July 14, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – A Thief In The Night

Hi Leticia. Thanks for that. I noted this a while back, but before JDF I was on a forum that was complete nutz. Like rabid tense. I called it a shark tank. By nature it was divisive. It was a good learning experience because prior to that I would have a sharp attitude at times that was not all too helpful. But I am blessed to know that some of the lessons that I have to learn (even several while on this forum) yield some fruit. Thanks for your kind gesture dear sister. Blessings.

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I would like to get everyone’s take on this - there are three ways to go on the election 1 be like JDF and don’t vote - 2 support the continued open borders, drug mafias killing of kids and human trafficking plus shut down of USA oil production, and the continued persecution of Christian values 3. Vote for the closing of border, opening of oil production and any other nefarious things I see posted here attributed to Trump and Vance
So what is it that you are wanting? I keep wondering with all the stuff about trump and Vance’s possible connections to free masons and demonic activity - does this mean you support Harris and her open borders, etc?? I am confused so thank you for clarification - I pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit and ………come Lord Jesus - MARANATHA


that, or maybe he’ll just get the sheep to wear masks (again).


Brenda, my heart connected with all your words. Yes, the spirit of heaviness is ever present, but oh, the joy that fills our souls when we put on the garment of praise even when we don’t want to. I feel such darkness pressing in on every side as I have mentioned in past posts but recognize immediately that it is this old world and the turmoil in it. We must keep holding on to His Word even if it is by a thread, amen? You and many others on this forum are what keep me sane and standing on the Word of God. How He must love me to give me others like you that are filled with the Holy Spirit and encouraging each other. Thank you for the songs. My favorite songs are those with scripture built into them. It is the Word that gives us power to fight these earthly emotions and feelings and to remind us not to doubt His Word but cling to it.

Shalom and blessings dear sis.


so Robby - GR posted that she does not like/trust trump- is your post suggesting the same? i am confused
what are you suggesting? that anyone who chooses Trump is like a sheep and will wear the mask??? - there are three ways to go on the election 1 be like JDF and don’t vote and not be involed in politics - 2 support the continued open borders, drug mafias killing of kids and human trafficking plus shut down of USA oil production, and the continued persecution of Christian values 3. Vote for the closing of border, opening of oil production and any other nefarious things I see posted here attributed to Trump and Vance
So what is it that you are wanting? I keep wondering with all the stuff about trump and Vance’s possible connections to free masons and demonic activity - does this mean you support Harris and her open borders, etc?? no drilling - equity inclusion ETC> Ect. …I am confused so thank you for clarification - I pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit and ………come Lord Jesus - MARANATHA


@Rrush Ralph,

This season in America has become like walking through a chigger field. Or, if you have never had the need to paint yourself with fingernail polish everywhere a chigger has buried its head to suck your blood, to suffocate it, then whatever similar comes to mind.

I will give a tidbit of a quote from THE Creator from Job 38 and say that He is who I serve. All. day. long. Because without Him I am lost; too easily would it be to become like the waves of the sea; or destined to follow after the latest “thing”. No, I need my Savior, my King, my only King.

Job 38: 1-18
And Jehovah answereth Job out of the whirlwind, and saith: –

2 Who [is] this – darkening counsel, By words without knowledge?

3 Gird, I pray thee, as a man, thy loins, And I ask thee, and cause thou Me to know.

4 Where wast thou when I founded earth? Declare, if thou hast known understanding.

5 Who placed its measures – if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched out upon it a line?

6 On what have its sockets been sunk? Or who hath cast its corner-stone?

7 In the singing together of stars of morning, And all sons of God shout for joy,

8 And He shutteth up with doors the sea, In its coming forth, from the womb it goeth out.

9 In My making a cloud its clothing, And thick darkness its swaddling band,

10 And I measure over it My statute, And place bar and doors,

11 And say, `Hitherto come thou, and add not, And a command is placed On the pride of thy billows.’

12 Hast thou commanded morning since thy days? Causest thou the dawn to know its place?

13 To take hold on the skirts of the earth, And the wicked are shaken out of it,

14 It turneth itself as clay of a seal And they station themselves as clothed.

15 And withheld from the wicked is their light, And the arm lifted up is broken.

16 Hast thou come in to springs of the sea? And in searching the deep Hast thou walked up and down?

17 Revealed to thee were the gates of death? And the gates of death-shade dost thou see?

18 Thou hast understanding, Even unto the broad places of earth! Declare – if thou hast known it all.

I serve as servant a Mighty God. He sets up earthly kingdoms and He, and only He, sets them down again.

