July 16, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update – Calm Down, Look Up

It would appear IT for the company running the software for the forum perhaps (Perhaps) were re-coding for the overall aesthetic design of the forum. I just noticed a different drop down menu (for me) on the forum now. At least we know it wasn’t intentional that there was an error (as in someone upset enough people-in-power that they deleted the forum…which I had thought due to public in-fighting).

At least it’s back up and while changed here and there, it’s still a place for followers in Christ to come and gain perspective or build up their character and hope with the Word of God along with fellow brethren. Hoping this doesn’t happen again whilst we wait. But perhaps it happened to help teach people along their walk not to rely on the forum but on the LORD to get them through? Who knows?


I understand that the war we fight is spiritual but, the manifestations are often worldly. Regardless of who is involved in the movie the fact that human trafficking is a serious problem in the world is undeniable. Now I have yet to see the movie to see if it has things that raise flags in it. I hope that maybe soon I can view it. What I can tell you is there are men, strong violent men who work around the world fighting this very thing. It is way more active than most people think. It is sad it got so much airplay under the QAnon folks because that just detracts from the seriousness of the problem.

What we need to remember is that this movie is not on par with say the TV series The Chosen. That is a story on the life of Jesus and thus makes it spiritual by nature. Sounds of Freedom is a worldly movie about a worldly problem that has gone on for all to long and damaged kids from all over the world from near new borns to mid teens and later.

A lot of the poeple you referenced here probably have no idea of the trauma these poor trafficked people have been through, how many years it may take to overcome the affects of that trauma.

Human trafficking is very real and is probably happening right under many of our noses. It has happened for centuries and will continue to happen yet men, warriors with decent hearts and moral compasses pointed in the right direction are putting their own lives at risk to rescue, these children where ever and when ever they can. They know they can’t rescue them all. Yet for the ones they do rescue they got the extra miles to get them medical attention for physical injuries as well as counseling and often homes where they are adopted by caring families to see them through the emotional trauma as well.

The point of this movie is not about the Gospel. It was never meant to be. It is only about shining light on the evil that allows, nay promotes the abuse these children go through as it has been hidden for way to long. One such group working in SE Asia but primarily in war torn Burma call themselves “Free Burma Rangers.” Among them are men well trained in the arts of war and fighting and are capable of all manner of inflicting pain and death but only as much as is necessary to recover the innocents caught up as pawns in human trafficking.

I appreciate when people dig into information about others to learn if they are on the level or hiding some agenda. Yet not every one who does not claim the title Christian is evil. The are sinful and failing to receive the gift of salvation will like all others suffer eternity separated from Jesus but the work they do here and now benefits many who live the life of a trafficked human being. And just because someone is new age or a Buddhist is separate from what they are doing to protect the weak who cannot stand for themselves. We know that God works through anyone to accomplish His plans. That means he even works through the unsaved to protect others.

If we look at Luke 9:49-50 and Mark 9:38-40 we see John complaining about others casting out demons in Jesus’ name. Jesus rebukes him saying, “for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. For he that is not against us is on our part.” Or more to the point the blind man from birth who was given sight. When asked if it was him or his parents that sinned Jesus told them neither but that the glory of God may be reveiled through him. God’s plans are way above anything we can imagine and at times he will use people that we may think less of because they don’t fit what we think a good Christian person should look like. So who among us can say this movie is bad because this Shurka guy is a new ager. How do we know that it is not part of God’s plan that he be involved to show him the need he has for Jesus?

It would probably be a better idea not to attack the movie because of who is involved but to see it for what it is trying to tell us, there are some very bad people in this world who like their god have no love for anyone but themselves that they would stoop so low as to capture little children and use them like slaves, pieces of meat, a means to make a buck. Children who have no understanding of what the world is like yet but thrust into the most vile parts of it and never allowed to have a real childhood, grow up and develop as we were meant to do.

So someone we would likely keep at arms length because of their beliefs is involved. Who among us know the mind of God so well that we can say God’s hand could not be possibly involved with a good reason? I dare say none of us.

If I sound passionate about this, I am guilty of it unashamedly. I know some of these people who put their lives at risk doing the dangerous and ugly work of tracking down traffickers, rescuing the trafficked and working with them to recover some sort or normalcy in their lives both physically and emotionally.


