntiChrist. He is setting himself up as a false prophet, lol. That is why end-times view shapes how Christians see the world.


Regarding the hypnosis of Trump’s MAGA fans, see this right ear device which Musk is trialing:


Other news:


He definately was! I will be praying for his son’s friend too! I think Pastor JD has the funniest sound effects lately! :smile: Shoot, this year in my bible study group, which has always taught from the true premillenial stance has now been opened up to “other views” being considered. Kinda sounds like what JD was talking about this update! No one’s stealing my hope and joy in the pretrib rapture! I can’t wait to be with our amazing Jesus forever and ever! :heart::dove::raised_hands:


Nice comment on that page! I hope Tucker reads the bible for himself after this! I like how you said how can anyone read the passage in Thessalonians and miss it? I wonder that too! God bless! :heart::dove:

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I see Dallas. She is in the middle. :kissing_heart:


He actually did not claim that. He said, “Now I’m not claiming Trump is the Antichrist, but he is someone to consider.” I actually agree with that. Satan has his pick of any number of satanic people. We won’t ultimately know who the AC is until we are in the heavenly mezzanine anyway.

His rapture eschatology is irrelevant. John Haller has a pre-wrarh view, but I still like his commentary on geopolitical events, even though i don’t agree with everything he says. Plus, he uses the word “chuckleheads.” :slightly_smiling_face:

The Brandon guy who claims to be a prophet IS a false prophet. He said DJT eardrum would burst. That didn’t happen, and that’s the first false thing he says right out of the gate.



Hey Robbie @Robbie,

Not sure what kind of response you got on your rapture head’s up query, but it seems many people knew Elijah was going to be taken. That’s the only account I can think of when people knew a ‘taking up’ was scheduled.

Philip was taken up and transported to another city. Of course, there’s the Ascension; Jesus knew what was going to happen. Seems Chuck Missler taught there are seven separate harpazos in the Bible.

While Noah and his family were not raptured, theirs is often seen as a parallel to rapture— and they were sealed in the ark for seven days before the flood began. Hope this helps in your study. :heart: gr

From Biblestudytools.com:

What Happened at the End of Elijah’s Life?

1 Kings ends with the death of Ahab, and 2 Kings starts with the story of Elijah calling down fire. After that, Elijah apparently got a message that God was going to “take him away,” which other prophets also knew. Elijah and Elisha traveled to Gilgal, then to Bethel, Jericho, and finally to the Jordon River. As they traveled, Elijah repeatedly told Elisha to stay behind while he went on to somewhere God had called him (1 Kings 2:1,4,6), with Elisha always replying, “As surely as the Lord lives and you live, I will not leave you.” On two occasions, they met other prophets who warned Elisha, “Do you know that the Lord is going to take your master from you today?” (2 Kings 2:3, 5). Both times, Elisha replied he did know, but asks them not to speak about it.

Finally, at the Jordon, Elijah made the water part, and the two men walked across. On the other side, Elijah asked Elisha, “what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” (2 Kings 2:9). Elisha asked to inherit a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, which Elijah said was difficult but, “if you see when I am taken from you, it will be yours” (2 Kings 2:10).

Then, a chariot of fire pulled by fiery horses appeared, coming between Elijah and Elisha. Elijah went up in the chariot in a whirlwind, and Elisha yelled, “My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!” (2 Kings 2:12). Elisha then took the cloak Elijah had used to part the water, went back to the Jordon, and made the water part in the same way that Elijah did (2 Kings 2:14).

Why Didn’t Elijah Die?

The Bible doesn’t explicitly give any reason why Elijah was taken directly into heaven, any more than it gives for why Enoch was taken up to heaven.


Hey Waitin @Waitin4Him,

On the subject of Tucker Carlson and the Bible— I watched Carlson interviewed by someone (can’t remember who) and they discussed being “Christians.” Neither seemed to have a handle on doctrine, but they professed to believe in Jesus as Savior. Carlson says he goes to church— not which or when, but he said he goes. (Not that church is connected to salvation— just saying it was discussed in interview).

Here’s the thing— research is Carlson’s wheelhouse. IF he wanted to know about what the Bible says, IF he wanted to know about the rapture or the MOTB, he has the skill set to find the information at least as easily as the average Joe. In this day and time, he could have tons of already vetted info in his hands in less than an hour, an afternoon to read. There is no reason for Carlson, Rich, or anyone else to be ignorant of Bible doctrine except for willful ignorance. And that’s also in the Bible.



I tried to look for that post and can’t find it, sadly. And looking at the comments I did (not all), I think I found maybe two that seemed to be correcting but no one responding to those posts. Mainly the ones saying how right both men were and how God is using these two to share the Gospel and how accurate they are. WAY too many professing Christians who are not as knowledgeable as they may claim to be.


Michelle, as others have stated, you have much company here feeling the same way you do, tired, worn out, barely able to put one foot in front of the other as “we keep on keeping on”. Thanks Pastor JD for resurrecting that expression. Eventually we feel numb because it is a lot to cope with.

Perfect topic for the BPU on Sunday about the weary Philadelphia church being encouraged to hang on until Jesus returns as He promised.

I also get the supposed paranoia about taking any pharmaceuticals. Maybe the hesitancy is discernment, but who knows for sure. It can be confusing and destabilizing.

In March of this year, my husband almost died from a GI bleed caused by prescription drugs. If I hadn’t listened to that inner voice warning me not to leave the house that evening, my husband would have died. But God. I listened and stayed home, stuck close to Kevin and called the ambulance when the crisis unfolded. He lost a lot of blood but pulled through. I almost had to kidnap him from the hospital due to their shoddy treatment but I won’t go into that now.

