July 14, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – A Thief In The Night

Thanks brother, I would rather go fly-fishing where I know that I would have a good catch.
All of this “Stuff” has been around for a long time, just the names and faces change.
You can find thousands commenting on the same thing adding their own twist.
I’ll stick with the Word of God in context.
That is worth my time.


Thanks for that brother. I understand what you are saying. My actual take on Trump now, although in my understanding makes holistic sense, is perhaps worse for some than those pastors that practically see him coming as the second coming. I must admit in my view by nature does go strongly against the grain of much controversy over the man. But I do look for a smoking gun. I realize many here can see it in vax. Or some other details as well. But because of this subtle higher crimes and mistomeaners about the man I contrast that with what I percieve to be his potential utility. And that becomes a far bigger hurdle to offset or cast enough doubt on in how I am processing. So just to let you know. At the end of the day, my view about Trump is far more about the apparent utility of use of him. At this point (and of course I could change with reason) I don’t see enough high end contraband against the main to eliminate his potential utility. I understand your sense of his utility would perhaps be very different.

So in those ways, what I would deem higher court filters, only marching to the capital and doing what he did after would not in my preview qualify as vacating America. Although it is totally understandable why it would look like that.

I don’t really filter the value of something related possibly to Trump through Qanon, or the news, or the church views. My schematic is 2 fold: Its context in the greater American Globalist vs. Nationalist quagmire and Israel. I believe An0maly is correct to see most Baby Boomers fawn over Trump to outsource their own political sense vicareously. For that is a real and sad phenomenon. But to me this is 1 artifcat in a very large pool. Regardless of the size, what looks like a Fed trap pales in consideration to a larger landscape overview to me.

I am not saying if Trump were the super hero the cheap date boomers fawn over him with he should have gone against the grain and defended those caught in a Fed trap. It looks cheesy and measly for Trump not to defend those invited much much better. Amen. I don’t make excuses for him. Rather I would surmise that under a rubric of i’m not sure in this country is self aware enough to know how we far down the Mafia owned rabbit hole we are actually in. How deep fried the country already is owned. It would be sad if the answer were a Trump or any person super hero move. But that seems to be our go to reference on either side.

I believe the reciprocal echo mirror impression is far more about a countries will because that is what the country, nationalism, and the constitution is about. We have gotten so far up the reality TV show flag pole, I don’t think understanding the deeper value of a government for the people by the people is something the country can be brave enough to even consider it is actually about. The social and political identity of the country is let the super heros save us. We suck. In this we are lost. Without hope. For sure.

That is why I believe the real game is the only game in town. America realizes what it is or it loses what it is. Pretty simple. We are very close to losing it. If we have not already. On top of that is the layer of church motif of not letting this world be our home. A true spiritual principle, amen. But its utility in the current order of affairs erodes the core essence of for the people by the people caring to prove out we get our rights from God not government. I think making that claim is an end time feature along side with also realize increasingly what time it is. I don’t believe in this country we should trade for the people by the people for this world is not our home…please someone just take it. I don’t believe the way this calibrates today is accurate for the simple reason that a more powerful America provides Israel more power. And if they get that it will likely remind them of God’s organic Old testament promises to them. Affording “some” to rapture with the church. So in that sense a vote for America and nationalism (not Christian Nationalism) in my view, is a vote for the heart of God in actually wow sharing in providing Israel a promise opt from God to rapture with the church. And in this way not a temporary notion to hold down the fort for reason.

But if the above is true on any level it might seem to be helpful how this removes itself from the Q view, the church view, the political view, whatever. To me brother, the potential of that being right seems most sober minded. I know we will differ. But that is kind of where I land the plane for now. It could change. I am here so that it might because the stakes are high and the passion is hot at JDF for optimimum conversion TCC opportunity. Guess will see. But until then I just wanted to offer at this point what might make sense in the sense of the thick cloud of supposed witness I would use. The hurdle to overcome that would have to transcend quite a bit to out pace that current trajectory I am on. But maybe Trump is saved from assissination and is taken out by a one too many big Macs. In the age of irony it could be just one big mac away from throwing my said cloud of witness into the camp fire like a hotdog aroasitng (funny the word there the forum would not allow me to use…lol). Blessings.

