July 14, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – A Thief In The Night

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Agreed. We seem to be in the age of thick double downing camps. In some cases they know or believed in pretrib from some honorable takes on verses and some verses that don’t belong. Like i remember Kiirk Cameran was a big supporter of Macarthur and pretribber. But later on he felt dupped. He understood “one left in the field, one taken” to be a rapture verse before. Which i don’t believe it is. He still sees it as a rapture verse. But the context in Matt 24 helped him move the timing toward the end of the tribulation…which i believe is correct. It is understood to be the reapers in Rev 14 by sounder biblical exegesis (from what i understand).

Yes brother Dennis the verse you quote is used by prewrath that i have seen as well (a church i used to belong to). They favor the KJV for “Day of Christ” over “Day of the Lord” and reads 2Thes2 to mean that the rapture comes after the falling away and the AC (first half) is revealed. From my most honest study, it would seem the term in verse 2 be “Day of the Lord” because “has come upon you” has the Greek sense of current ongoing (is at hand). Which if it were the rapture would sound something like this in Greek: “Don’t be shaken that the rapture is currently occurring right now as i we speak.” Rapture would not make sense in that context because it would not be likely that church would worry about people being currently raptured away around them. Blessings.


I’ve seen the right ear consecration Lev 8:23-24 verse. According to the bible their would have need of a ram. Others would have to put that blood on their right ears as well. And blood splashed against the alter.

I would think the golden age to hit Israel particularly. Abraham Accords, Saudi normalization etc. will probably meet Israel with great peace and safety. Blessings.


Remember Satan always does a cheap knockoff copy of what God does. So it isn’t exact with Leviticus, but there was a blood sacrifice. There were no others “consecrated” if you will, so they wouldn’t even be participating in the ritual, except for aiding and assisting.

Thanks for considering the scenario. I am not expecting everyone to agree.


Perhaps it was on this forum, i don’t recall. But there was something about consecration and freemasonry. And a right ear blood ceremony. Even though these are modes of interest for me in 2017 and not so much currently, if something sounds unusual but might have backing in contrast to level of absurdity it seems to be delivered on, i’ll give it a moment. Like when i heard about this from somewhere yesterday, i went to Lev 8 to see the contrast. I was open to its connections to masonry. If someone knows of a right ear blood consecration affirmed in masonry that would be interesting to check out. I have not seen that though.

Yeah, so look i have my 1st seal schtick, and i am sure it sounds bozo odd. lol. But of course in knowing this, i am open to off the beaten path narratives. On this one though, outside of a confirmed masonic ceremony…i believe their is a danger in gathering bits and pieces of ideas or concepts thrown around (or even that we come up with ourselves) that can tend to enter the arena of confirmation bias. There is a cute little way i look at the underbelly of “lovers of self” generation. I think we all are by the way…nothing personal. That phrase we are told would mark the end time generation. One underbelly (in my estimation) is a generation that is super interested in confirming its bias. And what better time than an apocalyptic one for that. Almost too funny in a way when we think of it. We all have bias.

We all have them. But this is why i purposely go out of my way to disprove my 1st seal view. I want the ugliest most powerful evidence against it. And this forum with Dennis, and Robbie, and so many others that look into details about narratives that fly completely in the face of my view (not to mention on steroids, pastor JD) i want to be stumped. I want to be backed into a corner with no explanation. I want evidence that sends me running out of the building naked…lol. Because the confirmation bias age kind of tends to own all of us. Like a zeitgeist in a way.

I know those who trust in Him (regardless our flaws…we are all flawed…amen) are His possession. I just mean owned in a practical sense. Like our age is super greasy primed to a slow roastin us in “confirmation bias.” We may not believe it about ourselves but can we honestly take a look around and say that is not what the heck is happening? As recent as Mark or John (sorry i forget) rich and Tucker for example. A Realtime invasion of the body snatcher science fiction moment for a generation to have happen. So knowing this, you guys keep me honest. And i will admit, sometimes you give me far more than just a run for my money.

But i would just like to encourage us to keep in mind that we consider we are daily deep frying in the zeitgeist age of quadrupling down on our own biases. What that means to each of us is how we might take that before the Lord. But i believe it is a healthy practice. Blessings.