Do you think that God looks around this country and is pleased by what He sees? Did He go on vacation?
I don’t like to be so direct, but brother, step away from the world.



Thank you for the question, Ralph. I shared my thoughts and struggles of who to vote for with a friend a few days ago and when I mentioned not voting, she said I must because I am an American. Well, that may be true, but I am a follower of Christ Jesus first and foremost, so if He were to judge me on the choices I make (which He does) I will not vote for either. It may be my right and privilege to vote, but it is my commitment to the Lord God which trumps it all (no pun intended).


so your choice not to vote is great - your right - my question is also about people that post negative things about one side while never commenting on the other side - blessing to you sister for your choice
1 John 4:1– “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
Hebrews 5:14– “But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.”
1 Thessalonians 5:21– “But test everything; hold fast what is good.”
Of course, we should not think that we can discern completely on our own without God, for that would lead down a dangerous road of foolishness and conceit. And Proverbs even says to “trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding…” But through constant fellowship with Jesus, we can then know His voice and have that discernment to know what thoughts are of God or Satan or just our own selves.
This discernment comes from God, James 1:5– “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”


so are you saying God saved Trump for a reason?? I don’t know His plans but I hope we are out of here soon - maybe before the elections :grin: :pray:
The Bible tells us that as soon as Job received the terrible news about losing his children and his wealth. He immediately responded by seeking God in worship saying, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” It’s ok to seek God and cast your care on Him. Sometimes we forget to cast all our cares on Him, and spend more time and effort in worrying than focusing on the peace that comes from resting in God. We should call on God to help me open our mind to understanding through God’s Word and realize that worry not only robs us of our joy and peace in Him, but is rooted in the sin of unbelief. Whenever we are lost, call on God to provide you with understanding that He alone is the One that will replace foolish worries with divine wisdom.


@Rrush Ralph,

The whole thing of phrasing that exploded immediately after the T. thing of God saved him, His hand was on T., etc. does not set well with me. Here’s why.

Everyone who woke up this morning, and even now, does so by God’s pleasure. He literally holds in His hand our breath.

From one news agency, paper, media, Congress et all was the nearly exact same phrase. It did not seem genuine. Staged and preplanned.

Is it true that God gives breath to T. today? Yep.
Is God Devine? Oh, YES.
So, was it Devine power that saved him? Yep.
Do I give any more importance to one person over another? No, in general. I would be lying if I said that my blood family or my Blood in Christ family does not hold more importance. I’m human.
We are told that God is not a respecter of persons - we are all equal.

I agree that worrying isn’t beneficial it only makes wrinkles.

“Whenever we are lost, call on God to provide you with understanding that He alone is the One that will replace foolish worries with divine wisdom.”
Was this a general statement?



Cute. :slight_smile: If not mistaken though is not the lamb with a dragon voice the second beast…after the first beast?

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Hi Raltph. Thanks for your sincere heart and love for our forum family brother. The short answer is this is between you and the Lord.

Romans 14:22 Amplified Bible (AMP)The faith which you have [that gives you freedom of choice], have as your own conviction before God [just keep it between yourself and God, seeking His will]. Happy is he who has no reason to condemn himself for what he approves.

For those who see nefarious connections to Trump, or are just off put by how he is praised by some (as worship or near worship)…

ACTS 12:23
ESV Immediately an angel of the Lord struck him down, because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and breathed his last . NIV Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died.

I have not seen Trump exult himself to ACTS level. But I know a lot of people have issues with that. So if either of the above are concerns and you are ok with not voting…then this is your conviction before Him. Amen.

In addition there is the issue of Trump’s widening on his abortion views. Prior to 2017 his views were as they appear now…more broad than the prolife stance he took during his presidency (some fear if he wins he will outlaw abortion on the entire country–i don’t hold that view). This type of thing might be enough for some to consider not to vote. Because of the abortion stance he takes.