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Ok Raltph well the simple answer is because Trump seems to be an issue up in here…lol. I agree with you brother. With friends I don’t talk all that much about Trump. In terms of politics its more about how social media sees things. The level of evil the country is under. Stuff like that. Trump yeah because of the assassination thing.

But border issue, drugs, baphomet child sexual reengineering etc…pretty sick world to be in right now for sure. I am of the camp of go against evil and save what we can of the country. Amen. That I am in favor of and support that view. I concur with your concern. I am far much more for saving America by voting or helping than letting It go to waist. I think that is the very respectable position regardless what others put on it. Its just the right thing to do. Amen.

What has seemed to occur though Ralph is ideology got in our henhouse and she is quite the fox. So things have gotten platitude oriented like. Our views vs their views. Our ideology verses deception. Etc. I do have a measure of empathy though for it because it does seem like we all landed in one big fat episode of Green Acres meets the Zobie Apoclopyse with a side of Ideocracy to boot. The way I kind of see it is America (because I live here) has a mental disoder. But we all kind of have it to one degree or another. I term this the Laodicean effect in a Laodicean era. But I don’t say that to look upon it with pride. For I am a part of it. We all are i believe. I just think that acceptance is the first step in recovery. The more we can be empathetic to this era we are in, the more we might be able to work together in love.

So yeah I think you are correct in your passions brother. There is a lot of cleaning up to do in the country. In some ways I am almost a Dr. Shivah-ian. Let’s start a grass roots movement and take out the bad actor surplus over time. I don’t think we have all that much time. But my heart is far more in that space than in feeding the country to a meat grinder. Which is what will happen if we do nothing or swayed away from caring, I believe. That is my conviction.

So on that note I agree with you. But on some levels I would agree with this is not our home in that what I believe will occur in this country has far more to do with God than good faith history we can lay forward and build back better like. Ralph you have a precious heart for these concerns. Bless your soul for being you and having this honest sincere concerns. I agree with you conviction here. But this will not be the consensus here. The direction here is an eye toward all the deception. I think that can be helpful in ways. But I don’t agree with that approach. But that is the consensus direction here. And ideology that transcends the evils of the last 3.5 years in a way.

On a lighter note, I have seen a lot of good faith ministry on a local level like gospel outreach and helping women being trafficked (remember the JD interview with that lady from another country helping trafficked women?). And ministries to Israel. And ministries to the disadvantages in the Hawaiin fire. Pastor JD church is involved in many very God honoring changes. Amen. Political change unfortunately is not a focus item in this forum perspective in general. Although Pastor JD does have his friend Bud who is far more interested to helping a disadvantaged country come out from under Mafia takeover. I am blessed that Pastor JD has friends like this that even speak into his life.

But pound for pound Ralph this forum consensus is not a long the lines of a nation to repair. In general from what I understand it is a different perspective. But brother as the Lord leads. Don’t let that stop you. But please don’t let what I say or others quiet your genuine spirit. Be who you are in Him for His glory. And engage here in this as you see fit in Him dear brother. I hear your heart. Blessings.


TCC- thank you for your imput - maybe I’m just tired - my little mountain village has been burned this summer -over 1500 homes lost and some businesses - and then the floods started from the burn runoff - another 700 homes lost to floods and many businesses - at 77 i still run my little business but no business or customers this summer - the race track here that brings summer tourists to town has closed due to extensive flooding and they say it will take 2 to 4 years for the flooding to stop due the two big burn areas here. Thank the Lord that only 3 lives were lost - many have lost everything so I feel very blessed that we still have our home - many years ago I almost lost my life while doing missionary work in Mexico due to the drug cartels - with the open border I see this evil spreading here - I trust the Lord and pray for OUR BLESSED HOPE to return for us - to GOD be the glory for ever again thank you for your thoughtful imput and please pray for the prayer lady going to jail -MARANATHA


Oh dear brother. Thank you for sharing your story. My heart is reaching out to yours. I’ve not time to say more at the moment, but I’ll come back to offer more later. For now, sending up a prayer for you, and your hurting community. . . And, yes, I’ve been heartbroken, too, for the prayer ladies. Angry about all of that . . . Evil is good and good is evil just as we were told it would be. It is so very hard to watch it all unfold. :pray::two_hearts:



A quick note to perhaps perk your heart’s ears up.
Do you still have a heart for missionary work? The devastation that has happened in your small mountain town has turned it into maybe an opportunity for you to enter again into a missionary work?
Your business is closed because of the tragedy leaving that time normally taken to do your business as free time. I don’t know how small or large of a business your’s is or what type of business it is. You certainly have no reason to say here, I will not ask you that. Is there anything connected with the business that God could see useful in reaching out to the people of your town?