This is no surprise, but the heartache I feel for those who are being deceived. They (all the so-called Christians at the event) should have kept their lamps lit brightly, then all this “trash” would cause them to speak out against it? Maybe a revival would have ensued; just maybe!

Thanks for sharing. I don’t miss a day of Toms encouragement and the gospel which he so faithfully shares. He made me laugh today and yesterday. He gets in some real zingers sometimes. One of my favorite names for terrorists is “Houthi Bar”. They are full of “nuts”.


Wow, eye opening, Not completely blindsided, because I knew quite a bit about the symbolism in DC and about the monuments but would like to see the whole documentary.


Yes, Michelle. Having such a struggle myself. For me, one of the hardest things is just interacting with people who are talking about “fluff n stuff” when I want to be screaming, “Wake up!!! Jesus is coming!!!” Or, having no idea how to speak into the lives of my loved ones . . . Especially my children who are still hanging on to a semblance of “normalcy,” and thinking of their future here. My son and DIL are expecting baby boy number 4 in the middle of August. They are just working hard and trying to raise their boys. They aren’t open to discussion of the end of days. So . . . I’ve just no idea HOW to be with the people around me . . . It’s painfully uncomfortable . . . My prayers seem like broken records . . . My husband is still focused on “politics” and doesn’t really want to entertain my questions or concerns about what we need to do with the time we have left. It’s even hard to talk with him these days. Sigh . . . The only thing that seems to help me is to listen to songs that drop into my spirit . . . And to pray for others when the requests come in . . . So here is my prayer in a song for you . . . Hold on. . . It will be better farther along.

Last night I was singing with longing to be on the other side of all that we are facing . . . This morning I’m singing for more of the Father’s joy, which is the strength to carry us through till the trumpet sounds.


Morning Trout @troutonsteroids,

Thanks for the reply. At this point— and about these points— I tend to agree with you, if for no other reason than the flood of lies. I don’t trust Trump, never have. The articles you have shared only serve to enforce what my gut was saying.

On the false prophet/ac point— I have considered that Trump could be the AC, or one of the three horns the AC disposes. The idea that he might have been ritually consecrated a priest is what made me wonder about the prophet position. But you’re right, the man does not speak like a lamb. Not yet anyway. Your comment makes me wonder if he’ll “turn his life around” and “accept” Jesus— putting on the mask of a lamb. Probably not but I guess anything is possible at this point. Anyway, thanks again for posting all the info (hard to heart any of it, sorry). And thanks for answering my question.

:heart: gr


Iron sharpens iron. Love covers a multitude of sins. Humility is the opposite of pride.

Your post has all three aspects. You have what I will refer to as a gift for disagreeing agreeably. You clearly are an intellectual who loves research and presentation of well-researched ideas along with the ensuing debate.

You are clearly a Christian brother who loves to ponder and discuss our Lord and His scriptures.

Excellent point about the zeitgeist of this age being confirmation bias. Might I add that there is a shift away from the love of human-to-human, face-to-face interaction, toward the preference for the interface of screens and technology, which in my opinion, serves to walk most of humanity toward transhumanism (seems like sprinting toward transhumanism now) and acceptance for the mark of the beast.

Having different views on the timing of the rapture is not a deal breaker for Christians to engage with each other. I can’t remember exactly what passage this is in the bible. I think it’s somewhere in the book of Daniel. Perhaps you know which one it is. I’ll paraphrase. As we get closer to or further into the last days the wise will grow in understanding of the truth. That is definitely a paraphrase. So your last point is the most important. After these engaging and interesting discussions, it is imperative (I’m emphasizing your last point) that we take all of this to the Lord in prayer.

I pray for all of us to have eyes that see and ears that hear what it is that the Holy Spirit wants us to know and understand. I pray for all of us here in this forum and for our loved ones, that truth will always prevail over all other theories, ideas, or even lies.

Full disclosure, I personally love to come up with theories and engage in theoretical discussions. I find it intellectually stimulating. I would never want to lead anyone astray with my theories. I’m not suggesting that you are doing that at all, Teren. I don’t think you are. I think you cover that potential problem with your humble presentation.


I agree. Even when I cannot intellectually hang on to Teren’s @TCC posts, I sense this in him as well. :blush:


@SongSparrow Brenda,
I thank you for your words of sincerity of how your days carry on. Too often the believer wants to portray the stiff upper lip, I got this persona to the Church and the world. Certainly, many of us, at least me, raised my hand with you.