Interesting choice of words. If the a/c is not revealed until after the rapture then this begs the question as to why it is in a thread that says to calm down. It is not something that Christians will have to deal with. Besides it is not like Police in Japan are not already very alert and very astute at gaging people they see even long before technology has gotten this far. As for their laws while somewhat different yet still harsher than those in the US they are still restricted to arrest after a crime not before. Doesn’t mean they can’t pull you in any time they suspect you may be up to no good because they can and worse there is no concept of police brutality in Japan. That simply means there are no restrictions oh how they treat people they are suspicious of. On the other hand they are among some of the most polite people you will meet in a police uniform. Like the old days of the US when you could count on a police officer in times of distress and expect them to help that still goes to this day in Japan.

Besides the whole concept of precognition relies on seeing the future which no one on earth can unless give a vision by God but even then it is usually limited to a specific time and purpose like what John witnessed on the island of Patmos.

But what is more important is addressing this thread about remaining calm with eye catching headlines seems to defeat the purpose. Since we are already aware or should be that journalism even in foreign lands where you actually get real stories with real facts is not opposed to using sensationalism to garner a growing readership or following. Like wise articles are often times written in a way that sensationalizes the subject to raise fear levels in readers which we know is a common practice in the US as many in government attempt to lockstep its citizens into view itself as savior of the country. That being said, the very concept of being able to determine with precise knowledge the actions of someone by what their facial expressions appear to be, how they are moving, walking, etc is a pipe dream even with AI. Remember AI was created by man hence it is automatically flawed to the many idiosecrencies that we all have, in short not perfect. But most importantly it is something that is not likely to affect any of us here anyway unless we are some kind of well known celebrity under the close scrutiny of the world.

But the point is accepted that such technology is likely to come into play in the not too distant future. Whether it controlled by demons or just capable of educating itself to such levels is yet to be seen. I think going with the thread title and calming down is a far better practice than getting wrapped around the axel with every new bit of technology that shows up. If we only knew how much technology is already out there that we never hear about we would all be wrecks. Thankfully so much of it remains hidden for the majority of the world.


Some good thoughts Jon. Apologies to the forum would not have weight or much merit if in-fighting ends up in forum closure. That apology would not be met. I am so grateful this hopefully was not the reason. The forum has been so utterly gracious and kind. A lot of us know what this forum has been through (the wild west). And it is a very unique place indeed. Very blessed. So yeah, sorry you guys for how i got a bit too involved in debate issue overture. In the event I let TWI know I was sorry for letting argument get the best of me. I believe it was in good taste and for good cause. But still…kinda tantrum like. So I just want to say sorry and I will be more in a practice of prayer attitude when engaging further. So really touched and bless our forum is up. I love you guys JDF family. Blessings.


I want to check this out.

I don’t have time right now and appreciate @dlcv in bringing focus to this. In fact one of the main reasons I am on this forum is i am really honestly interested in the Luciferian Light perspective as being part of the end times. I have a very different view…but am very open to learn what i don’t know…although many of you know i have my very strong conviction otherwise. I also like Mike with OnPointPrep. Even though i don’t see things the same way (post trib rapture +) I love his ministry. I am incredibly adverse to its findings. But like a lot the things Mike looks at and have since 2017. So i definately want to check this video out.

On the outset…wow…Jack so always great to see you. And super thanks for this post. I 100% agree and concur. Although i do want to check out the video and perhaps weigh in after a bit. But so encouraged you bring this conviction to the forum brother. Very blessed. Very touched. I would say if things go Luciferian Light those that are saved are raptured and the rest of the world will be here anyway. So good to be aware of Luciferian Light to warn others…but i don’t think we should be warning people away from issues that effect so many like child trafficking. Because of Qanon its the perfect cover to poo poo. Which would be antithetical to church character. Imagine just like saying…yeah child trafficking whatever. Let the dead bury their own dead. In end times…Christians caring about trafficked hindu, catholic, muslim whatever children would be close to Christs heart. And Lucifer can eat his heart out over it. I would just never hope Christianity gets that far off the rails over end time trojectory. What is real is real. Kids getting trafficked. One of the biggest industries worldwide. Because yeah its end times.

I so want to check out Dennis’ video because i believe those with concerns on Luciferian Light issues have heart and there are things to consider. I tend to side away from that view for reasons like this where we might be going after ideoogy and our focus numbed a bit to some extent against real tragedy (i was hungr, i was thirsty…). Blessings.