I encourage you to pray to God and ask Him if there is anything that He would be asking of you at this time in your place.



Currently working on operation Christmas child and have bible study this afternoon - sand bags to help people with flooding and always available to help and also spread the good new of JESUS - drove around flooded areas this morning and my old house near the river had floated off and was demolished - glad I moved 22 years ago :sweat_smile: :+1: so many of my friends are hurting and have lost everything we are helping, at my church, people with clean up and shoveling mud out of their houses but I fear more flooding MARANATHA


Simply wonderful, Ralph. :blush:
At 77, it’s not as easy as it once was, but all the more rewarding, I’m sure. What an opportunity! God knew you would have need of a higher elevation.:slightly_smiling_face:
God bless your work and the work of your church.


also i have helpers :grin:ie granddaughters :+1: and we are teaching them about Jesus!


Awe Ralph, :smiling_face:
Grandma smiles.

Out of the mouth of babes. They are beautiful. They are also brutally honest. :slightly_smiling_face:

I am sure you know of Jesus both blessing children and putting a child on to his lap to illustrate that you need the trust of a child’s to give God. Trust in His Son.

May God keep and bless them. Bless your work.


All I will say is WATCH and see what happens these next few months and ask the Holy Spirit to explain it all.




Erdoğan wants to be the Ottoman Sultan
The subtitles in the video are not a complete direct translation.

Everyone’s homework assignment: Google Translate the name on the ship - Fatih

Directorate of Communications releases “Red Apple” anthem to mark the 949th anniversary of the Victory of Manzikert

Director of Communications Fahrettin Altun shared the “Red Apple” anthem on his Twitter account by saying, “For us, the Red Apple means great and strong Turkey.
It is the sacred march of our nation that made history from Manzikert to July 15. The Red Apple is a great plane tree that provides shade for the downtrodden to refresh.
The Red Apple is what the entire humanity has longed for from Gibraltar to Hedjaz and from the Balkans to Asia.

The video of the Red Apple anthem emphasizes that the same spirit prevailed from the Victory of Manzikert in 1071 to the foundation of the Ottoman Empire, from the Conquest of Istanbul to the Battle of Çanakkale and the War of Independence, and from the Epic of July 15 to the current day.

The video also includes the recital by President Erdoğan of the first verses of Surah al-Fath.

  1. Innaa fatahnaa laka Fatham Mubeenaa
    Verily We have opened for you a clear opening
  2. Wa yansurakal laahu nasran 'azeezaa
    And may Allah give you a mighty victory

Sometimes makes me wonder if the great far north is Turkey. Gog.

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They say he shot eight times. They are showing it in a way that the first bullet struck T.

T. gets behind the podium and secret service gets on top of him. Rhetorical question: why would the shooter continue to shoot laterally instead of more downward to where the pile of men were? :thinking:


Erdogan wants Türkiye to become a military superpower.
[Mavi Vatan] is the excuse for the Mediterranean claims for waters between Türkiye and Libya.

The Blue Homeland is, as the name suggests, a Homeland. It is above politics. It is sacred.

“Those who think the Blue Homeland is a fairy tale are ignoring historical and geographical facts. It should not be forgotten that our sovereignty in the Eastern Mediterranean is based on solid foundations.”


Both Türkiye and Ukraine want U.S. F-16s.

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Those who cling to Islamic AC theory thinks Erdogan maybe the one.

The Turkish president, who celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Republic on October 29, is reviving sultans and strongmen, while relying on a dramatization of the national narrative. He aligns characters and events with his ideological vision in a neo-Ottoman-inspired bid for renaissance. (2023 year).

Looks like our God restraineth him from fulflling his dream. Lets see if he will aid Iran this time.

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Call me Thomas. I want to see the gun and the micrograph striations from the ballistics results. I also want to see the locations and micrographs of all the bullets recovered from the scene of the shooting. This includes any bullets removed from the three victims.

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I personally believe the antiChrist will arise from Khazakstan.

Erdoğan prefers to buy missiles from China for his NATO jets.
Surprise, surprise, surprise.