July 18, 2021 – Hebrews 6:1-6 - Keep Moving Forward

Lovely version, have shared to uplift others - thank you for sharing :grinning: @wren


You might find me saying ‘I’m sorry’ a lot in many of my writings. I am Canadian and I think that phrase is born into Canadians. It seems we are known for it or so I have heard. Hee hee.
Thanks for your kind words. Blessings.


I hear what you are saying Ed. There are some passages I am still looking at further where there does appear to be concerns. There are passages I have noticed that deserve more focus yet. But in general one of the things I discovered over the decades was that I was in a church that not only taught Lordship Salvation, but actually headlined it. I had no idea that sort of thing was going on in the church at large arena. People use to make fun of my Ryrie study bible (Ryrie apparently was what was known as the free grace movement–I had no idea years back). I liked that study bible because it had limited notes and ordered pagination structure really nicely for the word to be the center piece (which I did not see with any other study bible really).

One thing I guess I don’t recall hearing all that much about over the years was the bible’s teaching on the bema seat rewards. As I was part of a Lordship Salvation church, rewards were not really a focus at all. It tended to blend justification with sanctification and salvation with discipleship. So rewards were not something I ever came to notice or have mind of much.

As I went through a series Andy Woods did not Lordship Salvation it helped me understand where I was splicing scriptures together where there were differences with varying passages too. Calvinism (although equally a mystery to me–I had no idea I was a Calvinist for years…lol) was rather easier after a time to distinguish differences. But Lordship Salvation was quite a bit more subtle and less easy to distinguish.


One thing that has helped me with some of that is getting a better handle (a bit) on what the word distinguishes as rewards (in contrast to salvation).


As I ponder these things, it reminded me of your analogy. And thinking that as eternity is a very long time, our status there would be our true and everlasting one. As that being an unalterable reality there (at least that we know of), it would appear that what we do in this life will greatly impact how that looks forever…which is pretty major. And like when I was younger I really did not care too much for school and got into a bunch of trouble, and actually got kicked out of high school. Later, my future and stability and things like investments for the future became things of interest.

Thereafter I tended to do a whole lot better in school and work when understanding the value and context of its value. When I first went to Jr. college, my grammar and writing skill was so sad, i was put into the class that taught sentence structure for those who had English as a second language. :crazy_face: In case there is any doubt, born in New Jersey, knowing only English my whole life. And apparently, barely…that…lol. I just thought to share this with you, as it had been my journey and seems to be that there are common trends and themes of this nature throughout the country…in any case. Blessings brother.


A very wise woman told me long ago that our tears are the Holy Spirit touching us in a way only our hearts can understand. I cry all the time, in prayer and in witnessing or just sharing with friends what God is doing in my life. He is never far from you! :heart:


Excuse me for butting in once again but you seem to be failing to realize that the scenario you give is about people ALREADY IN SCHOOL.
In my understanding we are ALREADY in Christ when we first believe.
As to being told about the “job, money, showing up for class etc.” that’s all part of the sanctification process.
Many will lose rewards after they come to Christ because they wouldn’t do much with the most precious gift they have been given. It is on their heads.
The most important thing is GETTING IN, in the first place.
Watch J.D.'s video which is on OSAS. He explains Heb 6 passages beautifully and I for one believe he has been led by the Holy Spirit in this.
If you can’t find it, it is as the beginning of this thread. That is why this thread was created, so we could discuss it.


:raised_hands::heart: thank you

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Please do, this sermon was the reason for my above comments. It is well worth the time to watch.



Hey Dallas… Just wanted to say that he was referencing several other threads going back a few weeks where OSAS has come up a lot… :slight_smile:

So that is where that came from. I no longer remember what threads or could provide links for them.

You are right of course that I only commented in this particular thread since it is about that very topic and the Hebrew 6 reference. :wink:

Been a lot of conversation about this topic before so I will stay out of this one. :wink:



That is such a beautiful thought. And it is comforting/encouraging that my experience in prayer is something that you experience as well. Thank you so much for sharing that with me! :two_hearts:


Jewel - read 1st JOHN 1:9 -

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