I saw the Sound of Freedom today…and as you stated, these innocents are deceived by being told their child has talent and is going to be in a show. (That’s the premise of this movie) one the parent drops off the child to a persuasive leader, they are taken once the parent is gone. Child abduction and trafficking has risen ove 5,000 percent in the last few years. America is one of the most lucrative destinations for the victims. Basically it’s slavery we read about from the 1700’s on steroids. Basically there are more slaves now by a wide margin than in 1700’s, mostly children. The movie ends with commentary stating that they wanted people to be more aware to the problem and make a difference. As a side note…the move is a true story, and was filmed over 5 years ago :flushed:
Glad the server is back up and running again :clap:t2:


Yeah I am still here just dealing with life troubles for now while the weather is in my favor. That is downsizing the empty nest getting ready to possibly make a major move should Jesus tarry for a time more.

While I am happy to see the movie come out I am saddened that a sin such as this being brought out into the open would be attacked because one man is a new ager. In my view that is the enemy attacking what God planned for good. The mere fact that it has taken five years is evident that the enemy does not want this part of human history out there for all to see because then it makes it harder for him to get away with it.

It is not unlike other things that we these days both inside and outside the church. It goes back to when JD did his Sept. update on deception. The example he chose sent so many people reeling because it cut across their preconceived ideas about what happened and how. They got so wrapped up in that, they missed JD’s point about deception. Heck even one of the more favorite pastors that many here follow lashed out publiclly attacking JD. You would think a pastor who seems bright enough to discern things would be able to tell the difference between the point of the update and the example used. But no he did not and made a public sceptical of himself. It just goes to show you that none of us are immune from our smaller petty beliefs.

The attack on the movie based on one man is just another example where we have a tree full of fruit but because we found one with a blemish we say the whole tree is worthless. We miss all the good fruit their still is. Such narrow mindedness causes more harm than good.


I am just praying that God in His wisdom hold the forum together. In my limited wisdom I see the value it has for brothers and sisters to come together when things are difficult and to help each other through such times. As much as we talk about relying on the Lord if we really are at times often He works through us all for each other. It is a sad part of our human nature that we tend to view more with our physical eyes than our spiritual ones and as such we often miss that still small voice. The Lord knows us so in spite of the enemy attacks allows for places like this where we can come and some times just dump our troubles out to get them off our chest. That way we can see with our physical eyes the responses of support and encouragement. Where as with our spiritual eyes many things happen behind the seen and we like Thomas won’t trust till we see it played out. But ever Gracious as Jesus was, he allowed Thomas the opportunity to not only see but to touch, two sensory perceptions from which he could put his trust in Jesus as being the resurrected Messiah.

For that reason we the many Thomas’ of the world need to see and touch each other to know we are all here for each other.


I don’t know when I will see it. It may take weeks, months even but I hope to. I particularly like the main character’s actor. He was a main actor in a TV series that I was fond of while it was still on called Person of Interest. I liked his character there and part of the story line where he was pulled up out of the sewers as a homeless vet and set on a course of helping people in need. I also enjoyed some the insights to possible comming technnology when it came out. I felt then like other predictive programming we have seen it was warning us. But the character Jim Caviezel played in Person of Interest was not all that different than the one he played in Sound of Freedom. The underlying theme to both was a man of capability changes from what they are and do to one who goes about attempting to take care of and protect others from harm and evil.

Like I said the movie hit home personally for me as I know people who do that very work. Fortunately I don’t know much of what they see when they do it but often get to see those they have rescued and helped through the trauma. I thank God for such people.


It was my father’s favorite. He whistled it everywhere he went. One of my favorite memories is of standing next to my father and singing this as my husband and I dedicated our first born son at a Mother’s Day church service. Thought you might enjoy reading the story behind the song. A comfort to so many . . . May it be a comfort to all of us now as we wait for our “But God” moments and the return of our bridegroom to carry us away . . .


I’ve enjoyed you posts in the past Jack. But you are brining some extra beautiful spirit with you brother :slight_smile:

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I’m going tomorrow. I don’t normally go to the theater. Its been at least a year.


Be careful as it can get to you what you may see especially if your mind wonders past what is visible into what is possible. It may have a bad affect on you.


I’m trying to honestly think like what it would take for me to go with a sincere orientation toward the Luciferian Light perspective. To be honest, I’m not sure what that might be at this point. But it is something i am honestly considering. Because, for me, we are heading into the arena where this framing will liely increasingly become an issue.

I won’t get into specifics because I’m wanting to adress the social artifact of the of the movie Sound of Freedom more than my 1st seal take. But my first seal take hinges on the Luciferian Light premise…but rather differently.