The next month my brother died. Suddenly keeled over and broke his neck. Was in an induced coma for a week, that he didn’t recover from. I believe he is likely one of the vaccine casualties.

Then in June my daughter’s water broke two months early and my grandson was born prematurely. Arieh is doing great right now, but it was another trial to go through at the time.

There is more but I don’t want this post to be long and boring.

Today I am fortunate to have the peace from our Jesus that surpasses understanding. I wasn’t feeling peaceful when these trials were occurring. I was stressed and exhausted.

This forum helps. Listening to Pastor JD’s sermons every week provides encouragement. The more time I spend focusing on Jesus and immersing myself with scripture, and/or listening to pastors who believe in and talk about the pre-trib rapture the less time I spend fretting about the state of our world.

I pray Michelle, that Jesus settles your heart, fills you with peace and gives you discernment regarding medical treatments for your health. I also pray that Jesus comforts you while He carries you through the trials you are currently experiencing.


Thank you very much for these posts


Jesse Waters recently interviewed Trump and Vance and Jesse asked about the shoes.

When some asked about the significance of the missing shoes during a group discussion, this was an excellent explanation of the significance by someone named Jacob:

"During the incident on stage, both of Trump’s shoes came off and were tossed aside by the SS while they covered him. One shoe remained on stage while the other shoe was thrown off stage. Trump can be heard asking to “get my shoes” before they take him off stage. It appears they do not get his shoes before he is put in the vehicle.

The official story is that Trump’s shoes came off during the shuffle and while the agents covered him. However, I find this very difficult to believe. Shoes don’t just come off by themselves. Now I cannot tell if they were laced or if they were slip-ons. The suspicion is that the SS agents (or Trump himself) removed his shoes on stage while they covered him (it would allow removal his shoes with minimal visibility).

Here’s why this is important: some have raised a fascinating (and scary) possibility that the event was ritualized as a consecration of priesthood. In Leviticus 8, Aaron and his sons were consecrated as priests, and part of this ritual included the following:

  1. Blood applied to the tip of the right ear
  2. Blood applied to the right thumb
  3. Blood applied to the right big toe
  4. Blood sprinkled all around

Trump already had blood on the tip of his right ear. When he touched his ear, he transferred blood onto his fingers/thumb. By removing the shoes to access the right big toe, blood could be applied there as well. Why remove both shoes? Well, remember that this had to be done quickly, and the SS/Trump may not have had much time to sort out which foot was the right one. So to ensure it was done, they could have applied blood to both toes. Finally, due to the bleeding, it’s likely there was blood on the stage as well (could qualify for the “sprinkled all around”). There was also blood in the grandstands from the injured/murdered spectators.

Do I know for certain that a priesthood consecration is exactly what happened on stage? No, I do not. But there’s enough evidence here to warrant investigation. And if this did occur, the meaning is far darker than most realize…

What’s interesting is that at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Prayer Breakfast, Jentezen Franklin (Free Chapel) spoke about the anointing of the High Priest in Leviticus 8 (along with a bunch of other silly things). How bizarre is that? So is he implying that Trump was anointed by his own blood in a consecration/initiation ritual? (Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4EFl_j99kc&t=4400s)

Here’s a link to HuffPost with more about the shoe thing (New Video Shows What Happened To Trump's Shoes During Assassination Attempt | HuffPost Latest News).

And here’s the video I’m referencing. Note that the video is auto-play and shows the vantage point of behind stage. WARNING!!! Explicit language!


Here’s a link to Leviticus 8:24 at Bible Gateway: Leviticus 8:24 KJV - And he brought Aaron's sons, and - Bible Gateway

As a final point, this brings me back to the interview with Jesse Watters. He specifically asked Trump what was up with the shoes (second interview question if I remember correctly). This is why it’s so strange. If losing the shoes was an innocent side effect from all of the scuffle on stage, wouldn’t Trump have simply said so? Instead, Trump speaks for a couple of minutes recanting the entire event, something that we’ve all heard several times. It feels like evasion. And curiously, he never answers Jesse‘s question.

This lends further suspicion that the shoe removal was more than what the official story claims."


Interview with the producers of Belly of the Beast. Belly of the Beast documentary (with the late Tom Horn) can be found at SkyWatchTV.

Washington D.C. reveals fallen angels:


See below for multitudes of evidence if interested.

Morning Trout @troutonsteroids,

Thanks for all the posts. You’ve presented some interesting ideas, especially considering the “official” narrative is … incomplete? not believable? a lie?

IF this scenario could be a possibility, do you see this ordination as that of the false prophet?



Everything is suspicious at this point. I never believe the “official” narrative because they have proved themselves to be liars time after time after time (9/11, Las Vegas shooting, etc.). So I always look deeper.

Revelation 13:
11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives [f]those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has [g]the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The false prophet may be a possibility, but I can’t reconcile the “he had 2 horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon” with Trump. It is just pure speculation, of course, but he seems to fit more with the AC than the false prophet, but I’m not going to claim either at this point.

I just am pointing out some very strange things that have happened at the alleged Trump assassination, and other issues with the mRNA vaccine push, calling for a “new Golden Age” (of Aquarius, i.e. New World Order), etc. Trump isn’t what most people believe him to be, and I do honestly believe him to 100% be a Lucifarian. And I also believe this was a satanic ritual of consecration of some sort. That’s just me, and I’m not claiming I’m 100% right, but there’s enough evidence and strange anomalies for me to believe that’s what it was.