Our LORD’s endearment and kindness to always, faithfully touch us in the way that He knows will bring us relief is a gift. Think on how much more He earnestly wants to give you the heavenly gifts that awaits you and us. Hallelujah, praise Him!

For you and some others, moreso continually, He adds to your repertoire of songs or hymns that meet you where you are in your spirit.

He gave to David the need to reach Him through songs and hymns from his heart. A man who had a heart for God.

What a special gift.


This made me smile. It lifted my spirits. I’d not thought of it this way before. God bless you!!! Thank you!!



You shared some good videos. He did reach up, brought his hand down and rubbed the thumb to fingers, but there was not blood on them.
Color of blood. Unless he has low oxygen level at time of wound, which would cause the blood to be darker, it should have been bright red. It is darker. Could I say that it was supplied? No, but if this was a ceremony, then blood of a goat could be applied. The bleeding, enough to reach to his lips (I feel this is significant) was bad enough to make it there, but not bad enough to continue to bleed after the dabbing with the Masonic emblemed handkerchief. I saw that in another set of photos from elsewhere. Not wiped and not held to apply pressure while leaving stage.
Your video shows, I think T., dropping the handkerchief because he looks down. Either way, it is left behind as is the right shoe set upright on stage. The person taking the video makes sure to scan back and pause. A female officer flings the left shoe off of the podium. Odd don’t you think?

As they are leading him down the stairs, one male officer grabs T’s suit jacket at the lapel area, turning it to expose the inner lining. What design can you see? Another odd thing to be doing if you are trying to shield him.

As you said, they twist things. How do you convince man that he can overcome God? Who wants to be king?

Rev. 17: 10-13
10 and there are seven kings, the five did fall, and the one is, the other did not yet come, and when he may come, it behoveth him to remain a little time;

11 and the beast that was, and is not, he also is eighth out of the seven he is, and to destruction he doth go away.

12 `And the ten horns that thou sawest, are ten kings, who a kingdom did not yet receive, but authority as kings the same hour do receive with the beast,

13 these have one mind, and their own power and authority to the beast they shall give over;

Not me. There are ideas that T. is the king that sets things up for the eighth king, O. O. was one and that makes him of or from the seven.
Dog and pony show for the last days and we have a front row seat.



Yes, WAY too many weird things for it to be an assassination attempt. And I don’t trust any narrative they put out. Remember 9/11, and the BBC actually showed the towers falling 20 minutes before it actually happened? So this isn’t a new game for them.

I didn’t notice the Masonic hankie, so good eye on that. My theory is just that - a theory, albeit a very compelling one. I think when you see all the evidence posted, it does make people consider.
Thanks for the post.


Wow. Thanks Catheryn. I appreciate your heart in sharing your thoughts here. I have family members that are mostly huge Trump supporters. When I try to share with them concerns with Trump worship that can be noticed by comments in the social arena, they think I’m a liberal…lol. So I have to be careful even with family about how I am coming across. Because it is rare somewhat these day to be able to discuss things outside generic perspective. I actually do have a friend who I can do this with. But it is rare. But the spirit of JDF (even though I see differently than JD on fronts) does carry with it dynamic hearts in Him. And to a degree (JDF has seen the wild west days of massive pushback all over the place) it is a testimony of His spirit more in things we can discuss outside ideologies than the otherwise sense of profoundness each of us might find in our own convictions. I do see that here on this forum. That we are a people that can discuss things outside the lines. And that is a precious thing, amen.

Over the years I have heard of people getting shut down on a Rapture forum for views that don’t align with the moderator. I must say it is awesome to be a part of a forum that is not like that. And how Pastor JD has afforded such a forum to be a place to ome to disucuss things outside the lines. That is a great testiment to his heart in Him. And a great testiment to the heart of this forum. Bless you sister and glad some of my intentions are understood. It is not always easy to see intentions with controversial perspectives. Admittedly. And we will all fall short there. But we give the grace to try. Which is lovely.

Great to hear you are interested in considering different ways of looking at things. Makes the adventure in life richer. Blessings. :slight_smile:


:blush:!!! I need seven characters, so I’ll add a few more of these and you know why.
Much sisterly love.


lol. Yeah I think you caught my post when it just said… “than” lol. Oops. :slight_smile: cheers.