I believe the church is here for that because of israel. Although i can’t say what sort of thing might sway me over to the Luciferian Light view side (which i am open to), I bellieve the tension demonstrates something slightly different. Although I would say that that since my view on this hinges on the 1st seal, being a seal (something the world has never seen before), the exact nature of that leading into the tribulation admittadly has charactoristics about it being that that could suggest a false world championing granted. Perhaps it might strike Israel as their time, like they thought it would be in the time they thought Christ would give them their kingdom on earth. Or it might be a mirror of the church believing a similar thing for them. Or maybe both.

What I would share about my view in light and highlighting this film (and in hopes to best be under the banner too of Calm Down) is that while it follows Mike’s (OnPointPrep) view of rebellion, it also follows my viiew of representation. In Mikes view its likely a rebellion that brings on the Albert Pike motif of a world that evolves into its next stage of man worshipping Satan as an angel of light (which is not an actual literal view of Pikes…the dream letter does not exist). But beyond that I guess I try to come from a bit more axiomatic sense of God’s character toward Israel in this…since they are the ones to remain…and to be His focus.

The reason I agree with Jack about God using non-Christians to do good is kind of two fold. 1) Cyrus named God’s Shephard. And 2) While we are concerned with presumed righteousness from moral code and new age, I could also see this too as a rebuke to the church. In the movie case, like maybe it would have been good for the church to have been more involved in a ministry of antitrafficking more so kind of thing. But even beyond that, in the good Character of God too, not maybe so much a rebuke as an empathy…knowing our weaknesses. And where they maybe…but God.

For the first 700 years and up to the time of reformation the first seal was seen as good. I don’t consider it good for that reason. The church could have been wrong all that time. Like i believe the animals in Daniels vision were near term fulfillments theologians believed sealed the prophecy for them in ancient nations. But we are never told who they animals really are. To me, it suggests end time nations as well. So this is an example of where i would not agree with ancient theologians. Nor do i agree with the ancient church view as to why the 1st seal is good. In my estimation it might have quite a bit of sarcasm with it. But nevertheless…it would make great sense to provvide opportunity for some of Israel to rapture with the church.

When we look at where the NWO is going we think of it in terms of the tribulation beast system forming. When i look at the NWO i see a team in trouble and will fall. To be revived in the 3rd seal likely. So this rebellion Mikes seas to me makes sense if the harlot that rides the beast comes at the beginning. but to me chapters 17 and 18 in Rev are there for a reason. They are in the second half section of the tribulation. However this could be because of where she is destroyed. But she does last till the end. I don’t see evidence of her necessary rise in the seals though. It could be. Like seal 5, but that is just before seal 6…not at the beginning. I just would not make a complete doctrine on it since it is not clearly stated when the harlot appears exactly…unless someone has an idea. But moreorver, “the calm Down” part is i don’t think the Sound of Freedom leads to rebellion. I think it leads to conquer. Two very different themes. But like i said, its good to keep our ears to the ground spiritually. For whatever happens, its rather sideways. Blessings.

Shock…earthquake in Johannesburg CBD…close to me…


Let me preface by saying that all credit is to Mike @ On Point and Brian @ HealthImpactNews for doing all the hard work in research and presenting it to us. I am just posting this to warn Christians of possible deception from this movie.

I agree with Jack totally that human trafficking is evil and is sin, no doubt about that.

I think both guys were pointing out something ain’t right/fishy about the movie, the Angel (Moroni) studio who bought the movie rights, actors conviction and ecumenism seen.
I apologize if I have offended some readers here. I want to be more careful of such deception which Jesus has warned us 2000 years ago.

I leave it to Christians to discern and check it out using Scripture at all times, I seen Hollywood movies never portray bible stuff accurately and that’s why I am on guard.


One of my favorite scriptures for times like these. Its like going to the well and drawing up more of the true water.



Agreed, I am glad they exposed more of this satanic ungodliness and I believe they would not have been allowed to tell the world more. But I am very concerned that there in more behind this than we know. I guess its hard to see anything good coming out of Hollywood anymore.

Its kind of like the Left Behind series I wonder who’s side the movie is on. I listened to the main actor and He gave the impression it could be 10 or more years down the road before rapture without any reason. It seemed like it was just another movie made and not a warning to him. But in the end when folks see the Rapture Event many will understand.

Either way let Elohim use it in His way for ABBAs glory. Amen!