. . . . .

The way I look at it is that we are in a transitory time moving toward a tribulation season. We are likely looking at the generation that will go into the tribulation. That would mean potentially that between now and 2030 likely the church will rapture. At best that gives the current state of affairs 7 years. But if the Lord tarries that long, we have 6 to maybe 7 years yet. Since we do not know exact timings, I keep this as a potential in how I view things.

In addition, based on past performance, I believe we are shown a road map toward Ez 38. I believe this is plain enough to see…but it is not well received. Also, of course it may not be accurate either. But I would say that based on the last 8 years we have been shown Ez 38 and the road map there is right in front of our faces. I understand if most don’t see that. My convictions is that it is clear and present enough to be held accountable to. That is my view.

So I would just see voting to match what paradigm we view today. I do not view today as an age of deception. Although deception has massively increased, I would see God’s kindness outpace it with His revealing things to our age. And that our end game is r e v e a l I n g leading up to the tribulation. To me it is almost as if an angel is flying midheaven telling us that.

So the way I would think upon voting is: a vote for Trump is a vote for Ez 38. Which feels weird…lol. So I tend to break it down. To me it looks like a vote for Trump is a stronger America. A stronger Israel. And in a time of NWO takeover, I would see the world divided by Globalism vs. Nationalism. In that I would vote for Nationalism. NWO takedown. A stronger America saving children from Baphomet.

I do not subscribe to the false light theory as its origins are exulted today from E511 which believe you can lose your salvation and strongly appose pretrib rapture theory. I don’t not believe in a Luciferian Light NWO as I believe this is a man made convention and exultation of non-existent freemasonry literature. Find the physical letter from Pike. There is no letter. We don’t seem to trouble ourselves with such. Its makes too juicy a narrative to put on the shelf.

I believe what we see as false light = age of grace leading Israel to Ez 38 and opportunity to rapture with the church. I believe this is the character of God toward Israel because of coming Ez 38 and tribulation for them. I believe God transcends our political and theological filters we place on everything. So in that sense, I will likely vote for Trump. But I really don’t think it actually matters. If my 1st seal view is correct, Trump will not lose.

. . . .

I would have to say that much of watcher world is looking at many of the same things we are in our forum here. My encouragement would be that if you are a JDF forum member, and supporter of JD, it is probably most conscientious for you to not vote for Trump. Also out of respect to our honor toward JD. I would advocate not voting for Trump. I think there could be a lot of national good (I am in 0 ways concerned with Christian Nationalism…won’t happen in my estimation) to vote for Trump. But because of the convictions we have in our orientation here at JDF, I would advocate with going with conscience. And not voting for Trump.

I hope that helps rather than confuses :slight_smile: Sincerely. Blessings.


No! That is how he sees us-anyone not in ‘the club’. But consider that he is the father of the vaccine, and will go down in history as the covid president who locked down America, advocating masks and the kill shots.
You shall know them by their fruits. :grapes:
Who is worse: the enemy who states he is going to hurt you, or the one who smiles and talks nice but then stabs your back?
No, I was pro Trump, Brother, until he pushed and bragged about the death jab. That clinched it for me. I was gonna put his picture in my home I was so pleased with his stance on just about everything.
Ralph we are all on different levels (no-I am not implying I am at a higher). Only God has the bird’s eye view.
I know we have been counseled wisely by our teachers to vote for the one who best supports Christian, Biblical values; like same sex marriage and protecting the innocents in the womb.

“Who have I in heaven but you?
And there is none I desire on earth but you.”
Juan O Savin, a figurehead of the maga movement, says they (he and the ‘white hats’) are trying to usher in a 1000 year glorious kingdom.
Interesting that the New Age theosophists have a similar belief.
Jesus is coming back to earth (after the Rapture & Judgment)-and He is not coming back to open, loving arms!
There will be no good kingdom until the King of kings comes for His 1000 year reign!

No, Bro. I am a born-again Christian, saved in spite of my filthy rags.
I am Canadian, so I am not eligible to vote. :canada:
Not affiliated with any party except the one we will all be enjoying soon at His appearing! :tada: :partying_face:
Yeah, I was into Q, the WWG1WGA. All that good stuff, the retribution, vengeance and restoration of all things.
It was all a ruse, man. Look at Jan.6: He said I will stay with you, then his limo whisked him away, leaving the peaceful patriot protesters to fend for themselves in the net set by the bad guys.
Please forgive the lengthy reply.
Grace and peace to you.
If you at one time have realized that you are a sinner, and trusted in Jesus Christ as your Savior, my friend and brother, we are family, you and I.
And that is what really counts in this ‘mixed up, mumbled up, shook up world’ [except my Lo-la…La-la-la-la Lo-La) :notes:.
p.s. Listen to our Pastor JD, especially the BPU’s-he really knows what he is talking about.


Remember Robbie lives in Canada :wink:


Can I just say “ I’ll second that!” God bless you, Carol Ann. This is the only place where I can come these days and feel like I belong! Thank you. . . Thank all of my sisters and brothers here. Much love in Christ Jesus!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart::hugs:


Thanks for such detail Robbie. I’m not sure i knew these things about you. There are some aspects to Qanon i look at. I look at all sides (of which the church’s concern is but a pie slice). I’ve never heard Trump say “I will stay with you.” Do you have a reference for that?

I understand how the vax thing would gross you out about Trump. America has become barbie and ken puppet heads for politics. Its pretty sad. Its like armchair quarterbacks for politics as we vicariously politically live through leaders. An0maly cracks me up about all that stuff. N E Wayz…love ya bro…blessings.


sorry Teren…I viewed this on an expose video a couple of weeks ago. Basically, he said he would march to the Capitol with them. Then they marched and he ‘got out of Dodge.’
It is very interesting that this Jan 6 is a highly sensitive, censored topic-don’t you think?
But don’t worry guys…white hats in control! Our #45 is playing 5D chess, and is 6 moves ahead! It’s all part of the plan. Trust the plan. WWG1WGA. :crazy_face: Same rhetoric ad nauseam. :face_vomiting:
With the explosion of information available today via internet, the enemy had to flood the waters with lies, misinfo and disinfo.
But we have the mind of Christ.
ps oh yeah, it was from “Richie from Boston”, whom I seldom watch anymore. God bless him.


Thanks - but you kept talking about trump … trump. Trump - but no one seems to talk about Biden / Harris and the evil they have brought about??? Why … why is every thing about trump - how about the Christian lady praying in front of the abortion place and has received 2 years in prison ??? Or the other evils going on with the border debacle ?? Why is trump coming up and not the evil we have seen the past 31/2 years??


@Rrush Ralph,

I gave a short quote illustrating Almighty God’s sovereignship, and you referred to Job’s obedience. One is not equal to the other.

Then you directly went to worrying. Why? Casting my cares on Him. Worry is rooted in sin of unbelief, you said. That I am lost. The implication is just that, that you are stating that I am lost, an unsaved soul. I am an unsaved soul because I “worry”. I should call upon the Lord to replace my foolish worry with Devine wisdom?

Did I get all of that right, Ralph? If I did, can you explain to me how you reached this conclusion? I didn’t speak or imply to worry.

To address your concerns about the comments focused on T. and not B & H, I am only able to speak for myself.

You limited evil to the past 3 1/2 years. If you want to address evil since Christ’s crucification, then it’s closer to 2,000 years. Did any of us have any capabilities to rectify the evil done before our birth? Were we with actionable force able to do lasting correction in our first eighteen years? Did we live in this world witnessing the evil before we even understood it?

But once we turned eighteen; however, what we do, how we engage with the debauchery of the prince of this world, through politics, then our attention to it will do what the generations before us failed at. :thinking:
Pick any excuse/claim that you want…the what ifs, but ifs. There is a good chance that they were thought of 2,000 years ago, too. As Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun.

Will it suffice for you to know that I find evil on all sides? What does concern me is people, possibly Born-again believers, trusting in man and setting him up on a pillar for worship. They need the warning. I don’t know of any saved that stands with the other party, as a rule.
So you know, Ralph, my soul is sealed and I have the Comforter within me.



I totally love you brother Ralph and i will comment shortly. I truly love your spirit brother. :heart: this is awesome.